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Cerb book club book seclections for December and January.

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Cerb book club book selections

What would you like the third cerb book club book to be? Now is the time that we start thinking about our third book selection. What book would you like to read? Just put the name of the book you want to read along with the author, here on this thread. I will then pick 5 of your selections and place them on a poll on Monday, November 19th, 2012.

The cerb book club is an interactive group who welcomes all cerb members. The cerb book clubs intention is to encourage reading along with encouraging the cerb book club members to read books outside their choice genres. Do not feel pressured into taking part in the book club, if you can't participate this December/January. We all have busy lives at one time or another. There will be many chances to take part in the cerb book club.

I was thinking that we should choose a Christmas book since it this upcoming book will be for December and January. I choose little woman by Louisa May Alcott. I have watched the movie many time but have never read the book. I look forward to seeing what you guys want to read in December and January.

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Guest *ig*a**

Correct me if Iam wrong but Iam noticing an all female author trend?

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Guest ***t***iv***

what about 50 Shades of Grey? I know it's not holiday-oriented, but it fits with the trade lol


I haven't seen this thread before, has 50 Shades already been suggested? :/

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Correct me if Iam wrong but Iam noticing an all female author trend?

Posted via Mobile Device


That's wonderful for female authors. However, the cerb book club is not biased to male authors or certain genres of books. We accept all kind of books even if the book was written by a male, big smile.

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Since the movie is coming out, Life of Pi - Yan Martel



The trailer seems intriguing; apparently director Ang Lee tried very hard to make the movie as true to the book as possible. Looking forward to the movie and yes, the book will be an interesting read as well.

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Hey, Guys. We need one more book for December/January's poll. I decided to change my book from little woman to The last lecture by Randy Pausch. This is a book about what a dying man did to ensure his family was taken care of. A similar book is P.S. I love you by Cecelia Ahern. I watched the movie but never read the book. I might select that for the next cerb book club book. It really puts your life into prospective.

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Guest ***t***iv***

P.S. I Love You is such a great movie, I didn't know there was a book. I imagine it would be quite emotional, but good, to read.

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Guest ***t***iv***

has anyone read Life of Pi? or seen the movie?


I want to watch the movie, mostly to see the animals, not gonna lie :) It's just, the movie's synopsis makes me worry a bit that there's not much to it besides someone being adrift at sea. I have seen movies like that before and there wasn't much substance.


Does anyone know anything more about the plot? Since the book was suggested here, I am hopeful that perhaps there is more to the story than the write up suggests, after all.

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has anyone read Life of Pi? or seen the movie?.

I've seen the movie and am a good way through the book. Both are excellent. And credit to both; the book tells the story and succeeds in ways that only books can, and the movie tells the same story, but succeeds in ways that only movies can.


The movie is, yes, mostly about a boy who ends up adrift at sea in a lifeboat with several animals for company (because the ship they were on was carrying his father's zoo). Soon it's just the boy and a tiger. And yes, there's some dealing with the practical matter of how to survive at sea (with a hungry tiger). But mostly, the story is about:


a) the boy's relationship with the tiger: how the boy first flees from it, then negotiates with it, and then learns to live alongside the tiger as a companion. Note that this kind of evolving relationship with something dangerous is true of many things we encounter in life besides tigers.


b) some marvels they see while adrift. And this is where the movie really excels at doing what movies do best: showing some really beautiful images. There are several shots where the sky and perfectly still water blend seamlessly and the boat seems adrift in a universe of amber, or of pure blackness punctuated with countless stars. There's one scene where Pi, the boy, stares down into the water and (imagines?) he can see all the way down to the distant bottom, where the wreck of their ship lies. Plus, one really astonishing scene with a whale at night, which was tailor made for watching in 3D. :)


Then there's a very smart, key scene at the end that makes you look at the events of the movie in a different light and gives it a new layer of meaning. How you interpret this scene will strongly impact what you carry away from the movie.


So what's the movie really about? Ultimately it's about relationships between people and the people/creatures around them, and with parts of themselves. It's about giving up or carrying on; letting go of things; and being at peace with things, and how we attain that peace through the stories we tell. As the story puts it a couple of times: "this is a story that will make you believe in god." Though even that promise can be interpreted in more than one way.

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