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I believe that every one has their "inner geek" so to speak. whether you love sci-fi or or computers. Lol or like me and absolutely t4589.gif making things sparkly and pretty with emoticons :)


I also like video games. A few weeks ago I was hooked to one called Lollipop chainsaw. It's purposely made to be cheesy. You're character is a cheerleader on her 18th birthday and Zombies have taken over you you're mowing them down with a chainsaw.

Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 has reacently hit my ps3 :) it makes my inner Gamer Geek Happy :D

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I agree 100 percent. Inner Geeks exist in us all! Let 'em out! :)


My geek is pinballing ;) .....

and like Serena....i am an emoticon overloader! :)


Giddy Up ;)

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I wasted much of my youth in pinball arcades. I'm a total science fiction addict. Cut my teeth on reading Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, and classics like A.E. Van Vogt and Philip K. Dick. I've watched Doctor Who almost continuously since the third doctor (Jon Pertwee) but have seen most of the earlier series in various reruns and dvd collections).


Total geek and proud of it.



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I don't really have an inner geek..... i'm already such an outer geek. =P


I love sci-fi, straight-to-tv horror movie and reading. I play video games, read comics, play D&D (and lots of other RPG) and even LARP. Joss Whedon is my master. =D


I even fit the stereotype cause i'm usually quiet, was born with glasses( almost lol) and couldn't get a gf to save my life.

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Not sure what it says about me that both times I've read this thread title I've mistakenly read it as 'Your inner greek'....ha!


I'm not even an 'inner' geek. I'm an all-out geek. I just now asked one of my best friends to come over for a board-game night this weekend. At one point, we'll surely put the board games away and play a bit of DDR. Ahhhh, good times.

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...Inner? ;)


I have been SO GOOD this semester at concentrating on my studies and not staying up all night playing Borderlands 2. I have a stack of games and books waiting for me once I write my last exam...

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I am a geek and i am proud of it

My family comes to me for all their IT needs and home entertainment needs.

And i am a science fiction addict


Not to mention my past addiction to Halo Nd now The World of Tanks online game

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I think everyone knows I'm a geek. I love playing wow. I'm addicted to the pet battles on wow at the moment. I do also like my play station games too.


Two of my favorite play station games are heavenly sword and wet. I think I like these games because the have strong female main characters. I have had both of these pictures as background pictures on my computer at one time or another. For some reason they are so sexy to me.





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World of Warcraft



random online games


Dungeon and Dragon






Also am I the only one that like to watch Draenei porn? So freaking hot!

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World of Warcraft




Also am I the only one that like to watch Draenei porn? So freaking hot!


The fact that I know what your talking about means that I'm a geek. Got it sent to me a long time ago. Too funny. There is a whole website dedicated to wow like porn, lol.



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Ummmm. Yes.


I'm little too old to be a slavish gamer but I keep up with what is happening in that world.


I cut my reading teeth on comics and sci-fi and can converse happily on anything from the original Dr. Who to last week's Walking Dead episode.


Serve as Technical Support for my family, friends and colleagues. In a career where most of my contemporaries have moved into management, I spend most of my day working with computer models and Matlab (however, I still know how to use a slide-rule).


I was a geek before I knew what it was and I will remain a proud geek until they pry my calculator from my cold, dead fingers.

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so the TV was on History yesterday so after watching for a sec, puzzled I ask "Cowboys and Nazis?" my friend replies "Indiana Jones" so Very Pleased I say "OH archaeologists and Nazis, that makes much more sense" :) and watched happily

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I am a proud nerdist. There is a difference between a nerd and a nerdist. A nerd will go to Comic Con in full obscure super hero/villain/anime character drag. A nerdist will go to Comic Con and post pics and vids of the nerds.


OMG, To go to Comic Con would be SO Much fun! I guess it'd be my nerdy lil dream come true


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I am or have been a nerd in all the traditional ways - games, D&D, comics, sci-fi, fantasy, computer programming, etc. Zelda is probably my favorite video game series of all time.


I'm a geek in that I get completely obsessed about a new and interesting subject to the point that I spend all my time learning about it, reading about it, etc. I do this for a while and then move on to the next thing.


At the moment, unfortunately for all of you who have to put up with me spamming the board, it's hobbying.


Before that it was (and still is to some extent) cooking. I can cook some ridiculous stuff. Man, some of the bread I bake is world-rocking. I made my own sourdough culture that I keep in the fridge and feed periodically.


It's been other things too. Sports sometimes...went full-retard on golf for quite a while. Practiced and played CONSTANTLY.


It's completely random too. You never know what's gonna strike my fancy. Drives people around me nuts until I finally mellow out and stop taking it so seriously. I get seriously douchey about whatever I'm into at the moment.


--sigh-- OCD is a terrible thing.

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If being a fan of a dystopian future where the handsome yet batshit-crazy little guy makes his own rules and enforces them with a sawed off shotgun makes me a geek, then a geek I am. Or batshit crazy. Haven't decided yet.



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The last few Saturday mornings when I am actually not working I get up, make coffee and watch the bugs bunny and road runner hour and LMFAO :)


That poor F'n coyote .... after all these years he still can't get a break ! ;)


and Bugs is always one up on Elmer Fudd....that wascilly wabbitt


and no I wasn't stoned !!!

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I am a proud geek! Whether is it geeking out about species of jellyfish (I have a thing) or spending lots of my time watching the gold standard of sci-fi, TOS, or whipping through all of the B-Movies on Netflix, geeky things get my attention. Learning languages is also a nerdy hobby of mine, slowly creeping up to sounding like a toddler in 5 languages. Haha!

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Every single time I read the title of the thread, I read it as "Your inner Greek". My mind is pervy, and I like it that way.


Doctor Who! I f'ing love that show

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In a lot of ways I'm not too much of a geek.


Like everyone else I liked the last Star Trek movie but I'm really not what you would consider a Trekkie and I don't speak Klingon.


I like Star Wars as much as the next person but I'm not obsessive about it. I'm not a Jedi in training or anything.


I play the occasional video game....I love the God of War games...but other than that I'm not what you would consider a hardcore gamer.


However, I DO geek out when it comes to comic books. My comic collection is a little.....frightening lol. I live alone but my last apartment needed to be a 2 bedroom just to house the collection. I shit you not lol. I'm much more of a Marvel guy than a DC guy. All time favourite characters are the Hulk (cause I love those classic Universal monster movies which was the basis for his character. Particularly Frankenstein and Jekyll and Hyde) and the Punisher (cause I love 80's action movies and I love Viet Nam related movies, the Viet Nam war is a big factor in his character). And I've liked all the Marvel movies so far.....even the "bad" ones like Wolverine, Daredevil, and the Fantastic Four movies :p


That being said however I've always been a HUGE fan of Superman cinematically. I have all the movies, I have all the Lois and Clark seasons (except the last one, it got stupid after they got married), and I have all the Smallville seasons. The movie I'm most looking forward to this year is Man Of Steel!!

Edited by castle

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I think I can be called a geek!


I remember the first electronic game I had ever played was the ping pong or tennis game. It was so primitive - thinking back now, it was so laughable! The first electronic console or personal computer that I had laid my hands on was the famous Atari. It was such a wonderful piece of machine! The graphics were an eye-opener!


Before the WWW, does anyone remember the National Capital Freenet (NCF)? I was one of the first registered members. ;-) NCF was a non-profit community free ISP started by Carleton University and was only the second Free-net in the world. I remember I almost jumped with joy when I was able to access a reknown university in a Western European country and read an article in their library!


Amazing how technologies have advanced since then!

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