someguy 67067 Report post Posted November 19, 2012 Hi. I wanted to start this thread to tell people how Cerb has changed or affected my life and to hear other Member's stories also. I first came across cerb over two years ago. I began just be reading the faq's and stories and posting's of all the cerb members. It became a daily habit as there are a lot of interesting postings and wonder stories by the members. A lot of interesting readings and getting to know the wonderful women of cerb's by reading their smart, witty and funny ad's and postings. After about 6 month's of lurking I decided to meet my first SP. Still it took several of weeks of research and reading recommendations before I decided on my first SP. I am normally a shy guy with limited experience as I have been married for a while and have not been with a different woman for a long time. My first SP was wonderful and kind and took control when i told her that she was my first SP. It was a wonderful experience that got my hooked on hobbying. I saw a few more times then met my second SP, who I became friends with and have seen her many times also, and continue to whenever she visits Ottawa, since then I have had many new and wonderful experiences with MA's and a few more SP's that I have repeated with. All of my experiences have made me a more confident man, and have encouraged to me to look after myself more. It has given me the motivation to improve my health and my fitness. At this point in time I am in the best shape of my life and still improving. I have recently spent most of my nights on Chat now, meeting and chatting new friends in the chat rooms. and having fun. I continue to meet new women sometimes, but usually repeat with a few regulars now. I have been told that they have seen a big improvement in my confidence since they first met me. It must be spending all this time with sexy beautiful naked women. I am interested in meeting the women that post interesting comments and also the new friends that I have met on in the chat room's. I am constantly in awe at the way these women treat me. And am thankful that they treat me with kindness and loving ways. I am experiencing things that I would never have dreamed off in my younger days. Spending time with these awesome women are the stuff that dreams are made off. So again a toast to the wonderful women of Cerb. Thanks to the women I have met for the wonderful times that we have spent. And I hope to spend some time with some of the women of cerb that i have not met in the new year coming. Cerb has become a part of my life now. and has become a daily routine to read the post and chat with old friends and make new ones. Let's here some of your stories now :) 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomKnight 7914 Report post Posted November 19, 2012 I'm a sex addict and well, Cerb is a place free of judgement for the most part. A place I can learn and feed my addiction in a more controlled environment. Everyone is friendly and very knowledgable. It's almost a Gentlemans- ladies Only club. A place where negativity is blocked out (thanks to the mod) and true class is shown. I could not imagine living without it now!!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 No one has any other stories to tell? Let's here them . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest a**4* Report post Posted November 24, 2012 My frist S.P interduced me to Cerb i never could fine her again met a girl here that i see often as possible.I continue to see her because of her kindness-caring -nonjudgemental personality there are a lot of beautiful girls here but i enjoy seeing her i would like to thank that girl for bringing me here and the girl i met and cerb for making a change in my life and all the girls here on Cerb they are awesome with all the bad experiences i had hobbying i am on the right site........:grin:.........:ThankYou: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IamaGeek 3664 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 Thanks to someguy for this thread. My CERB story has some parallels with his. I have been married a long time (30 years) but the last several years have been without any physical relationship. The reasons for this are complicated. The root cause is an illness but there are other factors. Anyway, without going into detail separation is not an option, at least for now. About 3 years ago I accepted a position which meant that I would spend more time in Ottawa than at home. Months later while alone in my hotel room one night, after years of celibacy, I gave in to temptation and googled 'Escorts Ottawa'. After sorting through the chaff I came to the kernel of CERB. I had not seen any forum for this industry before and was unfamiliar with much of what I read but I was very intrigued. I should say that since this time I have looked at other forums and, because of the misogyny and trolls and flaming, I am convinced that I would not have stayed to look around if the general tone had not been a positive one. I registered and lurked for a few weeks and, finally plucking up my courage, contacted a well-reviewed mature provider. She responded immediately, which gave me a frisson of excitement, and I was hooked. In spite of a near heart attack level of nerves I met with her and, even though I was awkward and rusty, had a wonderful time. I was astounded at how much my outlook improved. I think I became a 'better' person to be around both at work and socially. Over the subsequent months I met with this provider a few more times and then she retired. I took this as a sign that this part of my life was over but I soon descended into the same funk that had gripped me in the previous years. After a time I found myself back on CERB and in contact with another provider. I saw her a few times and again, my demeanour improved enough for people to comment on it. I have since seen another provider or two and all my experiences have been brilliant. I believe that CERB is responsible for restoring me to being a full person again. As a side note, prior to my experiences, my only knowledge of this industry was through the occasional news story and ridiculous Hollywood movies (Pretty Woman, etc.). Without really thinking about it, I imagined that all sex workers were either drug-abusing streetwalkers or Valentino-wearing, champagne-swilling high end call girls. The time I spent reading CERB demonstrates the obvious fact that both SPs and clients are real people who run the gamut from well-educated and thoughtful to desperate and difficult. Of course there are sad stories, but that is true in all walks of life. In recent weeks I am spending more time at home and have become a more active member of this forum. I enjoy the interaction and the feeling of being part of a community of like-minded people. Thanks to all. TL;DR Discovered that having an active sex life makes you a more complete person (duh!) and that sex workers and clients are just regular people (double duh!). 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 3 ways: Way more sex Way better sex Way hotter babes :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ig*a** Report post Posted November 24, 2012 It has changed my life in a positive way Iam having fun again and I look forward to coming on here everyday. Also the ladies are not only friendly but really hot looking too. Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted November 24, 2012 Being a member of Cerb has reawakened the fun and excitement that I was missing in my life after three years of feeling rather dead in some ways.I have made several good friends on this board since I joined and then discovered I wasnt dead any more inside. To that certain RedHead I met (she knows who I mean) she woke me up and I will always thank her for that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 CERB introduced me to a lifestyle which has enriched my life. Prior to partaking in this lifestyle, I too had the stereotypes of escorts. Thank God for CERB where everyone can participate in a environment which is positive and has mutual respect for both ladies and gentlemen. And most everyone in this community, be it lady or gentleman is a lady or gentleman...a far cry from the stereotypes mainstream society would have of us. My participation in this lifestyle, well it has allowed me the human female companionship we all crave, without the strings and drama of a conventional relationship. Even though there isn't the strings and drama of a conventional relationship in this lifestyle, I have met some ladies I consider friends. Not to mention, back in my dating days, sexually I was pretty conventional, you might say vanilla. But I just was just introduced to something unconventional you might say, but very pleasurable with two ladies (and friends) I certainly would never have done anything outside conventional sexual companionship if I was still dating, but in this lifestyle, well activities not considered the norm, well in this lifestyle can be practiced in a safe and judgement free environment, if that makes sense. Finally, to CERB, the Mod and Town Council, thank you for the community you provide all of us. And to the ladies I have met, and will meet, thank you for the companionship you have provided me. And to someguy, thanks for starting this thread A long winded rambling RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomer 33202 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 I've been a member here since 2006, but was satisfied to lurk the site for many years. After my wife's death in 2005, my life changed enormously,and after coming to terms with it, I was left having to make a number of decisions as to how I wanted to proceed. I could go and find a new companion, or live a single life. I'd had a decent marriage, two great kids, and have enough money to have a comfortable life. Single life has the advantage of giving me a certain freedom to pursue many new experiences in life. So I opted for the second option, and about three years ago started to become a regular participant. I've met a lot of nice women, and ever once in a while one that I know I'll have as a friend and see for quite a few years to come. I've attended many a social event and today also count many of the hobbyist as friends. Lightning may strike and I stumble across a new partner, but until then this is one of the sites I rely on to find ladies to enjoy and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrrnice2 157005 Report post Posted November 24, 2012 How has Cerb changed my life? That is an interesting question and in fact one a question that I ponder over on a very regular basis. I really cannot say that it has changed my life, however it has become an important part of my life over the past couple of years. I will be very shortly leaving Cerb behind, for a while, and at that point I may better be able to answer the question. What Cerb has brought me is a way of meeting women that is totally opposite to what one comes across in everyday life. Here when I meet a woman a sexual encounter is virtually guaranteed and the social/personal aspect is something that perhaps may develop. In my other world when one meets a woman one knows that a social/personal encounter is virtually guaranteed and that a sexual aspect is something that may develop. Two polar opposites. It is a lot easier in the Cerb world because I am so much more confident with my social skills than with my seduction skills!!! Has it changed my life? I think the answer has to be a yes because anything to which I have devoted as much time to as this has to have an affect on my life. It has a filled a void and whether that void will be filled outside of Cerb is yet to be determined, but truthfully, I think not. I know that I have met women that have accepted me exactly for who I am. I believe that for the most part the interactions have been honest and without judgement and I ever so much appreciate being a part of a world that does not require the games that are normally played in traditional relationships. It is very refreshing. Some of the women that I have met have helped me in more ways than probably some of them realize. Two years ago being a part of this world would have been the furthest thing from my mind and it was a world that I truly did not even know existed. What I thought that I knew about this lifestyle was shattered with the first woman that I met and I am still learning a great deal about this world and about myself as I navigate my way. The story is not yet done. 8 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frank7 3939 Report post Posted November 26, 2012 Before coming here, the furthest i've ever gone was kissing a girl, once. And as expected for a first time, i was pretty bad. So thanks to cerb and two ladies, now it feels natural to kiss and i know what sex is like. Not that i get the chance to put it in pratice though. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Athos 108589 Report post Posted November 26, 2012 It hasn't probably changed my life, although for sure I feel very enriched by the friendship and companionship of people in this community. I would say that finding this community of like minded people has certainly made me feel much more comfortable and happy with the choices I've made. Porthos 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gentleman11 10508 Report post Posted November 26, 2012 My participation in CERB has ebbed and flowed since joining early last year for a few reasons. But all-in-all, CERB is a comfort zone for me, a place where I can let the hair down and simply enjoy the many fine folks and personalities on the site. I've met several ladies and can honestly say the CERB ladies are simply wonderfully warm, honest and really do care. I check in on the site almost daily, sometimes lurking sometimes posting but mostly to enjoy. Thank you one and all. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futileresistenz 28253 Report post Posted November 26, 2012 I think my life hasn't changed that much yet, but expect there will be incremental changes going forward as I continue to see the wholly amazing ladies of the biz - and fabulous they are! I don't see many new ones, and tend to repeat with a select few favourites. One of the best changes is feeling increased confidence and also being calmer and no longer frustrated when, as a single, feeling lonely and needing some TLC, knowing that there is a cure for that just a booking away! :) If truth be told, of course I knew of the industry, but never considered that it was for me, due to common, but quite inaccurate stereotypes. God only knows why that stopped me, but it worked. :icon_rolleyes: "Never too late...", and now I'm cured of the deception! At this time I'd like to thank mod and the CERB team for building this site that launched me into this lifestyle, and Google for allowing me to find it. :) I've since been blessed with many great encounters with very lovely people, and those of you that I've repeated with I'd like to call friends. Not that this covers it, but I offer a big 'Thanks!' to you all! FR 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Superfish 866 Report post Posted November 27, 2012 Without Cerb I would never have met all the amazing, sensual, interesting and genuinely good hearted women that I have over the last few years. So without these people in my life I would definitely be a different person. That's how it changed me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b****56 477 Report post Posted November 27, 2012 CERB seems to be a wonderful place to learn who are the best SP's and where to find them ... and the best way to interact with them ... respectfully ... also looks like a great place to hang out :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted November 29, 2012 Thanks for all the nominations and thanks to those that have contributed to this thread. I am glad that many of you have felt the same way about Cerb as I do. And that Cerb has become a part of your life and has made your life better. Hoping to hear more stories. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cometman 35115 Report post Posted November 29, 2012 Here's the drill. I'm life is SO is normal. However, the relationship died years ago. I struggled to revive it for quite some time, but it takes two to tango. The angst was just building up stress and rather than continue to make an issue of it, I moved on without moving out- for the same reasons as many others. Finally, after years, I had an affair.....then another. Big mistake. Although I was upfront with the other, someone invariably gets hurt in an affair and it truly sucks. I have as busy a life as most people, and relationships take an enormous amount of time I don't have or am unwilling to find. I still do not remember what brought me to CERB and escorts, but it has simplified my life, and for that I am eternally grateful to the ladies I have met. Ultimately, I will find one or two escorts with which to forge a working relationship and that will remove most of the last dangers of infidelity. Until the next chapter of my life begins to unfold I am convinced that this type of relationship is the glue that holds me together. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted December 24, 2012 Didn't realize how much cerb has been part of my life now. When Chat went down 2 nights ago. I suffered withdraw symptoms :(. I'm use to talking to my friends con chat everynight before I got to bed now. Have fun meeting new people there and getting to know the different women there. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New years to all the members of Cerb here :) Hope to here more stories of How Cerb has changed your life. As I know it has changed mine :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Just wanted to revive this thread for 2013.:) Because as time goes on, it has become a part of my daily routine, now. Must spend at least 1 to 2 hrs a day on Cerb, reading the posts, and chatting with old friends and making new ones from across Canada. Every day, new sp's/ma's and hobbiest discoverer this web site. There seem to be a lot of regulars, and old timers here, helping out the new cerbies out :) This is a great place to hangout for a while and get to know people. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Really not much at all. Each social network I belong to has some utility. I do find I spend less and less time here. Peace Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mister_crufty 4891 Report post Posted February 9, 2013 I've been a big computer geek for 30 years but believe it or not, this is the first online forum I've ever been a part of. Probably explains some of my early growing pains. What I've found here is far more than just information but a true sense of community. I get the feeling that many members are close friends who care deeply about each other, even if they've never met in real life. I've only been here for a month or so and to some extent, I already feel deeply a part of this place. There are familiar faces, people whom I recognize and when I see they've made a new post, I rush to read it because I know that there's going to be some new piece of wisdom or humor to enjoy. And people know me too. I've never been popular or one to stand out in a crowd but here, many people actually know who I am. I certainly wouldn't claim to be popular here (perhaps the opposite for some) but certainly some people seem to like me and enjoy what I have to say and that feels pretty special. I'm sometimes hesitant to tell a lady my handle when I call her but I always do because I am what I am and there's no point trying pretend otherwise. CERB and the ladies I've met here have changed my life more than I could possibly describe. When I came here I was an early 40s unhappily married guy with emotional baggage, a big mouth, sexual insecurity, OCD and PE (although I rock the MSOG;-)). In many ways I'm still that same guy but because CERB accepts me just the way I am, I'm confident and comfortable in my own skin and I feel like I'm becoming a better man every day. Because we're all here and we all have our damage and we're none of us perfect. Feels a bit like family. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MsManda 25745 Report post Posted February 11, 2013 Cerb has definitely changed my life lol When I was first starting out in this business, I didn't know who/where to go to for advise, help etc.. I didn't know anything of common red flags, was screening based on gut judgment.. Once I.joined Cerb, I learned that many of us ladies have much in common, and that there can be a level of respect and acceptance in something I enjoyed, but very much was feeling the taboo. Cerb has helped me be more informed about the business, and mine, making me much more comfortable in my decision to do what I already enjoy :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mister_crufty 4891 Report post Posted February 11, 2013 Cerb has definitely changed my life lol When I was first starting out in this business, I didn't know who/where to go to for advise, help etc.. I didn't know anything of common red flags, was screening based on gut judgment.. Once I.joined Cerb, I learned that many of us ladies have much in common, and that there can be a level of respect and acceptance in something I enjoyed, but very much was feeling the taboo. Cerb has helped me be more informed about the business, and mine, making me much more comfortable in my decision to do what I already enjoy :) This! Even more than us guys, the women probably gain so much more in terms of safety and knowledge from other providers. I love the fact that there is an SP only area here for the women to share tips and warnings. I really worry about some of the scary dudes out there. I know the REALLY dangerous ones are somewhat rare and hopefully fairly easy to avoid but you read the news... I've met so many lovely women here and I hate to think of something happening to any of them. Keep safe ladies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites