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Kelly:Brain fatigue signs 13.

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:lovers:Mental fatigue is required for cell activities results of the inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients, which is mental activity "fatigue toxins" accumulate on poisoning and of environmental damage caused in the brain cells have many adverse consequences. 1. fever dizziness, hearing loss, ear-shell. 2. limb weakness or sleepiness. 3. the distracted eye easily distracted. 4. memory decline. 5. slow to react. 6. nausea, vomiting. 7. personality changes such as irritability irritability, depression, and so on. 8. when reading a long paragraph but does not understand the meaning. 9. speak, write an error often. 10. tea or coffee, refreshing. 11. eye fatigue, yawning constantly. 12. difficulty falling asleep, wake up more dreams. 13. impotence premature ejaculation sexual apathy. If there are 2 to 4 of the above cases, note slight fatigue, required immediate rest 5 or more is severe fatigue, perhaps latent disease, then you should go check. If there is a slight brain fatigue, or excessive tension. Relax and learn to scientific brain, do the work more evenly and moderately, and diet and sleep, or doing the right amount of movement of the brain.

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Hours: 9:30 AM - 6: 30PM;:lovers:

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