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how to handle old reviews?

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Guest f***2f***

I vote to take it down. If an SP is going to believe hearsay and BS and put a ban on you then you can no longer recommend her. If you can no longer recommend her then take it down and someone else can have a go at recommending her if they want to.

It's a two way street friends...if you're not giving a long term member the benefit of the doubt and you can't recommend him then fair's fair

This whole thing sticks in my craw. Dummpy is a stand up member of this community and this kind of crap should be flushed down a toilet somewhere....shame on those who perpetrate it and shame on those who choose to buy into it:evil:

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I think that the recommendation should remain on the forum. After all it was created because you had enjoyed your encounter and deemed her worthy of your recommendation. It could possibly be amended with updated information.


With this issue, I would hope in due time that the allegations (aka bullshit) can be resolved between the parties involved.


Dummpy, I do look forward to your Dummpy Blog as I believe it will help deter future occurrences of slanderous behaviour against the members here on Cerb. A blog that all can view and participate to strengthen this community. Additionally to exonerate you.

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I am getting some comments now about who is doing this and I encourage everyone to NOT beleive a PM if it's an obvious PM trying to discredit someone.


If one of the members is out of line the lady should report it to me or post it in the SP ONLY area for discussion (I will also post for you if you do not have access yet). All the posts and all the PM's have a report.gif button at the top of the post or pm.


If you get ANY email that is SLANDERING another person here (or anyone for that matter) you must click this and it brings it to my attention for review.


If we have a male member who is not nice to the ladies we will remove him... if we have a SP who is bait and switching, bullshitting, etc... we will also remove them. Whatever it takes to make the site better for everyone.


Remember I CAN NOT READ YOUR PM's and I would not even if I could. If you receive something you think is out of line, slanderous, etc... flag it for me or PM me to ask. These smear campaigns must be stopped as this is NOT the way to deal with a problem like this.

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All I can say is that I hope it stops soon! Because its making this site unpleasurable, when you see senior members being slandered as such.

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  Ava Jones said:
All I can say is that I hope it stops soon! Because its making this site unpleasurable, when you see senior members being slandered as such.


I agree. The whole premise behind this thread has a weird and creepy feel to it.

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  YoungStud said:
I agree. The whole premise behind this thread has a weird and creepy feel to it.


now they have added me to the "not to be trusted" ones...one of the ladies i know here was sent an email saying i'm not to be trusted and have been caught messing with other ladies business...hmmm...well i would certainly like to know to whom I've messed with..??? Oh wait that was supposed to be kept hush hush for me and my lap dogs...lmao...

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  emmaalexandra said:
now they have added me to the "not to be trusted" ones...one of the ladies i know here was sent an email saying i'm not to be trusted and have been caught messing with other ladies business...hmmm...well i would certainly like to know to whom I've messed with..??? Oh wait that was supposed to be kept hush hush for me and my lap dogs...lmao...



Well thats just the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. You're such a sweetheart!

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  Erin_xo said:
Well thats just the biggest load of BS I've ever heard. You're such a sweetheart!


Except for safety issues and good recommendations...


How about everybody just not believe anything they hear about anybody here.


OK... now can we end the paranoia, gossip, bullshit, and other crap and get back to the business of <grin> boinking?

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  esoterica said:
except for safety issues and good recommendations...


how about everybody just not believe anything they hear about anybody here.


ok... Now can we end the paranoia, gossip, bullshit, and other crap and get back to the business of <grin> boinking?



hear hear!

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  esoterica said:
Except for safety issues and good recommendations...


How about everybody just not believe anything they hear about anybody here.


OK... now can we end the paranoia, gossip, bullshit, and other crap and get back to the business of <grin> boinking?



Did someone say Boinking :grin::mrgreen::lol: OK by me. 3 cheers for Boinking ;-)

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I shot JFK. First 25 girls to respond will receive the honour of having sex with me FREE for a year. And if you PM about it within the next hour, as a bonus I'll tell you where Jimmy Hoffa is...

Posted via Mobile Device

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  whatsup said:
Did someone say Boinking :grin::mrgreen::lol: OK by me. 3 cheers for Boinking ;-)


i second that statment or was that third of forth...damn i'm not first poster..hehe

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  buggernot said:
I shot JFK. First 25 girls to respond will receive the honour of having sex with me FREE for a year. And if you PM about it within the next hour, as a bonus I'll tell you where Jimmy Hoffa is...

Posted via Mobile Device



Bahaha, I knew it, you sneaky chit (I just made that word up, it rhymes with git, which I don't feel right using since I'm not British).

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  Erin_xo said:
Bahaha, I knew it, you sneaky chit (I just made that word up, it rhymes with git, which I don't feel right using since I'm not British).


I so feel like a token being handed to a cabbie right now..

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