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Heading to the clinic for my quarterly visit

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Hey all,

Not sure how many of you faithfully or unfaithfully go to the STD clinic on Murray street. It is a funny place because everyone there is there because they likes sex, but no one talks to anyone and everyone stairs at the floor in a very somber mood. I always want to smile and yell out hey fellow sex addicts I guess we know who is getting laid now!

Any way to help me pass the time I usually try to talk someone into coming with me, plus it takes a while to get through the process and company is about the only thing that keeps me from going insane.


So here is the plan, I am going to eat breakfast at Dunn's on the corner of George and Dalhousie for 8:00am on this coming Friday May 15th and then head over to the clinic. Doors open at 9:00am clinic starts at 9:30am. We should be gone by 10:30am, message me if you are interested in joining me on the visit.

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Good luck! Remember to ask them 4 blood tests and if they have problems with ur veins to use a butterfly needle with the smallest gauge possible

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Hi Dummpy


I realize this sounds a little bizarre, but heading out for breakfast and then a field trip over to the clinic actually sounds like a bit of fun. We'd all have something in common to talk about, so I know that the conversation would be interesting! ;-)


For those of us who are newer to Ottawa (like myself) and simply don't know where this clinic is, can you give us the address? I s'pose i could walk up and down Murray street asking people if they knew where 'the STD clinic' was, but I think I'd get more than a few dirty looks

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Here is my public service announcement this should help Sherm, funny thing about this place I think they are all vampires cause they tie you down and insist on taking blood! They also have the new pin prick for Aids thingy (you know the one that kills you, far worse than the stuff no one heard of and is undetectable) if you prick negative you are fine but about half the time apparently you prick inconclusive and have to wait.




It is a rather bizarre excursion and not the best circumstances or place to meet for a social event, but if you are planning on going trust me it is much easier with a buddy or 2 (I would rather go to traffic court!).

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Hey all,

Not sure how many of you faithfully or unfaithfully go to the STD clinic on Murray street. It is a funny place because everyone there is there because they likes sex, but no one talks to anyone and everyone stairs at the floor in a very somber mood. I always want to smile and yell out hey fellow sex addicts I guess we know who is getting laid now!


There is always one loudmouth attempting to crack jokes and get some laughter going (no not me).:lol: If you try flipping through a magazine, you can hear some interesting conversations around you.


It is interesting to watch the look on people's faces as they go in for an examination and how they react as they come out. There always seems to be one couple hell bent on making out in the waiting area.


Probably not the best place to whip out your mobile device and start surfing CERB but I seem to remember Kyra_to telling a story of a girl at a clinic in Toronto, waiting for an exam, and making a booking for later that night.


OK- so I'm having a bit of fun with a serious topic. Bottom line, regular testing is a good thing people, whether or not you have breakfast with dummpy.:-)

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It is also the clinic where I go and it is true that it can be a lllooonnnggg process to wait.

It's just too popular!

One time I went, they were closing at 6PM; I arrived at 1PM and by 2PM, they stopped taking people because it was already all booked.


It is true that there are some interesting conversations that can be overheard.

Some people don't know the meaning of 'discretion' at all!

I feel like blushing sometime when I hear some of these conversations (which I feel should have been private...).


Unfortunately, went for my appointment recently so I'm not due for a while.

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This is the one I go to as well, mainly because it's the only one I know of


More to the point, are there others, either on the quebec side or the ontario side in the area ?


And Dummpy, as always you are being very polite and politically correct in saying it's "boring' and "long" ;)


Had mine recently too, and now with a TimHorton's in a winnebago, not sure it's not even more boring then usual, lol. (yes, I went just before the flame out at Timmies... not nice :( )

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I go to the Somerset Community Health Centre on Eccles. Mainly because it's closer to me than the Murray St one, and as well, almost no one is ever there.


Dummpy, if you weren't going so damn early I'd tag along, it's been awhile! (since I've seen you, not since I've been tested, lol)


You, me and Boner should do a patio soon :)

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Guest f***2f***

Nothing like a boner on the patio ha ha

I agree that would be fun..it's patio weather...the girls in skimpy clothing, the guys with their shirts off and cold beer and nachos alfresco.....life is good

Got my doc to do the honours and got my results this week (clean as a whistle for the whole enchilada)...took longer than the walk in clinic so will probably go there next time.


So get out there folks...get tested and then on to the patios:mrgreen:


I go to the Somerset Community Health Centre on Eccles. Mainly because it's closer to me than the Murray St one, and as well, almost no one is ever there.


Dummpy, if you weren't going so damn early I'd tag along, it's been awhile! (since I've seen you, not since I've been tested, lol)


You, me and Boner should do a patio soon :)

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That would be a three some I would like to see:razz:


Ha, that would be quite the pairing (tripling?).

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Lonely! Not a complete write off thanks to one other cerbite, to volunteer to come along.

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I was a bit surprised by this thread. I guess I assumed that most of us would have all this done by our family doctors.


Dummpy, would you not feel comfortable going to your family doctor for this sort of thing? Or do you think that the clinic is more up-to-date and knowledgeable with respect to STDs? Often clinics have a high staff turnover -- do you usually see the same doctor, one who is familiar with you, and vice versa?


I have had clients tell me about going to their family doctors for prescriptions for Viagra and such. I guess it can be touchy when one doctor is treating both partners in a relationship -- or the whole family. But still, if you are honest with them, they will protect your privacy -- they are bound to by law.

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The problem with the Somerset Community Health Centre on Eccles is that you have to live in that immediate area, of they won't take you. They'll only do an anonymous HIV test, anything else, forget it.

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The problem with the Somerset Community Health Centre on Eccles is that you have to live in that immediate area, of they won't take you. They'll only do an anonymous HIV test, anything else, forget it.



Shit. I totally forgot about that. You can always lie and say you live in the area. Just make up an address. I mean, it's not as though your health card has your address on it.

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Shit. I totally forgot about that. You can always lie and say you live in the area. Just make up an address. I mean, it's not as though your health card has your address on it.


All you have to do is present your health card? They don't swipe it through the computer and have the address on the card show up on the screen?

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I was a bit surprised by this thread. I guess I assumed that most of us would have all this done by our family doctors.


Dummpy, would you not feel comfortable going to your family doctor for this sort of thing? Or do you think that the clinic is more up-to-date and knowledgeable with respect to STDs? Often clinics have a high staff turnover -- do you usually see the same doctor, one who is familiar with you, and vice versa?


I have had clients tell me about going to their family doctors for prescriptions for Viagra and such. I guess it can be touchy when one doctor is treating both partners in a relationship -- or the whole family. But still, if you are honest with them, they will protect your privacy -- they are bound to by law.


For a while I did see my family Dr. he blew me off because I wanted testing every 3 months. He believes that is ridiculous and a waist of his time, if I want the kind of frequency he insist I go to the clinic, they do ask the name of my family Dr. and I assume that if anything consequential was ever found they would report it. A few years ago they spotted early signs of a hernia and that saved me considerable pain and suffering! The first time my Dr. sent me to the clinic it was on Freil that was the early 90's.

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For a while I did see my family Dr. he blew me off because I wanted testing every 3 months. He believes that is ridiculous and a waist of his time, if I want the kind of frequency he insist I go to the clinic



Wha???? that makes absolutely no sense. You must know that your family doctor gets paid regardless, and so he would have no reason to "blow you off" other than, possibly, subjective discrimination.


Did you explain to your family doctor that you were sexually active?? This is incomprehensible.


they do ask the name of my family Dr. and I assume that if anything consequential was ever found they would report it. A few years ago they spotted early signs of a hernia and that saved me considerable pain and suffering! The first time my Dr. sent me to the clinic it was on Freil that was the early 90's.


Whoopee-Ding. I myself and I'm sure many other SPs have alerted customers to such problems (hernia, hydrocele, skin cancer, etc.). There's absolutely no reason why your family physician should send you elsewhere for this kind of testing. If he has, then maybe it's time to change family doctor.


The family physician is under fire just now in Canada. They're not the most lucrative practice, but they are the most important -- and certainly they should be the first line for all of us. We need to support our family physicians -- and I suppose also, they must support us! -- in order to make our healthcare system work.


I would encourage people to seek help from their family doctor first. And if s/he is reluctant to deal with your situation, CHALLENGE THEM! Family physicians and their rapport with us, the general public, is key to public health.

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Next time you go. send me a PM and I'lll join you for a test session !


Hey all,

Not sure how many of you faithfully or unfaithfully go to the STD clinic on Murray street. It is a funny place because everyone there is there because they likes sex, but no one talks to anyone and everyone stairs at the floor in a very somber mood. I always want to smile and yell out hey fellow sex addicts I guess we know who is getting laid now!

Any way to help me pass the time I usually try to talk someone into coming with me, plus it takes a while to get through the process and company is about the only thing that keeps me from going insane.


So here is the plan, I am going to eat breakfast at Dunn's on the corner of George and Dalhousie for 8:00am on this coming Friday May 15th and then head over to the clinic. Doors open at 9:00am clinic starts at 9:30am. We should be gone by 10:30am, message me if you are interested in joining me on the visit.

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Wha???? that makes absolutely no sense. You must know that your family doctor gets paid regardless, and so he would have no reason to "blow you off" other than, possibly, subjective discrimination.


Did you explain to your family doctor that you were sexually active?? This is incomprehensible.




Whoopee-Ding. I myself and I'm sure many other SPs have alerted customers to such problems (hernia, hydrocele, skin cancer, etc.). There's absolutely no reason why your family physician should send you elsewhere for this kind of testing. If he has, then maybe it's time to change family doctor.


The family physician is under fire just now in Canada. They're not the most lucrative practice, but they are the most important -- and certainly they should be the first line for all of us. We need to support our family physicians -- and I suppose also, they must support us! -- in order to make our healthcare system work.


I would encourage people to seek help from their family doctor first. And if s/he is reluctant to deal with your situation, CHALLENGE THEM! Family physicians and their rapport with us, the general public, is key to public health.


I think he is over worked, it is very very hard to find a GP in Ottawa, he did get my mother diagnosed and in the hospital from treatment for her cancer with in 10 days of her showing up at his office with stomach pains. I think he just worries about the stuff that kill his patients more than the stuff that is looked after routinely buy other specialties. He rarely spends much time with me it either not an issue or I am whisked off to a specialist. He has been my families Dr. for 27 years and seen an awful lot of us (brothers sisters nieces nephews) through an awful lot of situations (divorces, permiscuity, hi blood pressure, heart attacks and cancer) and has never fucked up. I think he just beleives that STD/STI testing is not his best use of time, if you got it it's either an easy fix or a big problem, but either way it is either a nurse simple fix (99.9999999999% of the time) or it's too late. And the reality is that he has freed a huge amount of time by not testing for all these years and sending me to the clinc were they have alwasy found me fit and fine. Even if after all these years it meant that only one person like my mom found out in time that they had cancer than he is right. I don't need him to order a blood test for Clap (and get the results three weeks later!), I do need him to spot early signs of Cancer.

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I think he is over worked, it is very very hard to find a GP in Ottawa, he did get my mother diagnosed and in the hospital from treatment for her cancer with in 10 days of her showing up at his office with stomach pains. I think he just worries about the stuff that kill his patients more than the stuff that is looked after routinely buy other specialties. He rarely spends much time with me it either not an issue or I am whisked off to a specialist. He has been my families Dr. for 27 years and seen an awful lot of us (brothers sisters nieces nephews) through an awful lot of situations (divorces, permiscuity, hi blood pressure, heart attacks and cancer) and has never fucked up. I think he just beleives that STD/STI testing is not his best use of time, if you got it it's either an easy fix or a big problem, but either way it is either a nurse simple fix (99.9999999999% of the time) or it's too late. And the reality is that he has freed a huge amount of time by not testing for all these years and sending me to the clinc were they have alwasy found me fit and fine. Even if after all these years it meant that only one person like my mom found out in time that they had cancer than he is right. I don't need him to order a blood test for Clap (and get the results three weeks later!), I do need him to spot early signs of Cancer.


Still, I'm more comfortable being seen by someone I know and, more importantly, who knows me. (Perhaps because, being a mature person and a mature woman, the lines between finding an STD and some other serious problem tend to blur.)


But I hear ya. There's not much glory for the family physician these days, and that's not good. They are supposed to be our first line of defense.


I know too what you're saying about how hard it is to find one. Especially if you don't need one that often. We went through a number of years where, every time we went to return to the last family doctor we saw last, we'd find s/he'd been replaced with a new face. (Neither my husband nor I require frequent visits to the doctor beyond an annual physical. Occasionally we'll get something that we want looked at, though -- such as a hernia or strep throat.) We lucked into one who actually phoned us to say he was moving on to his own clinic and asked if he could take our records -- what a relief!

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