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To SP's/MA's: How has Cerb changed your Life?

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To all Sp's and Ma's


My thread How has Cerb changed you life http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=112664 has generated many heart warming responses from many of us hobbyist.


I was wondering if you SP/MA could share some of your stories on how Cerb has changed you life?


Such as.


When you started, and you joined Cerb, did it make a difference?


Has Cerb been a good marketing tool?


Has Cerb educated you about the business, screening and safety measures?


Have you met any clients that have changed your life?


Any interesting or heart warming stories from Cerb?


New friendships?


Anything you to say is great?


Thanks for responding.

Waiting to hear some good stories :)

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The Canadian Escort Recommendation Board made a huge difference in my life. When I started escorting I had no idea what I was doing and CERB provided me with a safe space to explore this new chapter of my life. I meandered my way through the various threads and met some amazing people who helped me along the way. I remember joining CERB and only taking my first appointment after 2-3 months, and then I only made my first website about 6 months after that! It's been a learning curve for me.


I think CERB is a great marketing tool, especially for posting threats and having conversations with new patrons, or maintaining conversations with ongoing ones. I'm sad that I've had less time to post because of my studies, but happy when I can find a couple of moments (like now) to tell the community how much I love and appreciate them.


I meet patrons all the time that change my life in some way. I think we are all shaped by our interactions and I always learn something new about life when I meet someone. It can be something small, or something much larger, it really depends on a multitude of factors. I think CERB provides me with a medium to meet a lot of really interesting people that I wouldn't have otherwise met, and we shape each other through the intimacy and joy we share. It feels rather indiscreet and private to discuss particular heart warming stories publicly, but I think it's easy to understand what I mean without substantiating it with examples.


I think we all reach other to each other in special ways, and I'll probably remember a lot of these experiences for the rest of my life.

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Prior to cerb, all of my advertising was done via a city newspaper (classifieds)


Because of this, all of my interactions with the client , prior to us meeting, were done via telephone, and all I had to go on was their voice and my gut feeling.


I would honestly say that it was a 50/50 kind of turnout, when it came to me actually enjoying myself or feeling comfortable. Multiply this on a daily basis, then weekly, then monthly-it adds up to more uncomfortable and un enjoyable sessions than I care to remember.


CERB has changed this drastically for me. I can honestly say that since joining I have only had 2 ufortunate events (and even those were not that bad ;) ) CERB has allowed me the opportunnity to be selective when it comes to my clients-and this refelects on me and the services I provide ten-fold.


I love the fact that I can create ads daily, detailed ads, not just a 3 liner and then hoping for the best ;)..lol. I can discuss what I am like, as well as my dislikes..and most importantly, I can post plenty of pictures too :) :) : )


For me, my health, sanity and comfort are paramount to me being happy as an escort, and this site has helped me tremendously with that.


Meeting with men, I actually like , enjoy and look forward to meeting with..is priceless :)

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As a newbie to Cerb, but I've been an sp for a few years now, I find this community to be absolutely awesome.


As a marketing tool, it is completely user friendly, easy to navigate and easy to find information. Being able to promote a website within a website is new to me, so I find that this is a big bonus for me.

There is way more exposure on this site, I took a look at other sites (I'm sure you can figure out which ones) and was completely distraught at the drama and backlashing that I could see on those sites, so I chose not to go with them.


Cerb has been amazing, everyone is so friendly and welcoming.


I don't want to 'kiss and tell', but the gentlemen that I have met through Cerb have been just incredible. I am sure that I can have a very good relationship with the gentlemen that I meet through this site and welcome the opportunity to meet more.


Other sp's welcomed me to the site also, which I thought was amazing, I am sure that I can receive some great advice from them.


Keep up the good work here, it's an awesome place to be a part of and I am so happy I found it.

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