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I had a guy email me and ask me if I'd let his dog mount me. I declined. Different strokes for different folks.


I've had that, too. I also declined. I don't mind being asked. I do mind feeling coerced and cornered, though.

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WTF....now this guy is a sick puppy..or he has a sick puppy...freaking wow...!:-?

I had a guy email me and ask me if I'd let his dog mount me. I declined. Different strokes for different folks.

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Guess it would be nice if certain individuals had the ability to detect when they are making someone else uncomfortable...

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No children, animals, violence or coercion are my ground rules for consenting adults. There's also a bunch of stuff I'm personally not really into (BDSM, cross-dressing, etc. etc) but that's more personal choice, rather than crossing the line into illegal or taboo activities.

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Guest f***2f***

I think that must have been really scary for you...I'm sorry that happened to you. We all have different quirks and things we like or fantasize about but to be menacing and creepy about it is just not right.

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Wow Samantha, you handled it well, I admire you :smile:


I believe that you can poison your soul, just like you can poison your body. The money will be long gone, but the picture will stay in your mind forever.


No matter how open minded, there are certain boundaries you just don't cross.

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A few choice words for him what a nasty mother fucker! And I realize that was terrifying for you, :cry: Now IMHO, I would never go back cut all ties and boot him to the curb. Unreal...

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WTF....now this guy is a sick puppy..or he has a sick puppy...freaking wow...!:-?


Guess it would be nice if certain individuals had the ability to detect when they are making someone else uncomfortable...


No children, animals, violence or coercion are my ground rules for consenting adults. There's also a bunch of stuff I'm personally not really into (BDSM, cross-dressing, etc. etc) but that's more personal choice, rather than crossing the line into illegal or taboo activities.


I think that must have been really scary for you...I'm sorry that happened to you. We all have different quirks and things we like or fantasize about but to be menacing and creepy about it is just not right.


Wow Samantha, you handled it well, I admire you :smile:


I believe that you can poison your soul, just like you can poison your body. The money will be long gone, but the picture will stay in your mind forever.


No matter how open minded, there are certain boundaries you just don't cross.


A few choice words for him what a nasty mother fucker! And I realize that was terrifying for you, :cry: Now IMHO, I would never go back cut all ties and boot him to the curb. Unreal...


Thank you, all of you.


Thanks, too, to the folks who've written to me privately to say much the same things.


I'm happy with the way I handled it. I was afraid. I've never been afraid of, or with, a client before. Women aren't safe in private homes, including their own, if those places are separate enough from other homes. No one can hear you call for help. That's why domestic violence is so difficult to get away from.


I don't usually go to clients' homes, buI felt I knew him well enough. I'd been there once before and we'd had a lovely time together. I don't think he'd planned this incident, but it clearly turned him on. He was so easy about it, too, as though this was something that most women would do, given a bit of encouragement. I've never given him a reason to think that I was interested in doing this and he'd never raised the subject.


I debated with myself about writing and posting this story. I decided to do it because it feels important to me to be very emphatic about a couple of things.


First, this was the seventh date I'd had with this client. All of them had been terrific. I felt we had a rapport from the very beginning. I was comfortable with him. He treated me with respect and I felt valued and appreciated. He always booked three to five hours with me, which was great not just because of what I earned, but because it was easy to enjoy his company in and out of bed and because I felt he enjoyed me just as much.


The second thing I want to say is related to the first. We need always to remember that we are real people in a fantasy world we create with and for the client. I can be your instant girlfriend, your mistress, your second wife, secretary, neighbour, confidante, counsellor--whatever you want. But when you touch me, the real me--the woman behind Samantha--feels it and responds. I don't pretend anything. Samantha's warmth, affection and generosity are mine. Unless I can have real feelings, this profession will harden and kill my spirit. My point is: when you meet with me, you get a genuine woman.


I won't see this client again. I feel sad about that because I liked him but, in the end, he saw me as a puppet who would do anything he wanted if he paid me enough to do it.

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This person believes that everyone will do anything, if the price is right !

Has more money (wonder how he got it) than morals. I believe HE would do anything if the price was right ! Therefore would be on my Amoral, stay the fudge away from me list !

Hope someone tells him " My self respect is not for sale"

Sam, I wish I could erase that encounter from your memory. :-(

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We need always to remember that we are real people in a fantasy world we create with and for the client. I can be your instant girlfriend, your mistress, your second wife, secretary, neighbour, confidante, counsellor--whatever you want. But when you touch me, the real me--the woman behind Samantha--feels it and responds. I don't pretend anything. Samantha's warmth, affection and generosity are mine. Unless I can have real feelings, this profession will harden and kill my spirit. My point is: when you meet with me, you get a genuine woman.


I've never, ever gotten the fantasy part of this business. I know it's a big deal for many clients. But for me, it's always just been about sex for money with women, most of whom have been very pleasant to deal with. I've been quite friendly with several over the years, but always in their roles as EPs, not as some kind of pretend girl friend or imaginary mistress or phoney porno star or whatever. The relationship has always been quite clear.


I've always felt all of them were real women with real feelings, doing something which is somewhat difficult to do, which I respect. Not all of them really liked what they did very much, though most did to a reasonble degree.


Only once in many encounters with more than a thousand EPs over many years have I become genuine friends with an EP. And that probably would have happened no matter how we'd met. But we did meet through her work. And I'm glad we did. And glad also that we both took the time and effort to become real friends, not fantasy friends.

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This person believes that everyone will do anything, if the price is right !

Has more money (wonder how he got it) than morals. I believe HE would do anything if the price was right ! Therefore would be on my Amoral, stay the fudge away from me list !

Hope someone tells him " My self respect is not for sale"

Sam, I wish I could erase that encounter from your memory. :-(


Awww.... Suzirider! Being able to afford to meet with me doesn't mean that your money comes from an ill-gotten source! (I'm teasing you!)


I'm not traumatized by this. I wasn't hurt. I wasn't forced to do anything I didn't want to do. I said no, and I left. He didn't prevent me from going.


I don't want to forget what happened. To me, it's a reminder that, even when I think I know someone pretty well--at least for the purposes of our involvement--I may not. It also reminds me that some men think that paying for a lady's time and company includes paying for her spirit, for the core of her being. Most men aren't like that. But some, even some who seem to be good ones, do think this way.

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Well gee i guess i have to write you about my day....


7am....I get woken up by a 2.5 year old screaming "wake up!", after shes goes away i usually pop a couple of "nitro" pills..to stop my heart from explodeing

7:05am grab wee willy, just to make sure he didn't fall of during the night, grab both of my legs..throw then in the air and squeeze off a couple of rounds....need to warm up the blankets


7:10 shower shave both faces, get ready for my job at the hospital


7:30, turn on the radio, 580cfra...need my fix of Madely in the morning....10 is Lowell Green


8:am, hop in my car, curse a few times at it...why did i buy a caddy? stupid interrior is falling off the damn car.


9am cleaning up some blood...at work...listening as to how Jesus will save me from my sins...(from 2 very racsist black women)


5:30 at home...trying to choke down somehing called supper...loves me wife...hates her cooking!


7pm kids in bed..time for my CERB....on the prowl, surfing to see who I would like to see next (never repeated) its a long process...sometimes takes me 2 months to decide..lol


9pm...time for bed...horny now after looking at pretty girls for almost hours now, start to get frisky with the wife...


9:01....get shot down by wife...too tired as usual...but hey she asks me... want to watcha move?...umm no dear your too tired and I will jump your bones soon if you don't go to sleep...


9:45...wifes snoring is keeping me up, her night gown is riding up her back, shes not wearing underwear...ole McFlung here gets willy ready...poor guy throws up on wifes bum..as she sleeps.....she then rolls on her back


9:50 she wakes up mad because i can't stop laughing my ass off...



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This reminds me of something very sad:(


I had a old client who used to tell me his wife is dying of cancer. I thought poor guy comes to see me for a little affection.....


One day he told me she still has a nice pussy when he washes her. (I guess she couldn't wash herself) And that he wishes that she was dead. I said nothing, but thought he is pretty selfish, the woman is dying and his biggest worry is what kind of a pussy she has.


Next time he said his buddies told him to f@ck her after she died, because he wasn't able to for a long time because of her illness. And he kept repeating that when she is dead he will definitely f@ck her.


I was sad for days after he told me that. I thought of that poor woman dying and the person who should have compassion with her is a selfish perverted pig. What did she do to deserve this?



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Guest f***2f***

I'm not sure how other's respond to this but my reaction is that this guy is a poor excuse for a human being. :cry:


This reminds me of something very sad:(


I had a old client who used to tell me his wife is dying of cancer. I thought poor guy comes to see me for a little affection.....


One day he told me she still has a nice pussy when he washes her. (I guess she couldn't wash herself) And that he wishes that she was dead. I said nothing, but thought he is pretty selfish, the woman is dying and his biggest worry is what kind of a pussy she has.


Next time he said his buddies told him to f@ck her after she died, because he wasn't able to for a long time because of her illness. And he kept repeating that when she is dead he will definitely f@ck her.


I was sad for days after he told me that. I thought of that poor woman dying and the person who should have compassion with her is a selfish perverted pig. What did she do to deserve this?



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I'm not sure how other's respond to this but my reaction is that this guy is a poor excuse for a human being. :cry:


There's also the implication in these stories that just because a woman makes her living, or even part of it, from selling various sexual services, she's interested in hearing ever possible perverted and weird sexual idea that's ever popped into a client's head.


We know that's not the case. See a therapist or shut the f- up would probable be good advice for some of these individuals.


As for the person with the dying wife, was he speaking the truth about what he wanted to do, or just finding a rude way of objectifying and expressing through inappropriate verbal sexual imagery, the anger and frustration he was feeling about her dying, the losses that had already meant and the long sad process it had obviously become? We'll never know for sure.

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There's also the implication in these stories that just because a woman makes her living, or even part of it, from selling various sexual services, she's interested in hearing ever possible perverted and weird sexual idea that's ever popped into a client's head.


Unfortunately most EP become unwilling consellors. After all they are open to the one taboo subject of most societies i.e. sex. They might also be the first person willing to actually listen to a client.


Plus the range of 'perverted and weird' can be quite large, BDSM or golden showers anyone ? [1] What someone finds 'preverted and weird' and possibly sexually thrilling could be within a norm for an EP.


It is true that this particular related incident would be outside most, if not all, our range of norm.


As for the person with the dying wife, was he speaking the truth about what he wanted to do, or just finding a rude way of objectifying and expressing through inappropriate verbal sexual imagery, the anger and frustration he was feeling about her dying, the losses that had already meant and the long sad process it had obviously become? We'll never know for sure.


Yes! We don't know for sure.



[1] no way a reflection of my personal fantasies, merely find these weird.

Edited by etasman2000
editing sentence structure

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The range of 'perverted and weird' can be quite large, BDSM or golden showers anyone ? [1] What someone finds 'preverted and weird' and possibly sexually thrilling could be within a norm for an EP.

[1] no way a reflection of my personal fantasies, merely find these weird.


It would probably be a good idea for clients to ask before launching off talking about some personal sex quirk. For example, "do you mind if I tell you about how I've become very close to my daughter's pony?" or "do you mind if I tell you about a fantasy I have involving urine?" Lol. Then EPs would have a choice about what they wanted to hear and how much.


As for "perverted and weird", I can find things that I'm not into either perverted and weird, if they seem too extreme even for me (lol), or merely interesting, though I have no compelling desire to do them myself.


For example, someone I know well in the business has a client who can only cum when she pisses directly into his mouth. At that point, with no contact by either him or her with his erect penis, he immediately shoots a huge load. Personally, I don't find that perverted or weird, just kind of interesting, though not really my cup of tea - or pee. Lol. But perhaps someone else might find that this particular act crosses the P&W line for them.

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You guys are right. We inevitably become - sometimes unwilling - counsellors to our clients.


After I wrote that I thought I should have put a warning before, because other people could find it disturbing.

Sorry, it is too late.....


Young Stud is right, and is pretty accurate with the pony, as far as the stories I had to listen to:) I won't say more.


This is what I meant when I said that we pay a high price for being in this business, and that sometimes you can't put a price tag on what damage it can do to our minds.


I am definitely not into dating, but having heard some stories and experienced perfectly normal looking guys' fantasies, I am sure I would find myself asking the question "I am wondering what could be on this guy's mind?" :)


I am glad I am not young anymore. I think this work robs you of your innocence. After having done this for a few years there is no way of going back to that naive innocence that is required to hold hands with your sweetheart and walk off into the sunset :)


Most girls will put up a brave front and tell you they are very happy and absolutely love every minute of this job, and maybe mean it at the moment, but I personally don't think it is possible to do this without some damage to your mind or soul.


On the other hand, other professions, like doctors, lawyers or psychiatrists must put up with more mental garbage :)

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You guys are right. We inevitably become - sometimes unwilling - counsellors to our clients.


On the other hand, other professions, like doctors, lawyers or psychiatrists must put up with more mental garbage :)


Yes and there is an old pyschiatrist/psychologist (likely doctors and lawyers too) maxim: "the payment is part of the counselling"



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i'm not turned off by much but for sure bestiality is on my "don't even mention it to me list",along with children...{both are illegal too} can't even role-play about the mom son thing...it freaks me out...damn Sam i hope you never see him again...

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i'm not turned off by much but for sure bestiality is on my "don't even mention it to me list",along with children...{both are illegal too} can't even role-play about the mom son thing...it freaks me out...damn Sam i hope you never see him again...


Sweden....bestiality is legal there...something about consenting adults....


yeah both are wtf for me too....

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Sweden....bestiality is legal there...something about consenting adults...


Do that many German Shepards and ponies live to be 18 - or is the age of consent lower in Sweden? Sorry, bad joke. Lol.

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warning: possible disturbing content

Do that many German Shepards and ponies live to be 18 - or is the age of consent lower in Sweden? Sorry, bad joke. Lol.


Pretty bad. There are dogs dying from it:(


Once I was on another board, unrelated to the industry, and in the Adult section there was a thread about bestiality. I complained to the moderator, but he said this is "free speech" and if I don't like it I should not read it.


I went to the section of dog lovers - where people post pictures of their pets, etc. - and told them about it and asked them to protest against it. They were pretty soon up in arms and they deleted the thread and forbid the subject altogether. :)

I know they can find another place, but they should know that this is not right, and maybe then they will seek professional help....


I remember, one of the guys who wrote there said his dog was "lucky", other dogs can't have sex, his can. These people actually believe what they are doing is good for the animal. Another thing this dirtbag said was that his dog likes it, because she could bite him and she doesn't. Oh, my God. Where is the poor animal supposed to go? He is feeding her........!! After you get over the disgusting aspect, this can break your heart.


I can't stand it when people use unwilling subjects to satisfy their own desires. Be it children, animals, trafficked women, doesn't matter. Find somebody who can agree or disagree on your own level.


I am pretty open minded. I know for a fact that BSDM for example is enjoyed by both parties, so even if I tried and found it is not for me, I don't think that is perverted. Just leave the unwilling participants out of it.

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15 in Sweden although prostitution is illegal...something about being degrading to women...


So, let's see if I understand this. Prostitution is illegal in Sweden because it degrades women. But bestiality is okay because it involves consenting adults? This makes no sense.


The point I was trying to satirize earlier was how can animals give consent (WTF ?!), no matter what their age of majority? So how can the rationalization of "consenting adults" apply to them when it comes to making bestiality legal?


I've been to Sweden. It's a very nice country with nice people and a very civilized society. But sounds like even they have some things to learn.

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