jafo105 39057 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 What is/are your biggest pet peeve(s)? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorobaby 4121 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 i dont know why, but the sound of someone chewing drives me completely nuts. im weird i know but i dont know how to describe the feeling i get when i can hear someone chewing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 i discovered that I'm a bit OCD when it comes to my windshield being clear...much so that when I'm driving as a passenger with someone else and they let it rain to the point of so many dropplets being on their windshield I actually kinda get nervous and kindly poke at them saying "umm...ya gonna use your wipers?" i know..I'm weird, lol (and its not my biggest pet peeve..but its one of em) oh...and people who stand on escalators blocking those walking ...its not a ride! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 -- Distracted drivers... texting and or eating while driving. -- Poor hygiene -- men with forests growing out of their noses and ears... -- The lack of good manners demonstrated by others. (holding the door for others, helping others when they drop something, etc...) -- Revenue Canada taking their sweet time giving out tax refunds!! -- Pedestrians not sharing the side walk. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piano8950 32577 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 i discovered that I'm a bit OCD when it comes to my windshield being clear...much so that when I'm driving as a passenger with someone else and they let it rain to the point of so many dropplets being on their windshield I actually kinda get nervous and kindly poke at them saying "umm...ya gonna use your wipers?" i know..I'm weird, lol (and its not my biggest pet peeve..but its one of em) oh...and people who stand on escalators blocking those walking ...its not a ride! Annessa, meet Rain X Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MellyBelly 15058 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 Absolutely hate........holding the door open for someone and they have no sense or too ignorant to say thank you......grrrrrrrrrr Makes me just wanna smack them in the back of the head...haha 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 Absolutely hate........holding the door open for someone and they have no sense or too ignorant to say thank you......grrrrrrrrrr Makes me just wanna smack them in the back of the head...haha ouh yes! thats right up there with drivers who you let in to the lane before you and dont give "the wave" ...i always sarcastically say "you're welcome!". sometimes being separated by glass is a good thing, lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214237 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 Driving at 6am in town and a car comes from a side road and almost does not stop drives in your lane and drives at 25-30 km/hr while you are on your way to Tim's for a coffee. Worst thing is he drives so slow that you get all the red lights. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 People deciding the aisles in a grocery store are spots to stop and block while looking for what they want to buy...like they are the only ones who are there to shop People who walk through a doorway, and then stop, forgetting or oblivious that others go through the same doorway too People who don't pull right up behind the car ahead of them in a drive through. Often see cars backed up almost out to the street (in a couple cases even out on the street obstructing traffic) because drivers won't pull up RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 clients that book an appointment then don't give any notice of a cancelation- no phone call- email-nothing-this is so thoughtless and rude. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aspen Wilde 31371 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 Loud breathing in my ear during a theatre performance. No, scratch that. Loud breathing in my ear. People who ask how you are and then keep talking (why did you ask?). When you have to beg for water at a restaurant. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 when your on a plane,train or automobile and the person in front of you puts their seat back on your lap. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted December 6, 2012 People who ask me if I feel safe doing this work. Do you feel safe going out on dates or bringing people home after a night out partying? Who exactly do you think I need to be "safe" from? Because honestly, clients are the least of my fears. Abolitionist feminists who scream at me that I'm a racist, patriarchal collaborator are much scarier in my mind. Especially since they are often the ones dictating laws and policy. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cometman 35115 Report post Posted December 7, 2012 Lineups........I absolutely fricking hate them. I will go to the DoT several times and find a time with an empty parking lot. Fast food? There had better be only one person in front of me. Movies? Nope. Disneyland? Never again. If I have to wait forever in a line to do something, I'll find something better to do. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tallguy007 4172 Report post Posted December 7, 2012 Tangled phone cords I don't know why, but I guess that what makes it a pet peeve. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ou**or**n Report post Posted December 7, 2012 Commercials and ads - by downloading almost all my viewing content from the Internet and reading most of news online but with a browser sporting AdBlock I am extremely isolated from commercials and ads. However the side effect is I cannot abide seeing any kind of ad or commercial which makes watching even the news painful. and completely unrelated... Cyclists, or more specifically cyclists that view the rules of the road simply were never meant for bikes. The speed through stop signs are red lights as if they aren't there. I can't count how many times I've shaken my head at how close they come to being hit and it being completely their own fault. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted December 7, 2012 Trying to get off an elevator while others choose to stampede in before you can get the fuck out! Hello we're on the ground floor ! Wait your turn! People yaking on their cell phone while driving and not paying attention to the road. Drivers that do not use their signal ! Fawk why was the lever put on the steering column for??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BownChickaBown 4829 Report post Posted December 7, 2012 Dis-ingenuous advertisers whom are by choice unwilling, and thus by extension, unable to substantiate or clarify their advertised claims when saying one thing in their ads before admitting otherwise they don't actually do what their ads say - yet continues to claim (through willfully ignoring facts; espousing baseless assertions; ignoring questions; blaming others for their failures) their opinion is fact and applies to all people in their industry irregardless of the real proven facts which already exist about advertising standards previously created by other true professional people when advertising specifics in their industry; while also not having the support of the industry as a whole when attempting to speak for the World they work in. Lame. Moreso sad than a pet peeve are also people whom suck up to proven failed advertisers to try and gain something from providing empty emotional platitudes to logical failure. Sad to see the sell-out continue, but c'est la vie - actions speak louder than words! ...and tags! I hate tags on lingerie - Makes me think: Since when did Angels shop at La Vie en Rose or La Senza and not in Heaven?? :S haha 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kathryn Bardot 99339 Report post Posted December 7, 2012 People who yell on their cellphones in public... Use your inside voice! I don't need to know your personal conversation :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C**Tra****er Report post Posted December 7, 2012 - Drivers that don't signal, understand how a 4-way stop works or know how to merge correctly. - People who don't hold doors open for you. I always hold the door for people. When someone does this it's polite to say "Thanks" or at least take your hands out of your pocket to take the door. Unless you're carrying something or have children/stroller, I'm not your doorman. - People who pass the buck or can't take ownership of something. I work for the federal government, and we seem to have an overabundance of these people. - The general perception that government workers are lazy. Granted there are those that are and have an incredible sense of entitlement (see above), but the majority work incredibly hard. :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted December 8, 2012 - Drivers that don't signal, understand how a 4-way stop works or know how to merge correctly. Other drivers in general. I think I need my own private road system :) - The general perception that government workers are lazy. Granted there are those that are and have an incredible sense of entitlement (see above), but the majority work incredibly hard. The problem is that for every government worker who's working incredibly hard, there's another one who's working equally hard on something that's diametrically opposed... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted December 8, 2012 I have quite a few but I will list one as it just happened.. Private/Block callers!! I don't normally answer unless a regular "friend" leaves a message and an exact time they will call back but my phone has bring ringing off the hook non-stop all week from non-regulars. Tonight I answered just to see and of course the childish person on the other end had nothing to say. I mess with them sometimes and say "you like the sound of my voice", "this is why I don't answer private calls" and hang up but most times I just laugh and hang up. You get two hellos and if you don't respond, who knows what I may say. Jokes on them childish SUCKERS!! I have no time for games and time wasters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
April Dawn 12207 Report post Posted December 8, 2012 People with gross dusty ceiling fans or cobwebs in their stipple. People who don't believe me when I'm right so I have to prove it then. (I will admit I'm a completely annoying know it all) Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted December 8, 2012 Please who use the word "Your" when they mean to say "You are" ( You're). 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted December 8, 2012 Advertising a GFE and having to ask if kissing is on the menu because often it isn't.... or you get the old YMMV answer. Peace MG 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites