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Photo Albums and Privacy

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I'm not sure if I'm posting my question in the correct place but here goes and I'm sure someone or Mod will be able to enlighten me.


I really want to create private albums again and show face pictures but I've had an issue in the past with privacy and discretion. Any who..


I was wondering if you can create a private photo album and just give permission to those you know, have had an encounter with or are just trusted friends without allowing everyone on your friends/contact list access to such an album.


I think it would be a really great option to be able to give special permission to those you choose to have access to your private album(s) and not just anyone and everyone on your friend/contact list, especially if this is a discrete and private business for the provider as well.


Thank you in advance!!


Big Hugs,


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I suspect that if you want finer control than just "everyone on my friends list", it's probably not possible right now (although I may be wrong). Which isn't to say it couldn't become possible in the future.


It strikes me that if other ladies think this is useful (and it strikes me that it might be) then it might be an idea for them to say to, so that Mod can prioritize appropriately...

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I don't know if the settings on your CERB control panel can be set so only some friends on your friends list can see face pictures

But a couple options.

One, you can use your Members Only section on your website to have face pictures

Two, email face pictures to friends who you trust and who would like to see your photographs.

Don't know if that is a help or not


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I created a private album in the past and only those I had seen in person had access to it. Unfortunately I had to delete anyone who hadn't seen me and there are also people who view my profile from time to time who I wouldn't want seeing certain pictures.


I think it's a good idea ( re: having the ability to only have certain people on your friends list to see or not see certain albums) but of course this would be up to the Mod to decide as he already has his hands full and doing a fine job with this site.

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I created a private album in the past and only those I had seen in person had access to it. Unfortunately I had to delete anyone who hadn't seen me and there are also people who view my profile from time to time who I wouldn't want seeing certain pictures.


I think it's a good idea ( re: having the ability to only have certain people on your friends list to see or not see certain albums) but of course this would be up to the Mod to decide as he already has his hands full and doing a fine job with this site.


I so want to show my face again and I'm at a crossroad with this decision. I don't want to delete anyone but I have tidied up my friends/contact list over the past days. It would kind of be like facebook, only certain people can see certain albums and block the rest, I use this feature like it's going out of style!!


I know Mod is up to the ears with many projects and I totally agree with the amazing and wonderful job being done with the site and all the new and updated features we have. I wonder if this would be a quick fix/change type project, hmmmm I don't have a clue.


I do have a private members area on my website but I want to be out and fine with it no matter what anyone may think. I'm going to think hard and put it in my 2013 goals for the year.


Big Hugs,


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