mod 135642 Report post Posted March 28, 2007 Big problem in Winnipeg from what I have been told... and from the responses I get I understand why. You make a date through a "booking agency" or with a "receptionist" and the provider who shows up is not the one described to you... or worse you seen their photo online or in a magazine and it's 100% not the same person. Either way your immediate reaction is "I have been scammed". So what do you do? Do you suck it up and pay the provider then bad mouth the agency online the next day? Do you actually pay the "agreed on" price and go through with the date? Do you send them off and say "sorry, but I think a mistake has been made" and try again with a different booking agency or independent? Well if you did not send the provider away then you just gave the agency more reason to continue to bait and switch customers and you just gave the prodivder a reason to continue to work for the corrupt agency. Congratulations you just made the problem even worse! We know Winnipeg has at least 3 agencies who bait and switch customers, they use different phone numbers, emails, names, etc so we can not police this for you! You know the bait and switch agencies and scammers read this site right!!? Your fooling yourself if you think they don't. Of course they do! They may not contribute but you know they are reading the posts. Hell, they may be contributing as well. You can usually point them out, they are the ones bad mouthing the independents that you had a good time with and for some reason you feel no obligation to step in and let people you had a good time with that person - of course if they feel no way about bait and switch then you know they have no problem with a few fake bad reviews to slow down the competition - usually we spot them and delete them right away but we need your help! If you have a good time with someone LET OTHERS KNOW!!! You want to know how you can stop this? Forget bad mouthing the providers who work for these agencies, you all seem to know who they are so start letting others know of "THE GOOD" agencies or independents! Every time you post about the GOOD ones you loose business for the BAD ones as people will read these posts. We have 4000+ visitors a day log into Lyla and read the posts!! Sure, only a dozen new threads appear in Winnipeg each month right now but this will change if you post good content (Recommendations of good experiences) Just look at the views on some of the threads in Winnipeg, some have been viewed 1500 times! People are reading the site so let them know who they can visit and get a good service (honest service) from. The purpose of this site is not to bash the escorts! ... and it's definitely not to spread rumours! It's the responsibilities of the guys and the escorts to clean up the problems in Winnipeg! Let's get the Winnipeg part of this site rocking!! We have the visitors reading the posts lets see some good strong recommendations here!! Let's let all the new people and current members know who offers the best services in the city!! 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 This has been going on for years in every city I have worked in. The MOD is right. If you guys stop falling for it, then maybe they'll actually smarten up and not do it. Back when I was more naive about the biz, I was sent by an agency to a gentleman who had asked for a "young, petite, slim girl". I was just a surprised as he was. I was 36 years old and weighed 160 pounds at the time. We both realized we had both been had, so he told to come in anyways. He paid me, but we just ended up talking. I quit the agency that night much to their displeasure, after calling them on it, to which they bare-faced lied to me. So sometimes you can't always blame the girl, but if she stays, she's risking perhaps getting turned away and I don't know why any girl would want to go along with that. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 This has been going on for years in every city I have worked in. The MOD is right. If you guys stop falling for it, then maybe they'll actually smarten up and not do it. Back when I was more naive about the biz, I was sent by an agency to a gentleman who had asked for a "young, petite, slim girl". I was just a surprised as he was. I was 36 years old and weighed 160 pounds at the time. We both realized we had both been had, so he told to come in anyways. He paid me, but we just ended up talking. I quit the agency that night much to their displeasure, after calling them on it, to which they bare-faced lied to me. So sometimes you can't always blame the girl, but if she stays, she's risking perhaps getting turned away and I don't know why any girl would want to go along with that. I have heard many girls in situations like angelas....most of the time their feeling was not so much that the guy wanted to go with it (despite) because he was hot-on-the-spot, but more so because the girl was sent not knowing what the arrangement was by a faulty agent....and he felt for her, she was still beautiful, just not what he had plainly asked from the agency. obviously many girls in agency situations are simply told their call-schedule.....not what was pre-arranged on the phone. I personally have been led to dates asking for an ethnic but not asian....which I can pull off if given notice...however, if not, its hard to hide that I'm half client asks what my mix is on the call and I (not knowing the agreement) say I'm half asian.....there is no anger towards me, just to the agency. however as you said mod, everyone feels "had", the client.....what do we all do tho? I will say as a sidenot my client went through with the call and now emails me thanking him for the Benneton-Add experience....and now is hooked on half-breeds, lol My opinion: I dont think it is the job of the client to send an unexpected treasure away in a situation like this....if, that is, she is attractive to him regardless of his the end, its not her fault and he is still attracted to her, he is doing no wrong in accepting the date. who knows, perhaps his selection may change after such an accidental and unextected encounter of a different selection. however the true fault is on the agency and should be reported as such as a poor communication or B&S towards the angency. provided the SP sent over is time-worthy, just not what the client had in mind, i dont think anyone should be sent away unless he absolutely cannot stand the company he's in....As I would hope that a proper agency would only hire ladies that would make them money (attractive, personable, company-worthy etc etc)...not poor reputations. (coles notes to my rant: bait and switch is just as its abreviation spells out...BS. however I dont think the gals should have to take the brunt for it and I beleve clients who go ahead with the date should be given a nod if they acknowledge it as the agency's fault...not the girls'...and review it as such. going ahead with the date [provided the gal is not butt-ugly] doesnt mean that they're selling out to the false just means in most cases that they have a heart for the girls who were stuck in the middle....[and yes, may not want to seek out last minute another option, really tho, I dont blame them]) my late night two cents......I really hope bait and switch ceases, but hopefully girls will eventually clue in to how they are being advertised and learn that the only person who is going to advertise them best is themselves 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 My opinion: I dont think it is the job of the client to send an unexpected treasure away in a situation like this....if, that is, she is attractive to him regardless of his requests Alternatively he could send her away after asking for her number and promising to call her independently. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 Alternatively he could send her away after asking for her number and promising to call her independently. in any case, he should also inform her that her agency has mis-represented her to him and give her a clue as to what a slack job her agency is doing. girls in this position are better off on their own Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted August 31, 2009 I can see Annessa's point that if the girl is still attractive, okay. But still the agency should be informed. I am thinking most times the girl is not attractive or there is large disparity between descriptions. Such as it was in my case we're taking about an extreme difference between young, slim and petite and older and heavier. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Annessa 22743 Report post Posted September 1, 2009 I can see Annessa's point that if the girl is still attractive, okay. But still the agency should be informed. I am thinking most times the girl is not attractive or there is large disparity between descriptions. Such as it was in my case we're taking about an extreme difference between young, slim and petite and older and heavier. oh definitely inform the agency! possibly even inform them that this will be the last time you book with them as a client.....hopefully this will make them realize that more happier customers who come back because of proper representing (as opposed to many tricked and lied to ones who stop using them) will bring them better business Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A***** A***** 510 Report post Posted September 2, 2009 I see this happening time and time again on other sites. When you give them an inch they will take a mile (bs wrong girl etc) In other words grow some balls and walk away *but be nice about it* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_niceguy 103 Report post Posted September 4, 2009 I have read your whole comment, but not tonight. So if I fucked something up, well, fuckin, you know you're right, to quote Cobain. I love your attitude and totally understand your point. I wish I weren't such a pussy, otherwise I would live it. No question; if someone uses a fake pic and you show up at her door or vice vera, you should say, "fuck off, you just totally scammed me". BUT, reality is, most people here probably don't get laid as often as the mod here does, and/or they certainly don't have as much experience with escorts. So they, like, me, would pay for the sesh, and accept what is offered. Sure, I'll bitch later if it's not a good bang for a buck, and yes, I do realise that I am a part of the problem.... but at the same time, I don't want to get stabbed, or have some person high on drugs causing a scenece where I live... so, I take the sesh for what it's worth. So I guess, the best idea, is to have our first sessions with an SP be INCALLS! I will try to follow that from now on, but honestly, if I girl with picks as hot as say Katie S says she can only meet at my place... well then fuck. dick is more powerful than the sword, or something like that... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted September 4, 2009 All great points. I say, if you are using an agency, don't blame the sp. If she is far from who you expected, call the agency immediately while she is there. Have the conversation with them in her presence, so she knows and they know what is going on. Also, if she is attractive to you (and also the right girl) clear up the rates and restrictions with her directly. Chances are the agency has misrepresented her services and their rates. Don't assume she knows what you have been promised by the booker. Again, if these promises are not what she does, call them up and let them know while the sp is there. She has a right to know how they are marketing her, because she is the one on the front lines, defending herself or possibly getting stuck in a very awkward or potentially dangerous situation. If she is attractive, nice, etc, get her number and get her to go indy lol. If you are willing to pay for her time the agency rates, I am sure she would be pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to set up her own appt with you at a rate that is between theirs and what she pockets lol. So if you pay 300, and she is getting 200, settle on 250 for private arrangements lol. And please remember, with agency sps, that altho you are paying top $$$, that is nowhere near what she gets after agency fee, driver fee, and miscellaneous expenses that the agency will fine her for. Some agency sps end up owing money, if the agency is disreputable or she can't make her schedule. One of the mps in Van charges the client 320 for incalls. The sps are almost all supermodel looks, 20-25, generous services, etc. Independently, they would charge 300-400 per hour easily (high end Van rates). At this mp, they take home 200. You pay for 300/hr service, and may get 200/hr service and attitude simply because that is what she takes home. It can make a difference. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
etasman2000 15994 Report post Posted September 5, 2009 If she is attractive, nice, etc, get her number and get her to go indy lol. If you are willing to pay for her time the agency rates, I am sure she would be pleasantly surprised by the opportunity to set up her own appt with you at a rate that is between theirs and what she pockets lol. So if you pay 300, and she is getting 200, settle on 250 for private arrangements lol. Hmm....since you were willing to lay out 300 why drop to 250 ? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SexyBoy 100 Report post Posted November 30, 2010 I just have to point out that this problem is by far the worst in Winnipeg. The best place I have been to in Monteral by far. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harmony-bc 319 Report post Posted December 1, 2010 Here in Van, I worked for an agency that had a picture of a young hot blond in the georgia straight, advertising pse, independent, and 19. I got turned away 50% of the time. I stayed with the agency because they were busy and the owner didnt have a lot of rules with his girls. I had a lot of freedom. No fines, no book on fees, if you didn't want to work, no big deal, etc. I find with a lot of agencies they want to own you. I really want to belong only to myself. I used to work at a place that is closed now, but you got fined $75 if you were late for your shift. The evening shift started at 4, but they wanted you there at 3:30, so that you could be ready for the couch at 4. If you weren't ready by 4, you got fined, even if you got there at 3:30. Never again, lol. I knew a girl at a place in Kelowna that owed our boss over $2000 in fines. The poor girl would get a client that paid by credit card and the money would get kept, towards her fines. I remember her telling her dates to go to the bank and come back, lol. Instead of fining girls, agencies should take shifts away, that would hurt more. If I work at a restaurant, i can work part time at another restaurant. the only agency that I ever worked at that allowed that was the touch. Now that I am 100% independent, I couldn't even imagine working for anyone ever again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted December 1, 2010 Pardon me for being so blunt, but any agency that holds back money and charges fines isn't an agency... it`s a pimp. An agency works for the provider not the other way around. Much like an agent for an actor, musician or author; they are responsible for getting their client`s name out there and booking them work. If the lady doesnt want to work she doesn't have to. If the agent is unsuccessful in providing work then the provider should fire the agent. Good for you for going indy! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
leighxox 329 Report post Posted December 28, 2010 I worked for an Agency once and it sure didnt take me long to figure out that I was being sent out randomly. I was sent to see a client at a hotel who had pre-book a blond girl named such and such and I arrived not the blond girl who was refereed to him by a previous client. it was maybe the 3rd call I had taken from the agency so while I was in the room with him I called the agency and told them what he told me. they acted like they didnt know what hes talking about, she then tells me to pretend im the girl he pre-booked after knowing perfectly well he knows im definitely not her!! I was outraged I left and quit right there. I couldn't believe the agency's complete lack of respect not only for us but for them as well. Indy girls are by far the best way to go. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha Male 177 Report post Posted December 28, 2010 (edited) When I first got involved in this hobby, I used agencies exclusively. Mind you I'm talking about years ago, before I knew of cerb or EC, possibly before they even existed, LOL. I would give the agency a description of what I preferred; hair color and length, measurements, height and weight, skin color, etc.. A big part of the excitement was the anticipation, the not knowing exactly who would show up at the door until I looked through the peep hole. Although I'd say that about 50 percent of the time, she was not as I had described; either the hair was wrong or the height etc., I can honestly say that I was never disappointed with who actually did show up. In fact on a few occasions, my jaw actually hit the floor when I saw who walked in the door. Only on one occasion was I disappointed. The girl who showed up was skinny as a rail, flat chested, and not very facially attractive. Not at all what I had described to the agency. Feeling quite frisky at the time, I decided to go through with it anyway. OMG!!! Her performance was unbelievable!! To this day, I still occasionally reminisce about that incredible session. She also had the cutest, tightest, most slippery little shaved p**sy I had even seen or felt! It has yet to be matched and at this point in my life, I don't think it ever will be. Even she was not a disappointment, far from it, despite my intial reaction when I first saw her. I did have one bad experience. Although I had previously only used agencies that charged a flat hourly rate, I decided to try an agency that charged an agency fee, and then you had to negotiate with the girl for her services when she arrived. Big mistake. We negotiated for a bj. She wanted way too much for FS especially when I factored in the agency fee, and although she was attractive, she was no Kim Kardashian. Even the bj was over-priced but she was unyielding and I thought, "What the f**k. Let's do it." We then went to the bedroom and I started disrobing. Noticing that she wasn't doing the same, I said to her, "You can start getting naked anytime now." to which she responded, "I'm not getting naked, that'll cost you extra." " Are you f**king kidding?" I asked in my disbelief. She was serious. I quickly put my pants back on and told her that I didn't think it was going to work out and that I'd have to ask her to leave. She started making a fuss about how she should get paid for her time and for showing up. I told her she was out of her mind. I then suggested that she could still do the bj naked and it wouldn't be a complete waste of her time, and she again refused, knowing that if she didn't, she'd be going home with nothing. I told her that I was okay with that, it was her business decision to make, but not to expect me to pay her just for showing up. She left in a huff, yelling that she was going to have me black-listed. At that point, I didn't really care anyway, and so I just said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." LOL. The door slammed and she was gone. Thank God. So one bad experience out of many, many, many encounters. Not a bad average. For various reasons, I haven't participated in this hobby for some time now but that is not to say that I will never participate again. When or if I do, I will probably make use of the information and resources available on cerb and EC. However, I also would not hesitate in using an agency again, provided it is an hourly flat rate agency. They have more competition now because of cerb and EC and all of the indies, so who knows, maybe they have to bend over backwards now to obtain and retain clients. Might be worth a look-see. Additional Comments: Hmm....since you were willing to lay out 300 why drop to 250 ? It's called not paying more than you have to. If she's making more and you're paying less, isn't that the best of both worlds? Edited December 28, 2010 by Alpha Male Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frank Ricard 223 Report post Posted October 9, 2011 All the more reason to do your homework in advance and only patronize reliable agencies or SPs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sixpak 3780 Report post Posted January 30, 2012 How about contacting the agency about their deceitfulness and dishonesty, etc... tell them that you sent the girl away but keep her and pay her as an indy ..LOL BUT I assume most agencies prob has a driver! Most agency ladies do not know what the client was actually told. The agency has to be told and informed you will never call them again and then everyone else should be informed through venues such as this. Thank you everyone for the great advice. :chug: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rjbox 110 Report post Posted February 19, 2012 I am not a fan of agencies myself. I think you can get a much more specialized service from an independent provider. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted February 19, 2012 I once had an agency in Montreal pull that stunt on me, but it actually worked out in my favor!!! They actually sent someone who I ended up hitting it off with and saw many times over a couple of years. This though is not generally the case and is a one off, I have also been burned badly before. Remember, just turn them away at the door if it's bait and switch, it's the only way to stop agencies from pulling stunts like this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **l****uz Report post Posted September 5, 2012 People need to start sending the girls away when they are not the proper girl who the customer booked with. Girls will get sick of being sent away and drop the agencies eventually or move to a more reliable agency! Some may even go independent! Let's get the Winnipeg part of this site rocking!! We have the visitors reading the posts lets see some good strong recommendations here!! Let's let all the new people and current members know who offers the best services in the city!! In response to this major concern for both service providers and hobbyists, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me which places are the "reliable agencies" or if it's better to go independent. I was licensed in Alberta and did work for a fabulous agency, and in turn felt a slight comfort in knowing I was seeing prescreened clients or regulars to that agency. I am a bit fearful of both the authorities and new clients that I would seek out on my own. Any suggestions? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blazejowski 436 Report post Posted September 6, 2012 In response to this major concern for both service providers and hobbyists, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me which places are the "reliable agencies" or if it's better to go independent. I was licensed in Alberta and did work for a fabulous agency, and in turn felt a slight comfort in knowing I was seeing prescreened clients or regulars to that agency. I am a bit fearful of both the authorities and new clients that I would seek out on my own. Any suggestions? From what I have heard from the SP's in Winnipeg's experiences, there are no good agencies here in town. It's better to stay independent... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sno****54 Report post Posted September 6, 2012 In response to this major concern for both service providers and hobbyists, I'm wondering if anyone can tell me which places are the "reliable agencies" or if it's better to go independent. I was licensed in Alberta and did work for a fabulous agency, and in turn felt a slight comfort in knowing I was seeing prescreened clients or regulars to that agency. I am a bit fearful of both the authorities and new clients that I would seek out on my own. Any suggestions? I know some independent escorts whom prescreened clients by requiring at least two references of other escorts that the customer had visited before. Aparently it works, at least until your establish a net of regulars. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Loki318 1631 Report post Posted September 6, 2012 I have done this and formed some great "relationships" and even steered a couple of girls into "independence" over the years ...... Maybe I should write a book ....... not Alternatively he could send her away after asking for her number and promising to call her independently. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
farmboy 848 Report post Posted September 6, 2012 Stay away from any agencies in Wpg....all are rip off artists...both for the lady and the client!! Mps would be a ok place to start, to build up some clientele......Executive Bath/Time Out is the cleanest and nicest studio in town.....many sp's start there before moving on to becoming independant.... not a FS place...As much as I hate to say it , but Broadways or Moonlight would be the next best places to work...both are really dumpy....however the girls get treated well, have lots of freedom, and especially at Moonlight a decent girl would be non stop busy (once the word got out) as selection there is extremely poor......Broadways have better selection of girls, and they dont mind if your indy as well as working there...much busier studio....excellent place to get a few regulars before going indy. Last but not least is Nevada's, nicer decor than BW or MoonLight, and a decent girl would be super busy.....however management would take 25%-75% away in fines, and for the girls , it has to be the worst establishment to work in, only because of manegment, and it seems to be getting progressively worse......might be a ok place to work for a week or 2...just to get some regular clients, and to see how much better being a indy is!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites