xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted December 16, 2012 (edited) Ok, so because of those mean looking CFM boots I posted in my album, I have received a lot of PMs regarding "trampling" with them. This is not something I have EVER done, but I have been asked many times in years past as well and... I have become more curious about it... I couldn't imagine myself doing it because to be honest, I wouldn't hurt a fly... I'm definitely sub not dom! I guess what I'm curious about it is a)WHY? / HOW? And also, b)Is there not a great risk for injury?? I'd welcome both hobbyists and SPs experiences and/or thoughts on the topic! PM's are fine if you do not wish to publicly address the matter. Thank you! Edited December 16, 2012 by xXxAxXx typo 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MightyPen 67414 Report post Posted December 16, 2012 Good question! Trampling isn't really one of my "things", but I understand the mind-set and I've experienced it a bit in the past. 1. Why? For the "why", you have to start by wrapping your mind around the fetish itself: and like any other fetish, here some object is imbued irrationally with immense sexual significance. We all "get" that spike-heeled shoes and boots are sexy; they're presented that way in our culture all the time. Now just magnify that symbolic role immensely. For whatever reason, the shoes or boots in this case are extremely powerful sexual tokens all by themselves in the mind of the "enthusiast", and even moreso when "wielded" by a woman who herself grasps their sexual power. (That last bit is an important point. In my experience, an oblivious and uncomprehending woman saps the sexiness out of the fetish object when she tries to wield it clumsily and without understanding. Yet who can blame her? The fetishy aspect of something can be completely weird and incomprehensible to those who don't share it.) So, if sexy footwear is the absolute pinnacle of lustful sexiness to a guy, then having a woman "use" them on him is deeply exciting. Maybe it will help if you imagine that you've acquired a penis, except it's a boot. ;) (And you've got two of them!) Now... what are you going to do with it? 2. How? The actual standing on top of and trampling part is a way for the guy to submissively experience the footwear fetish. The power is all in the boots and the woman wearing them. Specific acts that appeal vary with the guy, but don't imagine that you're going hiking on his body and tromp about. You've got a sexual tool; use it seductively and a bit threateningly and you're on the right path. Go slowly, don't just jump on. Start with one foot while standing on the other, and then apply more weight to the "active" foot. Lean on something that will take part of your weight and work your way up to applying more pressure. You standing on top with both feet and without other support will be the pinnacle of the process, not the first thing you leap into. That kind of buildup is sexy in itself; the rising threat and tension, nursed and drawn out to maximum effect; think of it like building up to an orgasm. 3. Isn't this dangerous? Very good question. I guess the right answer is "well yeah, a bit." Keep in mind that people can have cars roll over their chests and suffer just some fractured ribs. The two most important parts are knowing where to step, and spreading your weight about; never put all your weight on a stiletto heel because yeah, just like it's namesake, that sucker is going to go right through someone's ribs. The chest and back are well protected and can bear considerable weight; but I've just decided I'm not really qualified to say what's safe and what's not, so seek some online resources and work it out with the guy before starting. Despite all those admonitions... just be reasonably careful, and have fun with it! I'm jealous of all the tools women have in their toolkits. ;) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted December 17, 2012 Thank you! This was very insightful and informative! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted December 17, 2012 I once had a gentleman caller guide me through his trampling fetish and I must admit, I was pretty excited. Just like every fetish, the actual role playing varies as much as the individuals who seek them out. While you can generalize a fetish by giving it a name, the way the time proceeds can be very different with different people. As always, my best advice in all things sexual is communication! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Miss Jane TG Report post Posted December 18, 2012 Nothing much to be added to what has been already said. Just the safety issue, as older Gents tend to have more fragile rib cage. Another thing is people with hiatus hernia are generally not good candidates for this kind of play. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tonyb 1028 Report post Posted December 19, 2012 As a long time fan of being trampled, perhaps I can add to MightyPen's excellent insight. I used to think that I was very alone in this, but I've researched it pretty thorougly. It's not nearly as unusual, nor as straightforward as you might think. The fetish typically begins in childhood. Very early, like age 5 or 6. Think of a young boy crawling around the floor playing with his toys while the women who love and nurture and protect him, like his Mom, Grandma, aunts and older sisters either walk about the room going about their business, or are sitting chatting or watching TV or reading. Who knows what happens, but somehow their feet and legs get imprinted on his sexual psyche. As the fellow grows older, the fetish takes its own twists and turns, so some guys will ask for a slow, loving trample, some will want a disinterested bitch who doesn't care about what she is doing, some will want a pse-type of trample that really seems to get the woman excited (perhaps as a prelude to her sitting on him and taking him), some will want the pain of your heels digging in, and some will want to experience the crushing weight. So in your role of trampler, the first thing to do is figure out what the guy needs. Almost every guy will want more than he can really take. That's important for you to understand. MightyPen's suggestion of starting slowly and gradually buillding up the intensity is a good one for several reasons. First, it's safe, secondly it wll give your client a great experience even if he can't take as much as he hoped, and finally it will allow you to guage how much he can take. You will be very much in control of everything that happens, so it is important for you to really pay attention to him; not just to what he says, but also to his beaviour and body signals. Twice I have been unable to talk when a woman stood on me. Give the fellow time to warm up. Like any atheletic activity, you risk injury of you don't. The first time you step on him, place your foot on his stomach and slowly transfer your weight onto him. Try not to stand on one foot for too long as you are stepping up; when you're on one foot, you are doubling the pressure on that spot on him. Only stand for a few seconds the first time. Give him a moment to recover, and then step on him again, longer this time. Each time stay a little longer, or start gently walking about. There are more muscles in his stomach than his chest, so he is likely to take your weight on his stomach easier. As soon as you step off, the cool air rushes into him, and in many cases, he will be ready to receive your weight again with 10 seconds or less. You can use that knowledge to vary the intensity. Some fellows may want you to walk on their pelvis, penis, legs, arms and even their head. Start slowly until your get to know the guy. Some guys try to hold their breath while you are on top. Discourage this; he will take you longer if he dosen't hold his breath. It's also safer since his blood pressure won't build up so fast. I've been told that smaller men seem to take trampling better than larger men. A man who is fit will take it better than a man who is out of shape. The newer the fellow is to being trampled, the less he is likely to be able to take as much as he hoped. Keeping your balance while standing on someone is hard to do; it takes a fair amount of core body strength on your part. If you do this long enough, you will work up a sweat. If you don't have a strong core, you will fidget as you try to keep your balance, and that will make it difficult for him to take. The less you fidget, the longer he will be able to take your weight. Don't stand with all your weight on his heart. If you aren't too heavy, a few seconds there will not be a problem, but if you stay there for too long, he could have a real problem. It's a good idea to have something very solid to hand onto, like a kitchen counter, a solid chair or couch, or a wall. A hallway trample or trampling in a doorway is good. Avoid hanging onto something that might topple and hurt you both like a bookcase. Barefoot trampling is easier and safer than trampling with shoes or boots. You can keep your balance easier, and you will not leave any marks with bare or stockinged feet. With boots and shoes, it's not just the sharpness of the heel that you have to think about. If you twist your foot on his skin, the tread on the bottom of your shoe could bruise or tear his skin. Also the edges of the heels of even chunky shoes and boots can be quite sharp and could tear his skin. Your weight is obviously a factor, but not as much as you might imagine. I've been fortunate to be trampled by women in the 130 to 300 lb range, and each experience is unique and enjoyable. (When the 500 lb woman stood on me, I saw blue stars for a couple of seconds before I passed out.) If you are of average size, where you stand on him (upper chest, lower chest, chest and stomach or all stomach), how long you stand on him, how much you let him warm up, and how much you fidget will really determine how long he can take it. Oh, and if he's quite erect, he will probably last even longer. If you both get really revved up, you could be amazed at the jumping and stomping that he will enjoy. But start slowly!!! I always ask the woman to tie my hands at my sides or slightly behind me, for her safey and mine. A collar and leash is great, too! Look on youtube for femdom trample; there are some gems there. And of course, if you would like a personal introductory lesson or someone to test out your technique, I'd be glad to oblige! 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted January 2, 2013 wow I need to come in and check BDSM threads more often, just now seeing this reply! Thanks guys for all your input!!! You've given many new directions to let my thoughts wander to, much more understanding (still much more to be had) and such insights as to what could lead to this type of play. I think it's important to learn about the psyche in these cases as it certainly helps to understand the client's needs as far as atmosphere and dialogue etc. If you don't know what the client seeks specifically, it can be a complete disaster, I'm sure. I will make sure to ask the right kinds of questions should a need for this ever arise. Also, I will need to learn a whole lot about the physical risks before I venture forth! This is such a grey area and I thank you all again for showing me that nothing is completely black nor white, especially in this community. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bodan31 110 Report post Posted February 7, 2013 Well I have being trample a lots... And I love it! I did love when Megforfun use her boots and step on me... Yes very exciting! Safety always the number 1 and the best one is the tramplee! Communication is a most. So I agree to all of you. And it alway depend of the tramplee and the trampling lady :) And, I'm alway be available to be trampled ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mister_crufty 4891 Report post Posted February 7, 2013 Threads like this always drive home how boring and vanilla my sex life is. I need to step up my game apparently. Thanks for sharing all. Really neat to learn about some things I've never heard of before. Truly we humans are a diverse group. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bodan31 110 Report post Posted February 7, 2013 The beauty of it... It's'to be open! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted February 7, 2013 Threads like this always drive home how boring and vanilla my sex life is. I need to step up my game apparently. Thanks for sharing all. Really neat to learn about some things I've never heard of before. Truly we humans are a diverse group. Not to hijack this thread but vanilla isn't necessarily least for me it isn't. I enjoy female companionship and receive it here. And remember, Baskin and Robbins serves lots of flavours...including vanilla Don't worry about stepping up your game, if you and the lady are content in your encounters, that's what matters, not what others may be doing Now back to the thread :-) RG 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bodan31 110 Report post Posted February 13, 2013 Well cant wait to feel heels on me :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FootFetishTess 1261 Report post Posted February 18, 2013 Ok, so because of those mean looking CFM boots I posted in my album, I have received a lot of PMs regarding "trampling" with them.This is not something I have EVER done, but I have been asked many times in years past as well and... I have become more curious about it... I couldn't imagine myself doing it because to be honest, I wouldn't hurt a fly... I'm definitely sub not dom! I guess what I'm curious about it is a)WHY? / HOW? And also, b)Is there not a great risk for injury?? I'd welcome both hobbyists and SPs experiences and/or thoughts on the topic! PM's are fine if you do not wish to publicly address the matter. Thank you! The replies to this thread have been really helpful. I would add that some fellows who enjoy being trampled in high heels use a large sheet of plywood, thick plastic, or other protective material laid over their body so that they can experience the weight (and the view) of trampling while avoiding the marks that high heels can and do leave on a vulnerable torso. Am I the onlyperson who's heard of this technique? Anyone on the thread given it a try? - Tess. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rick-190 100 Report post Posted April 17, 2013 The beauty of it... It's'to be open! It works well as long as you don't put all your weight on the heel or you could puncture the poor guy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rick-190 100 Report post Posted April 23, 2013 It's always best when both parties get turned on at the same time Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted April 25, 2013 Now I am definitely open to try this with a protective layer! I had been imagining heel punctures this whole time!!! Though I am interested in letting my mind wander into such a place, I was not willing to harm anyone. This is great! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted April 30, 2013 I've had a few trampling clients over the years and have never used a board in between myself and the client. I think it would interesting to try but since I've only done this as requested by the client obviously they've never brought it up. I think the ones I've seen anyway.. prefer to feel the heel of the shoe or my foot if they prefer a nude foot on their body.. ie it's not only the weight that's the desire to feel. I even had a trampling duo with Soleil when I was in Winnipeg a couple years back. That was a lot of fun. I find it extremely important to have something to grab onto for support. I used to have a giant tv that I could lean on.. but if you have a heavy chair close by you can reach out to that if you need it. Stepping on and off the client sort of like when you do the stair stepper at a gym works well too. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites