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resolution to improve health

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Perhaps you want to start early on a New Year's resolution.. Perhaps you don't need a reason other than to live longer and be more resilient.


I have a strong interest in health. Lately there are a bunch of documentaries and blogs I've found online that I find really good. Please add to this if you find some similar!


Fat Sick and nearly Dead http://vimeo.com/45359005


Hungry for change http://www.disclose.tv/action/viewvideo/92129/Hungry_For_Change/


Fresh the movie http://vimeo.com/41450294



Genetic Roulette http://vimeo.com/49565886




sweet misery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0UDeydlEDM

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I'm glad I'm not the only health nut here.

But I'm not trying to live longer....what the hell's the use

of living to 90 only to slowly fade into dementia?

I'm just trying to make sure my next 25 years remain

healthy and fun. Once I hit 70, if I do, who the hell cares.

People are telling me I look ten years younger than I am

and it's because I've eliminated fast and processed foods,

gone mostly veggie, and boosted my intake of potent,

scientifically proven natural antioxidants.


I'll tell you something. During the summer I bought organic

black grapes. I ate them all that evening. That night I had a

hardon that simply would not go away ( I was tired and didn't

feel like jerking off). It was no coincidence, as I bought them

again later in the week and the same damn thing happened.


Antioxidants, polyphenols, lycopene, resveratrol, etc., etc.,...

it's all good shit, and science backs it up.

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I had no idea grapes had that effect. Picking some up tomorrow :)


They weren't blue or red or purple grapes, they were black organic.

Whatever they did, they did it well! I've found that gelatinized maca root (Nativas brand) really boosts the libido too; interestingly, raw maca root did not. Maca works for women as well as men. It seems to boost semen volume as well, if that's a concern.

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And... following along with Old Blue Eyes theme...Another food to increase virility



Watermelon. Nature's viagra!


I tried watermelon when I heard about it's side effects. I would eat it daily (produce section had fresh cut up watermelon for sale). No side effects

Turns out you need something like six cups of watermelon to get the desired effects, but another side effect with that amount of watermelon, diarrhea :-( Now I never took that amount daily, probably explains why it didn't work for me.


But l-argenine, in pill form, does work...emphasis, for me. Along with adding "Tribulus 20000"

I'm not saying watermelon doesn't work, it just didn't work for me...but we are all wired differently aren't we.

Anyone needing an assist may just have to do trial and error research like I did to find what works for you.

But for health resolutions, I'm going to start a routine of walking everyday plus eat more good foods and less bad ones...my cat is mad already, he knows no more Hagen Das in 2013 :-)


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Just thought I'd chime back in here.

There's a new Canadian product called

bioflavia (bioflavia.ca) which consists

of dried powdered organic dark grape skin.

I dropped a teaspoon of it in the

half bottle of organic red wine I had left

in the fridge, then drank it. Some people

scoff at organic, but when it comes to

resveratrol, it matters very much because

it's a compound produced by the grape vine

to fight off mould, and if the grapes are

sprayed with fungicides, the plant has

a much smaller need to produce resveratrol.


There's a technique to drinking wine for

health purposes. As the resveratrol and other

good stuff is mostly destroyed once it enters

the stomach, you have to swish it around

your mouth and especially let it get under

the tongue (sublingual absorption), then



Anyway, I had hardons all night and whacked

off twice this morning! Woo hoo! I also woke

up 5 pounds lighter than I usually do! 185 here

I come!!!!!!!!!! :P

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I bought a Vitamix about a month and a half ago, and it's made it so easy to get my daily fruit and vegetable intake that I was missing. I'm totally impressed with it so far, since it liquifies everything, including things like the skin, stem, seeds and the core which is where a lot of the nutrients lie. Admittedly, it's a bit more expensive than your average blender, but well worth the money IMHO. I use it almost every day... highly recommended.

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I bought a Vitamix about a month and a half ago, and it's made it so easy to get my daily fruit and vegetable intake that I was missing. I'm totally impressed with it so far, since it liquifies everything, including things like the skin, stem, seeds and the core which is where a lot of the nutrients lie. Admittedly, it's a bit more expensive than your average blender, but well worth the money IMHO. I use it almost every day... highly recommended.


I've had my vitamix over 5 years now and I couldn't live without it!

I also have an easygreens sprouter so I have fresh sprouts almost every day as well.

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