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"There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with." -Harry Crews, novelist and playwright (b. 1935)


I ran across this quote and thought it would resonate with various folk.

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You were correct.


I have scars rather then tattoos. Not that I went out and planned to get them.


Each one has a funny or fugly story behind them. And generally a lesson on how to be more careful when handling sharp, heavy, radioactive, flammable, explosive, toxic things while standing on the "Do Not Stand" part of a ladder.

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I've got a new scar-in-progress! Right now it's still healing up, a fresh hook-shaped scalpel-wound where the doctor cut me up last week to remove a benign tumour from my ankle region. It doesn't hurt now (well, except when I stretch it too much), and I'm starting to grow rather fond of it. This was my first major surgery and I'm damn proud of myself for getting through it so stylishly.

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Then I'm a beautie....lots of scars. Major scars from blown achilles tendon surgery and ACL and MCL repairs, other smaller scars from hockey, rugby and general clumsiness...




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Now should any ladies care to get into a game of scars such as this with me, then I am game. But don't expect to win. :)


A great scene from Lethal Weapon 3.

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ive got a few, mainly just stupid stuff, but one that is the most apparent i have if from a stabbing/mugging that i had a few years back, still hurts to this day but its a constant reminder of vigilance

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Guest S**a*Q

I had some nasty scars but I covered them with a full sleeve of tattoos. :)

Edited by S**a*Q

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For me...I have 2 on my knee from a surgry:( Not big, most do not notice, but I always do!

1 on my right ankle, from a break, had metel rod and screws:( From that I have major nerve damage from:(


lately I have aquired 2 new ones, on my hands:( But all good, is from my love of cooking and baking:) lol...seems every friday when I cook my specialty dishes, I tend to get one small burn...lol

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I have a facial scar that I got when I was a toddler and my dermatologist has been trying to get rid of it in all kinds of sly ways and I nix it every time. I have patiently explained several times that if he removes it I will never know my left from my right!

I have always worried about scars on my body tho and it's why I've never gone under the knife to have a breast lift. I've read so many derogatory remarks about scars that it scares me. I happen to love scars, the way they feel under my touch and the stories that accompany them both...


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Wether they are intentional or unintentional they are part of you and they make you unique. Their story is for you to share or not to share and part of your journey to becoming "you". Others may look at them and see them as ugly, some may not notice some may find beauty in them but what is important in the end , for all of us is how we see our selves.

Sometimes when we become externally marred our internal being grows stronger, more accepting, understanding-beautiful and imperfections can be more appealing sometimes then perfections.

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Since I started this, I should tell a bit about mine. Some are internal, emotional scars. Those are the ones that came to mind when I saw the quote.


Pretty much most of my physical scars are not readily apparent unless you look for them. The most noticeable one, were I to shave my head, is a huge horse-shoe shaped scar on the back of my head. A reminder of brain surgery.


Another smallish one, hidden by my watch, is from an extremely dark time where I made a choice I might not have made now.


The rest of them are for the most part from when I was "young, dumb, and full of cum" and could form the basis of a great story telling exercise.

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Well I've got the ol' tummy stretchmarks from having had kids... I have long ago left behind any stigmas I had about having them, simply because: I am a goddamn tiger who earned her stripes!

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I have more scars than I can count! 99% of them are from combat. They are a reminder of everything I've been through and each one has a story to be told behind it. I've always felt scars are part of the story of someone's life and something to proud of.

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I still have a scar in the back of my head. When i was a little kid, i decided to attack the corner of the TV with my head. You can guess who won. =p


Aside from that, just a little half-moon scar on my thumb, when i cut myself openning a tuna can at 10 years old.

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Having had 5 lung surgeries in my life already, scars are pretty much a part of me. I've had people ask me about them at the beach. I usually tell them that I wasn't very nice, so I had to give back my wings (makes sense when you see them). And I've had people tell me it's gross looking. I just respond that there isn't much I can do about them and if they don't like them, to not look at them

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I think scars are extremely sexy. kinda bizarre- but i love the look and feel of them. the story behind them is something in itself but the actual physical appearance of scars are attractive to me- i cant explain it. Shhhh! Drooool ;)

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I have a scar right down the middle of my left leg as a result from shaving when i was a teenager. All I remember is that 5 bandaids wouldn't stop the blood and others seeing a trail of blood all over the floor. And even now, I always seem to be nicking myself when shaving. I am dying to get laser hair removal done on my legs. I am sick of shaving and all the bullshit that comes with it!

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Guest a**4*

Scars tell a story i have many my last one is from a bad accident i was in about six years ago my friends still can't beleve i am still here and the doctors told me i am one lucky guy i call my scars character it tells's a story and now i live life to the fullest......:)

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Guest **l****uz

Aside from that, just a little half-moon scar on my thumb, when i cut myself openning a tuna can at 10 years old.


That's so funny, I have the exact same scar on my left thumb from cutting an apple with a pearing knife!

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That's so funny, I have the exact same scar on my left thumb from cutting an apple with a pearing knife!


I also have a scar on my left thumb, from chopping wood without due care and attention. Fortunately, I still have the thumb.

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I have 22 inches of scar from above my right hip to below my right knee. It's a reminder to avoid sudden stops.

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I've always found scars sexy, although I thought it was a perverse pleasure. (never thought I would find people agreeing with me on that one.) I have a couple. One on my face from a childhood accident, and a small knife wound on my back. (we played rough when I was a teenager.) Sometimes surprised I survived my childhood.

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Oh and another scar I have that has a funny history behind it was when I was stabbed in my big toe by my older sister's friend with a pitchfork when I was 4 or 5 years old. I remember that incident to this day. They were making mudpies in the friend's backyard and they didn't want me there. I used to follow my sister everywhere. They told me to leave and naturally the fiesty part of me stood up with my hands on my hips and said "Make me!"


Then my sister's friend stabbed me in the foot with a pitchfork. All I remember is my sister trying to carry me home and blood was everywhere while I was crying hysterically. Of course she got in trouble and I vaguely remember my mother or Aunt going to tell off this girl's mother. LOL. I laugh about it now but that hurt like a bitch! I've still got the scar to prove it!

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I love scars.

Because they mean someone did live.

Battle scars, surgery scars, cat scratch scars, acne scars, body mod and even more SI scars

Someone that has the strenght to pour inner emotional pain into physical pain and actually survive and not kill themselves...is beautiful to me



Give me an imperfect body of someone that has a story to share over flawless skin of someone that has nothing to say

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