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Great Big Thanks to The Lovely Ladies of CERB

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Perhaps this post should be in the Kingston section, but as I am extending thanks to the ladies that travel to Kingston I feel more appropriate here.


I would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to the absolutely lovely ladies of CERB that have been making a stop in Kingston. I feel very fortunate to have been able to meet some of you and to those that I have yet been able to meet, I hope our paths will cross on one of your future visits.


As a hobbyist, Kingston can suck a little at times and I'm sure as an SP the same can be said. So this is why I want to show my appreciation and my most sincere thanks.


I hope that I get a chance to meet all of you someday and to those I have already spent time with, I look forward to being able to meet again.


Thank You.....Thank You.....Thank You.....and please keep Kingston as a place you will travel to. :icon_smile:

Edited by MellyBelly

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Oh hey Kingston! I was there a couple days ago :D


I am not going to lie Kingston has a bad reputation. I've heard from multiple ladies that people from Kingston are often no call no show, flaky and mostly time wasters...which will put down a lot of people to actually go and visit this town.


This was only my second time but both visits have been nice and no money lost on my side...and I got the chance to meet nice people:) I will start to visit this town on a regular base because I do like the small city vibe and I actually do want to visit more restaurants there when not being acquittance with some gents :D

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