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I believe that a good or a bad mood can be contagious. If the people or person I'm around or speaking to is in a good mood my mood will be the same-odd-perhaps- but it seems to happen alot with me lately. Am I alone or do our friends, family members, co-workers, ect, actually have those kind of effects on ones moods?

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Guest t****ster***ke

i try my best to be the same person regardless of the situation or the people around me, but the reality is, my mood is often influenced by others. it's one of the reasons i can't stand to work anywhere near lazy clockwatchers or negative complainers who feel the need to point out everything that is wrong in the world. to me, any a----hole can tell you what's wrong, but a real friend helps you see what's right.


i'm always amazed what a difference it makes if someone smiles at me at the gym or coffee shop in the morning - seems to brighten my day without fail. i am a glass half full kind of person, and if i am not careful, i can let the pessimists drag me down to their depressing levels. what's worse are the people who not only see the glass as half empty, but also start pointing out what they think is wrong with the glass! ;)

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If anyone around me is in a shitty mood and it tends to affect me too so if it's someone I care about, I will try to give advice or just let them vent but if it's a jow blow that is being pessemistic or someone I don't really know, I'm outta there.

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I'm a fairly optimistic person but I find it a challenge to spend a lot of time with someone who is always negative and never wants to see anything good. I have a couple of people who struggle with the negativity demon but are very open and willing to readjust their perspective once the good in life is pointed out and that makes their company worthwhile. I can find the silver lining in any situation and I love to see someone make that shift and see the light when I can.


There are only 4 people in the world who know which of my buttons to push in the right order to foul my mood and I simply chose not to have contact with any of them because they are all lifetime members of the "Fuck Peoples Lives Up On Purpose" club. Everyone else I encounter I can manage my state and keep the positive flowing. My time and life is way to precious to focus on negative thoughts and attitudes eminating from others...



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Yes as a general rule, but it depends. If i'm in a bad mood or depressed cause/about something, then seeing or talking to happy people with that something will just make it worst for me.


Like seeing someone eat a cake when you're starving. =P

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This is a tough one for me to judge I see a bit of both side. I am often in a negative mood, for I suffere from major depression. I try not to bring others down, If I do it's un intentional. I may tell people how I'm feeling, but very rare, unless I feel I need to talk about it. I am by no means negative to others but I know when people come to me with negativity It tends not to bother me much anymore but I do understand. When u are constantly around negativity it can rub off on you. What people need to now about being deppresed is the more they are deppresed the harder it is for them to see the positive. They may no logically you are right but they still feel deppresed and it is not their fault. I am speaking from experience but things may be different for people who do not suffer from depression and are just being negative by nature which I do not agree with.

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The moods of other people are absolutely infectious, but I find I also have a kind of immune system of varying strength.


People who are miserable or despairing can sometimes ruin my own day; other times I'm in a place that's balanced and reinforced enough that I survive the encounter unscathed and might even help them out in the process.


Likewise, cheerful and positive people can lift me out of a slump, but other times I'm so deep in the crater and I've grown so used to the dark, that the light they keep trying to shine down is just annoying and I cling to the shadows despite their best efforts.


So yeah, I find it's a mix... depends on them, but also on how deeply wed I am to my own mood at the moment.

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Much better mood today.... Thanks for the suggestion Cristy! Worked like a charm! Smiled immediately. Raindrops on roses be damned! Just think of a few of my favorite things......

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