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:icon_biggrin:Lets talk about happy things-

has anything happened to you lately thats made your day?That actually made you feel happy?

I will say when I recently learned that my brothers prostate cancer was caught in time

adopting my second dog-she has brought me so much joy-but now how do I help the millions of other dogs needing rescue?

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This was a couple of weeks ago but... I was out alone in the woods walking my dogs around 11:00 at night. It was cold and crisp out, but I was warmly dressed and the air was absolutely still.


There was a clear sky and a bright, full moon. Everything cast sharp shadows in the moonlight, and the trees' black branches were all covered with little white mounds of powdery snow. We were in a clearing, and the dogs were frolicking in snow up to their bellies and having a great time playing-fighting, chasing each other, and rolling around in the drifts.


I stopped, looked around, looked up at the stars for a little while, then down again... and made myself drink in the whole scene, thinking "okay, this is why it's good to be alive."

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