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I just had the pleasure of seeing Kyra from GOE this morning on her tour of Halifax. She is located in a four star hotel in the downtown area, and went out of her way to provide a sensual atmosphere, complete with scented candles and mood setting music. We started off getting to know one another, which soon progressed to caressing and light kissing. Kyra was dressed in a stunning blue outfit, which shortly thereafter hit the floor to reveal her flawless, silky smooth body. Kyra delivered an animated and enthusiastic bbbj complete with bls. During the action we were ensconced in passion and ecstasy for what seemed like forever, while I savoured each and every tantalizing moment. Kyra is a great conversationalist and took her time with me, which made the entire experience all the more enjoyable. It was the perfect way to start a Sunday morning!

  • 4.0
Agency Garden Of Eden
I would visit again
  • 4.0
Agency Garden Of Eden
I would visit again
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Kyra continues to win praise wherever she goes. Well done, Kyra! Can't wait till we're able to connect.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

The big news in my world this week is the return to Halifax of the amazing and intoxicating Kyra Graves. I most heartily thank the Port of Wines Festival for luring Kyra back to our fog-bound coast (for some R&R away from smog-bound Toronto).


I found Kyra comfortably ensconced in a spacious and attractive suite downtown. The fridge featured a nice pre-chilled Argentinian Chardonnay; the gamesroom featured a King-size bed; and the bedroom wall featured a large, very strategically situated wall mirror (Kyra loves mirrors as much as I do). Kyra herself featured a fun little dress, stylishly-designed multi-strapped lingerie, her always captivating and engaging conversation, and her apparently inexhaustible wellspring of potent erotic magic.


I am pleased to have verified that Kyra's responsively unique touch remains as exhilarating, exciting, and thrilling as ever. She deftly jacked directly back into the control centre of my central nervous system -- finding the exact same place she had left off at, over a year ago. Endorphins were soon splashing messily everywhere!


The whirl of breathtaking visuals, provocative teasing, triumphant consummations, and warmly overwhelming intimacy will be racing around my brain, keeping pleasure centres tingling until ... next time. And I have never ever stopped dreaming of those eyes!! Right from my first spontaneous twitch beneath their electric jolt 16 months ago, I have been a prisoner of Kyra's World. I know, and have always known, that there is no escape.


Thank you once again Kyra!! And enjoy your brief stay in our Port City!


More on the classy, elegant, consummately professional, addictively-naughty Kyra:


Her Toronto recos: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=10403

Her Ottawa recos: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6699


Of course not long after her previous Halifax visit, Kyra went indy, so to update this particular thread, her current website is: http://www.abeneplacito.com/(http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=20352)



  • 5.0
  • 5.0

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Nice, WIT. Glad you had another great time with the amazing Kyra. She certainly is a very special woman, smart, funny, beautiful, and so sexy.

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