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Things that make us ladies LOVE our jobs!

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I am coming late to this thread. I hope the guys are reading this thread as its a great set of hints to inspire potential clients to do those things that really make for a special visit with the ladies. Its really no more complicated than to show a bit of empathy and understanding of the person you are meeting with. Read their websites and their postings here on cerb. Its amazing what you will find that can be used as ice-breakers or simply as a was to show genuine interest in the lady as a person. In fact, a poster on this thread that I recently met with again kiddingly scolded me a bit for not keeping up with her postings (smile).


Those of the sort of visits that I am interested in having, so this is really invaluable information.

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a lot of my friends dont understand that our temporary boyfriends tend to treat us far better than real ones. I have one girlfriend that feels sorry that I dont allow myself to date or feels like I'm denying myself happiness. unfortunately I dont think she'll ever be able to understand how happy my job makes me no matter what I say, lol


If any of the regular ladies out there knew how I treat the SP's I frequent, I probably wouldn't be single and seeing SP's anymore. Oh well...their loss ;)

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Another aspect of my job that I absolutely love is that I learn something new from each and every client I meet.


Whether it be medical from a doctor ... law from a lawyer ... education from a principal ... business from an entrepreneur ... or just something sexual about a client who knows what they are doing.


I have learned more about sex and life during my 3 months doing this than a lifetime of dating.

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Guest s******ecan****

great idea for a thread with lots of excellent suggestions. I hope you guys are paying attention!

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I am saying this is the reason why there are not too many female scientists, politicians or other man-dominated professions. Young women are kept busy just by trying to look pretty. What a shame. So many intelligent brains wasted that could have been used for something else, had we not this tremendous pressure on us.


err.....I have to disagree with that but I have a feeling it came across wrong, lol. Looking pretty is not such a chore for some and most of us ladies do carry a lot of intelligence, degrees and talents on our shoulders.


still...the appreciation for our efforts in beautifying ourselves and holding a worthwhile conversation and offering our time is always welcome :-)

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My fave doesn't wear make-up unless she's going out somewhere "important". And then, it's pretty minimalist. She doesn't need it. She always dresses in cool and tasteful clothes, which take her about 30 seconds to put on. (She never bothers with panties or a bra). And she looks totally stunning in old sweats and an even older T, which take her about 10 seconds to put on.


She's also incredibly smart, with an outstanding people sense, has a depth of maturity and determination most people twice her age don't have and has been in charge of her own life since she was 15. She's very successful at whatever she decides to do, is a great long-term partner and mom and never ceases to amaze me with what she is capable of.


So, I didn't become a rocket scientist because I was spending too much time at Sephora and Sirens? I don't think so. Maybe for some young women. But not really true as a blanket statement these days. I doubt if Simone de Beauvoir abd Betty Friedan, if they were still with us, would go there.

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I am saying this is the reason why there are not too many female scientists, politicians or other man-dominated professions. Young women are kept busy just by trying to look pretty. What a shame. So many intelligent brains wasted that could have been used for something else, had we not this tremendous pressure on us.


I think being typically held more responsible for child-rearing and some still lingering misogynistic attitudes about a woman's capabilities play into that pressure more. A bright, confident woman will be able to succeed and can work around the rigours of maintaining beauty.


I mean, look at Sarah Palin, she's....oh fuck never mind, bad example...


Now let's get back to the lovely stories of the things that make you girls love your jobs ;)

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Now let's get back to the lovely stories of the things that make you girls love your jobs ;)


lol...was about to say the same thing :-)

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When I get blessed with a naughty hottie who is also respectful and sweet and very good with his mouth. When I'm looking at the clock going, DAMN, I don't want to leave, that's when I think, yep, this is the greatest job ever.

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Two words: KISS TICKETS!


Just got back from the best concert I'm ever been to HANDS DOWN in Montreal at the Bell Center with a client.....I have a feeling I'll be talking about this concert until I'm old and in a rocking chair.

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in Ottawa Wednesday night too...maybe see you there?? and Our Lady peace tonight!


Two words: KISS TICKETS!


Just got back from the best concert I'm ever been to HANDS DOWN in Montreal at the Bell Center with a client.....I have a feeling I'll be talking about this concert until I'm old and in a rocking chair.

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in Ottawa Wednesday night too...maybe see you there?? and Our Lady peace tonight!


ouh forgot about OLP tonight! unfortunately I already may have work plans, lol


but tomorrow I'm out again in full force at KISS in Ottawa....and I hear that despite it being a short show, that they have some of their usual visual treats in store for us all. *dances with excitement*

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Have seen Metallica multiple times definetly worth seeing them; not sure about Winterpeg and Metallica but by far in the top 5 for concerts.



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Guest S****tha Ott*wa

Last week,

Wednesday- had a regular client come and I thought he wanted to usual, nope he wanted to give me a shower and a massage!! WOW.. I was in shock.


Friday- I had a new young client bring me 1red rose for his first experience. NOw that was fun.




Monday a regular client brought me a bottle of wine for my new condo. This would be my 2nd bottle. So nice. Not a drinker, but love starting a collection.


Today.. I had a client that came for an hour session and 10minutes in changed his mind to a 4hour session. WHICH I GLADLY agreed..He was a very sexy built 24year old who liked marathon sessions, and I can handle that like a champ...! alteast he said it too! haha




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One thing I LOVE is when a client brings me a small gift. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, just thoughtful. Recently one guy showed up with a little box of strawberries from the market. My seal of approval! :bddog:

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One thing I LOVE is when a client brings me a small gift. It doesn't have to be anything expensive' date=' just thoughtful. Recently one guy showed up with a little box of strawberries from the market. My seal of approval! :bddog:[/quote']


Don't you just love those unexpected little surprises!!!

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in a sea of what seems to be "dos and Do-not" threads that have lead to somewhat negative perceptions of some of us ladies on here, I would like to start a more positive thread directed towards the ladies about dates they've had recently that at the end of the day make us sigh a lovely sigh and make us say "gosh darn-it....i REALLY LOVE my job!" (this is not to say we dont love our jobs to begin with. I totally do! but what special things sometimes make you REALLY REALLY love it at the end of the day?




One of my new favorites definitely loves to take his time, books at least two hours and is a wonderful dancer. He happens to share my love for Jazz and we spend almost the first hour talking, sipping wine and dancing. He literally sweeps me off my feet (and if I'm lucky, I get dipped too! lol)! Sometimes I have to admit that I've caught myself watching him leave through the peep-hole...that is where I sigh to myself and definitely the inner monologue plays saying "sigh...i love my job" ;-)


Another client I have always books a very nice hotel suite for us and is insistent on asking what i feel like eating as a snack or drinking for a beverage...even if I say I'm not fussy. Just the idea that someone is being so considerate is very thoughtful and goes a long way...when I hang up the phone or fire of my reply email at home setting up our date with the possibility of shrimp and lobster I say to myself "sigh...I love my job"


Ladies in the industry: what little extra things or recent fun perks on the day-to-day basis of your work-life make you pause and think to yourself the same? it could be luxurious or even something simple and kind, sexual or non-sexual


I think it might be nice for us hobbiests to start a similar thread, as to some of our best experiences with service providers. I think it would be nice for you to understand the impact a good service provider can have on a clients outlook. There is a reason we treat you special. Because many of us actually feel you are extremely special to us. The girl I usually see in Calgary, has on many occasions unknowingly bought me out of pretty serious depression, just by being there with a smile a hug, and well lets face it, some mind blowingly good sex...lol. I don't know if she truly understands the impact she can have on my life at times. I wish I could let her know, but I don't think words are adequate. I think you girls need to hear things like this a little more often. There seems to be so much negativity lately. We need to refocus on the positive and just remember why we're all part of CERB to start with. On behalf of the guys... We love you Ladies... HUG

For the record none of my friends understand my willingness to spend months saving every penny I can beg, borrow or steal just to give it to my friend in Calgary. My standard answer is, "1. for the duration of the date, I feel like a king, 2. Unlike the women I date, she has never misled, stolen or in any way promised me anything she didn't deliver beyond my wildest dreams and 3. Have you seen her?:)"

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I think it might be nice for us hobbiests to start a similar thread, as to some of our best experiences with service providers. I think it would be nice for you to understand the impact a good service provider can have on a clients outlook. There is a reason we treat you special. Because many of us actually feel you are extremely special to us. The girl I usually see in Calgary, has on many occasions unknowingly bought me out of pretty serious depression, just by being there with a smile a hug, and well lets face it, some mind blowingly good sex...lol. I don't know if she truly understands the impact she can have on my life at times. I wish I could let her know, but I don't think words are adequate. I think you girls need to hear things like this a little more often. There seems to be so much negativity lately. We need to refocus on the positive and just remember why we're all part of CERB to start with. On behalf of the guys... We love you Ladies... HUG


That is just a wonderful post! Thank you for being such a sweet person!

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Clients may come and go and while they may forget what you said or did, they will never forget how you made them feel. This, as an escort is what is important to me.

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I love my job when it teachs me that most north american men are caring and loving and reliable and they really care to please female sexuality in bed.


In Brazil most guys would not care if you had sexual pleasure or not.


North american guys love to see satisfactkion in our faces right?


It deconstruct the idea, i used to hear from some women, when they said very negative generalisations about males.


I discovered my multiple orgasmisc sexuality by doing sex work

whereas having "normal" boyfriends would give me just frustrating sexless dead bed relationships.



I love the fact that my job allow me the flexibility to study towards the

self actualisation of my potentiality.


This thread is great!

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It's the first time for me to see this thread. I like to try and be thoughtful and prepare for a visit to break the ice and build a report. This has given me some ideas for the future. I have always done outcall so the onus is on me to try and create an atmosphere that we both can enjoy. Thanks.

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I love my job when it teachs me that most north american men are caring and loving and reliable and they really care to please female sexuality in bed.


In Brazil most guys would not care if you had sexual pleasure or not.


North american guys love to see satisfactkion in our faces right?


It deconstruct the idea, i used to hear from some women, when they said very negative generalisations about males.


I discovered my multiple orgasmisc sexuality by doing sex work

whereas having "normal" boyfriends would give me just frustrating sexless dead bed relationships.



I love the fact that my job allow me the flexibility to study towards the

self actualisation of my potentiality.


This thread is great!



It also teachs me that some female sex workers are the most brave and and interesting and complexe and intense, females i have ever meet. I am particularly refering to the Stella ladies in Montreal, those girls are gem.

It teaches me that women who enjoy sex it is just more present in general.

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