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Is the English translator gone?

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I like to watch cpac to brush up on my politics. I haven't watched it in a while and I have noticed that they no longer have an English translator for when the politicians are talking. I feel like I'm missing half the conversation and I would really like to be informed about Canadian politics. Is it just a wrong tv channel or have they gotten rid of the English translator? Are there any other channels or websites that are great for learning more about our Canadian government. I don't like the talk shows where people talk about this and that, I like straight facts. Much appreciated. XoXo Peachy/Val.

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I don't get CPAC but I was just on their website and the videos they have on their website have English translators, for whatever that's worth.

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Thank you so much. I also like learning about global affairs. If anyone else has some good websites or channels, please feel free to post here on this thread.

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+1 on Al Jazeera. They've made a real effort to become a serious news source, and hired some big-name journalists from well-established western news organizations. They're very good for just reporting the stuff that's happening in the world - especially the Middle East, since that's their back yard.


However, the BBC is still the name to beat on world news.


Bear in mind that what really matters with this stuff is not so much an organization's politics or editorial line, but the simple question of whether they've got journalists on the ground wherever the news happens to be. The ones that take this seriously maintain permanent staff worldwide, because you never know where the news will happen next; these organizations are always several steps ahead of the ones (like the big US-based networks) that just parachute in people who don't know the background to the story after the news has broken.


Also worth considering are the press agencies that actually supply the stories broadcast by many other news sources: Reuters, AP and AFP. Consider cutting out the middleman :)


Finally, for a combination of news and intelligent analysis and general cluefulness, you can't beat The Economist.

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