nichole 653 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Good afternoon gentlemen, First I would like to greatly apologize to the CERB members for posting misleading photos on BP. My name is Nichole and I am a Quebecoise advertiser (Was on Escorts Canada but they removed my ad because I was using these photos on BP causing them to receive complaints). My description and pictures on Escorts Canada were always 100% real and truly me as I have verified with Escorts Canada. Some of the pictures on BP of costumes and fantasy pieces were not me and they have now all been ERASED. I WILL ONLY POST ACTUAL PHOTOS OF MYSELF ON ALL SITES GOING FORWARD. I will clearly state my services and restrictions so that there is no confusion. I will only be able to offer mild to moderate submissive services, no longer hardcore due to some traumatic injuries. I am apologizing and asking the members to give me another chance. I will work extremely hard to rebuild my reputation with this community. Thank you for this opportunity. Deepest apologies, Nichole :icon_cry: 30 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Usually I would put this type of post in the announcements area but I will leave it here for discussion. (Please guys be nice) she knows what she did was wrong and this sounds sincere that she is serious about improving her reputation - (hopefully she does and we can give her a chance to prove it) Putting up photos showing lingerie that you like to wear and not referencing them as such (and letting people know they are not actual photos of you) is no excuse (we all know it) the photos were put up and people were mistaking them for actual photos (she knows that too) ... and CK's diary also caught it. When EC pulled her ad she did have all REAL photos of her on it (Verified) but she was still using fake ones on BP. We brought this to her attention and she choose to continue to use them on B.P (without any explanation in the ads that they were not actual photos of her). I guess removing her from EC made her more aware of what she had to loose by doing this so lets see if she does what she says she is going to do and rebuild a reputation for herself. I know EC will not allow her to advertise again until we know for sure that she is NOT using any fake photos any longer. If I see a recommendation for her from one of our higher level members I would most certainly suggest that EC let her back on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fredsmith 5240 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Everyone deserves a second chance. Best of luck to you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mister_crufty 4891 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 As someone who has made many newcomer mistakes in this community myself and been given a chance to learn from them, I would certainly vote for the second chance/forgiveness route. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aimtoplease1 1839 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 I understand girls trying almost anything to get clients... it's a tough business... honesty & showing guys they can trust you works the best. Hope it works for you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 Best wishes Nichole. Nice posting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 I have added a POLL but don't be too quick to vote. The poll is 14 days and at the end of the two weeks based on the results of this poll I will give me recommendation to EC to turn her ad back on or not. This is really the only fair way to work this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest a**4* Report post Posted February 8, 2013 We all make mistakes hopefully we learn from these mistakes everyone deserve a second chance and this community is a good place to start because of the wonderful members here so good luck Nichole all the best...:-D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted February 8, 2013 When I arrived in Canada I had only once used a real picture in 19 years of working in this industry. I understand the philosophy behind "real" pics but it doesn't mean I am any more comfortable with my pics being out there. I understand the reasons why she may have used the photos and I respect her offering an apology... cat 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
withpassion 914 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Well, I once did go to visit Nicole, based on the posted pictures. Imagine my disappointment, surprise and discomfort when she opened the door. I do not like to be disrespectful, so it was very awkward and difficult for me to beg off and leave. There are two sides to every story and my side would explain why she would have been suspended. Having said that, I would have to agree that everyone deserves a second chance. I only wrote the above because I also believe that if it is given and she abuses that second chance, she should be swiftly and permanently banned. So, hopefully she proves us right. Good luck Nicole. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 I did see her verification photos on ec and honestly her photos on ec were actual real photos. Not justifying anything here just stating that professional photos should never be what your expectations are set to for the date. Any lady can get professional photos done... and with the right stylist and photographer actual real photos can be very different then real. When you see a professional lingerie style photo done in a studio its probably not going to look exactly like the lady while she is doing calls... I am sure it does happen where the lady shows up looking like a lingerie model but i suspect that is fairly rare. Again, not justifying it... I think fake photos is always very bad. Can i ask what you told her when you left? Did you inform her that her photos were misleading? I am asking as she told us no one ever complained to her in person. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Mod I understand that you saw verification photos but withpassions story is all to common with Nichole, in person she appears much older and nothing like the photos. If she's telling you no one has left her before she is not telling the truth. I have heard from more than one disapointed client, not just from Ottawa, from other cities as well like Kingston and out west. Can all these guys be wrong ? My advice to her is to be honest with herself about who she is and what she has to offer, there's someone for everyone and if she's more upfront about herself,she will appeal to clients looking for exactly that rather than promoting one thing and offering another. I'm all for second chances as well but it's not like she hasn't been made aware of the fact that the use of fake pics was not cool, yet she continued to do so over and over again NEVER in any ads explaining that the photos were for "demonstration" purposes she only came up with that when finally confronted by you. I'm so passionate about this type of deception not only for the customer who works hard for their money, but for the providers who don't play games, who use real photos and go to great time and expense to use real photos. When someone like Nichole advertises in a respected venue like EC it makes the customer question the validity and authenticity of the EC site and question every other SP's REAL photos. No surprise I voted no. Of course as I've said over and over it's your sandbox and I respect whatever choice you've made and will not raise the matter with her here in this forum. I will respect the popular consensus of this group and hope that she has truly reformed and can appreciate the damage she's done. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 CK's points in his last paragraph about the negative effect this could have on EC and collaterally to cerb are critical ... if its not monitored and dealt with effectively, there's going to be a bigger problem that could affect views and therefore revenue. That being said, Nicole seems to be going out of her way to try to make things right, and I'm all about second chances, so I voted yes. That's good to see here on cerb and I hope we see more of it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Maybe as a requirement if she comes back to ec we will have her post a verification photo showing the date on her ad. Honestly her verification photo was just like her photos on ec (no sign of being deceitful from what i saw on her ec ad ... Maybe she is really photogenic? Maybe she does appointments and does not put the same effort into her appearance as she does when taking photos). At least with this thread she can see where she may want to improve her ads and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fredsmith 5240 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Wow, lucky her to have all this attention from the Mod's and members. Hope she uses this chance wisely, I gotta believe not a lot of ladies would get this chance. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Maybe she does appointments and does not put the same effort into her appearance as she does when taking photos). Speaking from experience (with a different lady) this is quite possible. I remember meeting a lady a few years ago and the difference between how she presented herself in her pictures and her appearance when we met was...was... contradictory to say the least. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 CK's points in his last paragraph about the negative effect this could have on EC and collaterally to cerb are critical ... if its not monitored and dealt with effectively, there's going to be a bigger problem that could affect views and therefore revenue. You would think that but b.p. is very lucrative (as a business) and nobody seams to boycott it. I think these days the lost revenue is pulling the ads because of the bait and switch. The sites who allow this are being rewarded by your traffic and support! I am really loosing faith in my "integrity and reputation is more important" values.... Most of the guys stick around and pay the ladies after being bait and switched (very few leave) and sure they will complain after on the discussion boards but what good does it do if he still pays her? its lucrative for the bait and switch advertisers to do this to you all cause many of you pay them!! ...also... most of the guys support these sites like bp that allow this to continue. Hard argument to make cause bp makes a hell of a lot more revenue then ec right now. EC wont stay this way forever if you all continue to support the sites like bp... It is just not smart business to do that as you have to stay competitive. In the case of nicole here she had a vip ad with a number of extra cities (average 200.00 a month in revenue for ec), she has been off ec since that would be approx. 1000.00 in lost revenue just from that one account. Multiply that by the 20+ advertisers per month that EC refuses to run ads fr due to fake photos and complaints and over a year period its 10's or thousands of lost revenue (and the sites like bp who allow it all get that revenue and your traffic).. ...Not to mention the manpower it takes to research every new ad where bp does not have that need. Truth is .... The industry is changing because of this and its only a matter of time. 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mister_crufty 4891 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 I am really loosing faith in my "integrity and reputation is more important" values.... Most of the guys stick around and pay the ladies after being bait and switched (very few leave) and sure they will complain after on the discussion boards but what good does it do if he still pays her? its lucrative for the bait and switch advertisers to do this to you all cause many of you pay them!! I hope you don't lose faith because I think what you're doing is important. I've fallen victim to a couple situations where the experience was DRASTICALLY different from what I expected and it really sucks. I'm kind of a timid guy and I don't really have the experience yet to know what to do in that situation. I'm one of those guys who paid anyway but just because I didn't know what else to do. Having seen some of these responses I know in the future to just walk away but having a board like this which has integrity and standards is incredibly useful. I'd rather avoid the disappointment and confrontation in the first place. It's not easy to take the high road but I believe there will always be a market for a quality product. Your key differentiator is the standards you enforce and without those, your site would be no different than any other. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 (edited) I did see her verification photos on ec and honestly her photos on ec were actual real photos. Not justifying anything here just stating that professional photos should never be what your expectations are set to for the date. Any lady can get professional photos done... and with the right stylist and photographer actual real photos can be very different then real. When you see a professional lingerie style photo done in a studio its probably not going to look exactly like the lady while she is doing calls... I am sure it does happen where the lady shows up looking like a lingerie model but i suspect that is fairly rare. I found this post very interesting as on another thread or comment posted about a year ago or so, I had reiterated the same comments about professional photos and the responses were not favorable. Any how as someone who has been given a second chance of course I will say she too deserves one and as alot of members commented on my last thread-no one knows what goes on in anothers mind or what is behind their actions . We all have a story and it sounds like perhaps there is more to be told. But in the end it is up to the mod to make the decision. I do find it funny how some here are willing to forgive some wrong doings but not when it comes to pictures. As a hobbyist I believe it's your job to screen your sp before visiting just as it's our job to screen our clients before we allow them to visit with us. I don't believe any site can guarantee anyones credibilty. Edited February 10, 2013 by cr**tyc***es Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EmilyRushton 253380 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 (edited) I agree it takes a bigger person to admit when they are wrong and to say sorry. Second chances it seems are rare these days and when deserved they should be given. However I personally think that the lady in question should have to prove herself before being allowed back on EC to Advertise. Ladies such as myself invest ALOT of time, effort and money into their business and advertising and when ladies such as the one in question pull their borrowed photo stunts - it affects us all. Let her prove herself here and then extend the privilege of advertising on EC. Too much BS like this goes on in this business and it needs to stop somewhere, or at least be used as an example that it will not be tolerated. Others who pull this BS will see that she got a firm reprimand and hopefully think twice about following in her foot steps. I know we all make mistakes, but this is a matter of knowing better and knowing it was wrong, yet still doing it. Why use real photos on one site and fakes on another, it makes NO sense. In the last year, on this board alone we had more stolen websites, ad text and photos that were caught by members than I can count (and I was a victim on more than one occasion) Edited February 10, 2013 by *****ru****n 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lipualipua 4704 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 @Stevecurious: You wrote : "I remember meeting a lady a few years ago and the difference between how she presented herself in her pictures and her appearance when we met was...was... contradictory to say the least us" It must be borne in mind that it is possible for a lady's appearance to change drastically over a few months. I saw a lady (not on this board) early last year whom I picked for her substantial (ha,ha, ha) and round bum, a weakness with me. She came over six months later and everything about her had changed, from length of hair to size of her bum. Her bum had become flat. I joked that the new size of her bum is what white men like (ha, ha ,ha) but not me, a black man. I gave her the donation in full, apologised that I just did not have sexual desire for her and sent her on her way. Of course, this is not to deny that some SPs lie about their appearance. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest N***he**Ont**y Report post Posted February 10, 2013 In this business being truthful is important. I have cancelled encounters in the past due to misrepresentation due to advertising and pms that were misleading. Out of habit I always store emails of the ladies during the early stages of contact when we are exchanging information and if these ladies are inconsistent in their communication with me I seem to develop mistrust very quickly and I say "Thanks But No Thanks" and then cease all communication with them. I even delete them from Twitter as well. So far I have been lucky and had to block two only so far. I work hard and want to meet the ladies who are truthful with me as to their character and personality and I assume they want the same from me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 Although I was originally leaning towards letting her back on EC after reading through this thread even more, I'm inclined to say she needs to prove herself on CERB before being allowed back on EC I have seen ladies who advertise on EC and feel comfortable seeing them because of the site's integrity. Immediately allowing Nichole back to EC would IMHO diminish the integrity of the site. Even more of an issue, those ladies who have integrity, and do invest in themselves will have to wonder why bother, when any lady can advertise on EC, with minimal sanctions for posting fake pictures. I do believe Nichole is sincere in her apology. I would recommend a time out on EC (how long I don't know) It seems the only fair thing to do, to maintain the credibility of the EC site, to acknowledge the integrity of those ladies who do pay to advertise on EC, without fake photos, (or plagiarized has happened, etc) and to the gentlemen who when they see an ad on EC they know the photo has been verified My two cents RG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 @Stevecurious: You wrote : "I remember meeting a lady a few years ago and the difference between how she presented herself in her pictures and her appearance when we met was...was... contradictory to say the least us" It must be borne in mind that it is possible for a lady's appearance to change drastically over a few months. I saw a lady (not on this board) early last year whom I picked for her substantial (ha,ha, ha) and round bum, a weakness with me. She came over six months later and everything about her had changed, from length of hair to size of her bum. Her bum had become flat. I joked that the new size of her bum is what white men like (ha, ha ,ha) but not me, a black man. I gave her the donation in full, apologised that I just did not have sexual desire for her and sent her on her way. Of course, this is not to deny that some SPs lie about their appearance. Regards. Of course I understand that looks, appearances, etc. change over time. This is a common trait amongst us all! The point I was commenting on was, and so was Mod because I quoted HIM in my original message, was "maybe she does appointments and does not put the same effort into her appearance." Simply stated even modern up to date photos can be misleading or confusing when they are presented in a different light that how someone looks in person. Maybe as a requirement if she comes back to ec we will have her post a verification photo showing the date on her ad. Honestly her verification photo was just like her photos on ec (no sign of being deceitful from what i saw on her ec ad ... Maybe she is really photogenic? Maybe she does appointments and does not put the same effort into her appearance as she does when taking photos). At least with this thread she can see where she may want to improve her ads and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 10, 2013 I am really loosing faith in my "integrity and reputation is more important" values.... Most of the guys stick around and pay the ladies after being bait and switched (very few leave) and sure they will complain after on the discussion boards but what good does it do if he still pays her? its lucrative for the bait and switch advertisers to do this to you all cause many of you pay them!! Complaining on the boards is by no means useless. I can't comment on paying a B&S provider rather than walking out for the simple reason that I've never been in that situation... because word gets around. The warnings section here, and CK's diary, are invaluable resources to us all. The problem with this is that most people will probably never drop anyone a mail to say, "I was going to see X, but I saw the warnings and now I'm not, so thanks for that", but that doesn't mean that this never happens. I'm sure it happens all the time. And while the scams may work in the short term... I suspect any SP who's in for the long haul is going to have to be honest. Nichole seems to be a case in point: does this thread exist because she's suddenly realized the error of her ways from an ethical standpoint, or have the warnings simply forced her to cut out the B&S? I've never met her and have no idea what the answer to that question might be, but it strikes me that the mere fact we're having this conversation illustrates the fact that the cause is not entirely hopeless. most of the guys support these sites like bp that allow this to continue. Hard argument to make cause bp makes a hell of a lot more revenue then ec right now. EC wont stay this way forever if you all continue to support the sites like bp... It is just not smart business to do that as you have to stay competitive. So maybe there's more money at the bottom of the pile. But there are two things to say to that. First, I'd love to know how sustainable this market is. If people use BP exclusively and get burned often enough, then one of two things will happen: either they'll give up entirely, or they'll work out that more reliable sources of ads and information exist. And when that happens, sites like EC are there to pick up the long-term, sustainable business. Secondly, the fact that there's more money at the bottom of the market doesn't mean that being at the top end of it isn't a good thing. Wal-mart may be hugely successful, but not everyone shops there all the time and there's still space for a viable business serving the top end of the market. I know that's not a perfect analogy as Wal-mart aren't openly dishonest, but I think the point still stands. Perhaps the solution would be to kick off some other advertizing site that could compete directly with BP for that end of the market and rake in the $$$, and keep EC as it is... Finally: I know that I've kinda conflated BP with ethics-free advertizing in this post. I know that's absolutely not the case in general and that there's many very good SPs who advertize on BP, so please don't construe this as an attack on anyone who does happen to advertize there... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites