fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted February 11, 2013 I'm atheist or at least agnostic, or at the ultimate, follow a more celtic/druid approach of multiple gods lol. But aren't we assuming a one god one type of religion is anti sex work and so on? I think there are a lot of belief systems that do not prevent sexuality expressed in this way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 12, 2013 "Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's fine to be proud of it. But please don't get it out in public and start waving it around, and PLEASE don't try to shove it down children's throats!" Annoyingly, I can't find the original source for that quote... 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
conquistador 18487 Report post Posted February 12, 2013 Ever seen the movie - The Life of Brian...a religious satire. I grew up a Catholic but not really much of religious person and do not really partake in it, except for Christmas and Easter as mainly out of respect of my parents. I'm a realist and i need to see something in front of me to believe. I never really believe that you need to attend Church or building and that you can pray on your own, in your own space. I don't have a problem with people believing in a God or whatever, but don't try and throw it in my face. I also think that the church is hypocritical in it's ways, teaching we should love everyone and help people yet they are against homosexuals and such. I would rather be a person of good morals and treat everyone as equal and with respect...other than that what else do you need??...i don't need a religion to tell me that, that should be human nature. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zorobaby 4121 Report post Posted September 30, 2013 So ive had this debate with a few different people. Being a baptized catholic that lost his faith and converted jokingly to the Jedi religion (well on my way to being on the high counsel) i personally find there are no moral or other concerns for me in this lifestyle, as long as i am true to myself and do as i feel is right then i see nothing wrong with it. this is spoken from my point of view solely of course, i would elaborate but im on my phone lol. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MightyPen 67414 Report post Posted October 1, 2013 I'm an atheist, but not an angry or scornful one. I've got room in my heart for anyone who's honest and generous in their own attempts to find peace with the universe and the other people in it. And you know who, provisionally, seems kind of cool to me? Pope Francis. I've got no patience with the church as an institution; like all institutions it's ultimately about power, about preserving itself and its own prestige, and about attracting people who think that if they just join up, some of that sense of entitlement and superiority will rub onto them. But Francis has lately been saying some things that evoke the best of what religion has to offer as a philosophy: to love and aid others. To forebear judgement while helping less fortunate human beings. And to remember that we're all part of one interwoven community of fellow human beings, rather than just little economic entities in perpetual competition with each other. Some pretty neat discussions on this subject from someone who really knows his stuff: Andrew Sullivan on 'This Extraordinary Pope" Francis isn't going to be perfect, and he is still ultimately saddled with all of the church's backward attitudes toward reproduction and, well, lots and lots of other stuff. But some of what he's saying is a step in the right direction for redeeming the useful role religion could still play in a (thankfully) legally secular world. And that's something we sorely need when almost the only messages we see any more are purely political (vote purple!) or economic (buy more purple!). Though to harken for a moment waaay back to the original post in this thread... no, Francis isn't likely to encourage even freely-entered sex work, and that's too bad because there is something healing and spiritual to be found there. But to his credit, it seems like he wouldn't launch in to a lecture either, but instead would start a conversation on the subject. At last we see someone who advocates religion for its ability to hug, instead of to slap. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites