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My grandparents meant the world me. They were loving and caring, to me kinda like parents. Whenever I wasn't staying with them I would visit almost everyday. I would get off the school bus few stops early just to stop by to say hi. When I was 12 my grandfather suffered a stroke which left him paralyzed and most of his memory was lost. He didn't even remember his own children but me his grandchild who he took care of when I was even younger. As sad as it was him losing most of his memory it touched me that he still knew me, I felt special. He past away shortly after and it was hard on me. At the same time he had his stroke my grandmother was also ill but appears she was going to be fine. But once her husband died it changed for the worse. She past away a little after my grandfather did. I wasn't even done grieving for my grandfather when she past. I remember it was feb 14 valentine day after I was able to spent a few moments with her before she past. I was in the hallway crying, and one of the nurses who new me came up to me and told me that I shouldn't be sad. That instead of being sad that they are gone to be happy for they are together once again and that today was valentine day, the perfect day for them to be reunited. From that day on I say valentine day as a day to cherish to one you love.


This year ill probably be alone so I thought it would maybe it would be a good idea if we could share a memory of a past valentine you may of had. Something you did for your special someone or vice versa and perhaps it may even give some one an idea. It's only fair ill go first.


A couple years ago I decided I was ready to have children. My wife had been wanting them for a while but I alway wanted to wait. So I decided for valentine day I would give her what she wanted. To start a family. So I decided to buy her a gift card to a maternity clothes store. Along with a gift card for some lingerie to get in the mood. (ok more for me than her) but I wasn't sure if she would get it so I also bought baby booties and put the card in there and then I wrapped it up in a baby blanket and topped it of with a little teddy bear. It worked perfectly when she opened it and looked at me I just gave her a nod yes and said I was ready. She then had a few tears roll down her cheek then ran into my arms.

That to me that was my best valentine gift to give and to receive the joy it gave her was great.


So what's your moment?

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I would say that I would think about all the found memories about your grandparents on Valentines day and remember them when they were strong.


My best memories of Valentines day is the aniti Valentines day I had with some friends eating junk food and passing anti Valentines gifts.

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I'm not much of a romantic. So alot of my valentines days are spent like many others. When I am seeing someone, going out to dinner and some good sex is usually the norm.

I would just like to say thank you to you Empty for sharing your touching story. I appreciate you being so open and am sorrry for the pain you had. Bless your heart.

Edited by cr**tyc***es
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