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Inspiration and affirmations....

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Confidence is a Skill


Confidence is a choice. Not only a choice, but a skill you can learn. You can train yourself to become confident in the same way that you can train your muscles to become larger and stronger. Here's how:


1) Cease all negative self-talk.


2) Disregard all negative statements from others.


3) Engage in positive self-talk....


4) Be realistic and patient in your goals.


5) Use small victories as stepping stones to larger ones.


6) Work on your attitude like you work on your physical training. In time, no obstacle will stand between you and success.


by Matt Kroc

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If you want something badly, no one can stop you

If you don't want something, no one can force you

unknown Martial Artist

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This will be a different take on the subject, but it's something I found myself returning to very recently.


Every so often, as a kind of inspiration during an otherwise utterly normal and largely forgettable day, I go back and watch or listen to

in the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird".


Now, the subject of the speech is great all by itself -- I won't bother trying to provide all the context, but if you haven't read the book or scene the movie I encourage you to. But it's really the way Peck delivers it... methodically, precisely, with quiet passion and dignity and utter conviction... that really gets me.


And man... that voice! And Atticus Finch... what a brilliant example of a man.


So yeah, this is something I sometimes turn to for inspiration, and as an example of a kind of person, even if just fictional, it's worth emulating somehow, even if you don't find yourself in a courtroom much. :)



too, as a clip and not just stills.)
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