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Harm Reduction Supplies Available via our Outreach Team!

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Hi Ladies!


Just a heads up that if you're in need of condoms or other harm reduction supplies our outreach team is available most weekdays to deliver supplies to you at your home or incall. We do outreach to most locations around the Lower Mainland, just in different places on different days, and we'll do our best to bring you the supplies you need as soon as we can!


You do not have to be a participant in our study to access harm reduction supplies; we will deliver to any service provider who needs them.


Our outreach team is discrete - we have an unmarked van and supplies are brought in inside unmarked paper lunch bags.


Get in touch if you need supplies or have any questions!


You can call the AESHA outreach team confidentially at 778-891-6252 or 604-569-3701 Monday-Thursday, 10am-4pm or email aesha@cfenet.ubc.ca

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Yes, they're here! AESHA is An Evaluation of Sex Workers' Health Access. It's a longitudinal study of sex worker's health and safety. They're interviewing street-based workers as well as women who work indoors and independent SPs, not just in the Downtown Eastside, but all across the city. They do follow-up interviews every six months for five years.


One of the things I really like about this project is that they do things like make supplies available instead of just recording reports about condom use. That is, they're helping to break the poverty barrier to safer sex.

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Samantha's got it right - that's what we're up to and we're up to it in Vancouver! Thanks for the questions (and for stepping up there Samantha ;) )

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