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Melissa Fox

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Many of you may have seen posts on the other board about Melissa Fox coming onto the Ottawa scene. And then the question and some speculation that possibly ... could we be so lucky??? ... could this be none other than one of Ottawa's best-known, and best admired, ladies making a re-appearance? Well, after having spent an entire evening with her recently, and after just gettting her permission to disclose this bit of wonderful news, I'm very happy to announce that yes ... Melissa Fox is none other than Michelle MA!


As those of you who have seen Melissa in her former MA roles both at CMJ and as an independent, already likely know, she always has received good reviews due to her fantastic attitude and the fact that she really loves what she does. She can be quiet or gregarious, sensual or absolutely wild. Both cerb and terb are legion with great reviews of this lady under her former Michelle MA moniker.


When I first saw the postings about Melissa Fox, I posted that I didn't think it was her even though there was something oddly familiar about those beautiful eyes and gorgeous backside. Well ... within hours ... I got a pm from her saying that yes, it was her, but she needed a little more time before she wanted people to make the connection. That time has now passed.


In talking with her, "Melissa Fox" is essentially a new person, offering (as indicated on her website) everything from her classic ... and really good ... massage to a full service visit, but very limited appointments and very low volume. My visit with her was fantastic as always, starting with drinks and wine at a dowtown Ottawa restaurant and then walking, slipping and sliding back to the hotel a few blocks away on a very snowy night. We caught up on each other's lives, as we have many times before, and she caught me up on her decision to create Melissa. To be very clear, "Michelle MA," even with the fond memories, is yesterday's news.


Back at the hotel, while I took care of some personal calls, Melissa took a shower and ... just before I hung up ... she came sauntering out of the bathroom barely wearing a towel and one of those classic ... for those of you who know her ... really, really naughty girl expressions causing me almost to mess up my pants. There are few ladies that can get me as excited as she does. We had a great session with BBBJ (YMMV) that could have gone on for hours and any position I was interested including a few she suggested.


There have been a few postings about Melissa's "body type." Its fair to say that Melissa has gained just a bit of weight, but for those who know her, she has a very healthy mature figure and she looks great. There are new photos on her website melissafoxottawa.com.


I have met a number of absolutely wonderful ladies in Ottawa, but Melissa has been my "gold standard" for quite a while because of her sincerity and the connection I have made, and managed to maintain, with her. To paraphrase Bob Seger, she has made me a wealthy soul and I wish her the very best.

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Spent a fabulous hour with Melissa Fox a few weeks back. We exchanged a few emails over a few weeks since our schedules took some time to align, she does not work very often so it was more challenging than usual to find a mutually agreeable time. It was well worth the wait...she is very intelligent, sexy, flirty, playful...very much a full gfe experience. I could tell from our email correspondence that I would enjoy spending time with her, I was right. Her photos on her website are absolutely accurate, I saw her at a cozy incall location near the Lincoln Fields area, not uber convenient for me...but not too bad. Dressed in sexy lingerie she met me at the door, loves kissing and touching and is very warm and affectionate. I had a wonderful hour and would highly recommend. As her website states, she is 33, as many of you know, I do gravitate towards the more mature providers; she is in great shape and is very attractive. I don't like to discuss menu options in my recommendations, but I will state that she was extremely enthusiastic and an amazing girlfriend experience.

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