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What Are the Things You Keep Noticing About Your Body?

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I'm very fair skinned and really can't go out in the sun but still I have all these new little beauty marks that keep popping up all over my body all the time.


Most recently I found one in an area down south (lol) and then today looked in the mirror and realized I have that a small beauty mark exactly in the same spot where Madonna used to draws hers on. Somewhere in the middle on the left side above her lip but below her nose. I don't know how I got this and while it's not terribly noticeable, it's still there. I won't be pencilling it in to make it look stronger like she did. Kind of neat tho. ;)



What do you notice about your body from time to time?


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I cannot believe how much more muscular I am getting without working out.




......plus, dementia seems to be setting in.

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When I was small I remember having hair on my head and as I grew older I had some around my genitals now its coming out all all over even from my ears and my nose, when/where will it stop?

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I have always been very selfconcious about my body.. That could have come from by upbring.. I am not going to lie to anyone, I am still very self concious and I am always trying to maintain my shape and put all sort of expensive creams on my face to prevent the wrinkles... But at the end... Beauty goes away and fades off as we get older.. I had no wrinkles and my body was absolutely perfect in my 20s but now in my 30s I find myself way hotter.. As I have mature :) I love the way I look right now, and yes I still pay attention to my outside but taling care of it from the inside, eating healthier and exercising.

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That I can no longer eat anything I want and like a pig as it is starting to show, boo hoo. Oh well more of me to love.:biggrin:

Edited by cr**tyc***es

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Some things do not as well as they used to.....

Yup.....even that does not always work the way I want it to.....

Eyes do not focus as fast

Hurts more in the morning all over.....

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Hmmmm... where to begin.


My formerly curvaceous buttocks are no longer capable of maintaining my jeans without the assistance of a belt. I can't sit on my wallet anymore, the padding that protected me before has vanished.


My hairline indicates that I have previously undiscovered aboriginal roots; I have the makings of a natural mohawk.


I have never been able to grow a full beard or moustache; now I am unable to grow a white haired full beard and moustache.


My dreams of those washboard abs I always wanted still remains a dream.


My feet seem further from my arms than before. Thankfully, my shoes of choice do not require the use of laces.


As previously mentioned, my arms seem to have shortened. I can no longer hold a book at a place that agrees with my focal capacity. My formerly perfect vision is supplemented by a plethora of reading glasses scattered willy nilly about my home.


Movement is accompanied by the sound of bones resisting that movement.


My sparsely haired chest sprouts growth only at places that match precisely where medical practitioners wish to place adhesive medical devices.


My shaving regimen now includes plucking strays ... from places that should NEVER support hair growth.

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Since dying my hair pink a week or so ago, every time it falls in my face I am surprised. "Oh my goodness! Oh look at that! It's pink! My hair is pink! How novel!"


On a more functional level, I frequently notice and then subsequently forget how hard it is for me to keep still. I'm the sort of person who's usually fidgeting in some way- tapping my foot or flexing my fingers or bouncing or swaying or just full-on dancing.


Sometimes, especially when I am alone at night, my body goes into 'cat mode'. "What is cat mode?" inquiring minds may ask. It is the state in which I lounge around like a housecat- sitting on my heels, staring out of windows, combing my hair with my paw -er- hand. I can strrrrretch like a cat, too!

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More and more of my body hair is turning white. Speaking of hair, I've noticed it has stopped growing were it used to grow wild and it has started sprouting in places I would have never thought of cultivating. And WTF is up with my eye brows? If I don't trim regularly I start to look like Andy Rooney.

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I have to admit I'm not experiencing hair loss or colour still a little young for that but I can tell that my body heal slower and aches and pain due to abusing my body at work or in sport are catching up on me. Also getting drunk and felling fine the next morning forget it I now know what hangovers fell like uugh what a horrible feeling. No more drinking the night before work.

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Am fighting the dreaded "Dicky do Disease" - where one's tummy sticks out further than his "dicky do"......

Edited by Gentleman11

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