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Panels saying "Sex prohibited" at the entrance of temples in Bali?

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Original article in french (used google translate for this posting)


Panels saying "Sex prohibited" may soon join the traditional "no smoking" and "no eating" at the entrance of the temples of the Indonesian island of Bali after the scandal caused by tourists caught making love in a holy place.


The couple of Estonians was discovered in the act in an Hindu temple of Saraseda by officials that were checking the status of repairs.


Alerted, the police briefly questioned the tourists before releasing them.


"They told us that they really did not know it was forbidden to have sex in the temples in Bali," said AFP Friday Hadi Purnomo, the head of the local police.


"They were then let go and the case was referred to the village leaders who decided to make them pay a fine of 20 million rupees" ($ 2,130), he added.



The money will fund a ceremony to "purify" the temple, local officials said, adding they planned now display panel "Gender forbidden" at the entrance to places of worship.

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