SamanthaEvans 166767 Report post Posted March 20, 2013 Far be it for me to prick anyone's balloon, so to speak, gentlemen. Please read my tone of utmost respect and affection: When you were 18, 20 or 22, you were never even half as good in bed as you are now. Sure, back then, you could have four, five, six or more orgasms a day or night. Your problem wasn't how to get hard enough, it was how to calm down, particularly in public. You may have imagined yourself as a force of nature: you could go on and on and on without stopping. If the women you knew weren't able to climax as quickly as you did, it was a shame. Every orgasm you had was an eruptive triumph. You had them so easily and so frequently that fast and easy seemed the best way to go. Frankly, you were an exhausting, not very satisfying partner. A lot of the women your age were learning to fake orgasms so that they wouldn't feel inadequate, or so that they could say "that's enough." The ones who didn't fake it may have seemed "frigid" or that they just didn't like sex very much. And maybe they didn't if sex was going to be so much work for so little return for them. I was very lucky. In my early 20s, I discovered men who were in their 40s. For years after that they were the only men I slept with. They could have a couple of orgasms a night and they had enormous self-control. They would take their time. They'd learned about seduction and sensuality. They often seemed able to reach inside me, metaphorically and physically, until in the same, bright moment, something deep in my being shimmered, opened wide, melted and shattered, over and over again. Those men have become better and better lovers as time has passed. Good sex often takes longer, but it's also more powerful and more meaningful, too. One orgasm. Sometimes two. On rare occasions, when well-rested and with the stars in proper alignment, there might be three in a long night. But the number of climaxes isn't the issue. What matters now is the feeling of completeness, the depth of engagement. A lot of that happens with cuddling, slow caresses, extended foreplay and exquisite games, textures and sensations that bring us closer together and make things last longer. I prefer to entertain gentlemen over the age of 50 or 55. It's unusual for me to see someone under 40. I refuse to meet anyone in their 20s. Younger men may be fine human beings but most haven't yet taken time to know themselves, their own or women's bodies. Sex becomes predictable and, frankly, I bore easily. So this is in praise of older men. With or without Viagra, no matter how predictably their bodies behave, while their sexual peak is long past, their prime endures. 13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SassiesWorld 12587 Report post Posted March 20, 2013 very well said Samantha !!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted March 20, 2013 I am loving myself more and more each day! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjsolo 200 Report post Posted March 21, 2013 There are benefits to be older... if I know what I do now when I was 20 ... well life would have turned out very different Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nayyik 200 Report post Posted March 21, 2013 It's all about planning ... I hate to admit this but take a cialis in the morning, let it settle, sleep for an hour in the afternoon and book your appointment around 8:00 pm . Sounds like lots of planning but for me this is what i need to do ... I am getting old !!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest holly*****ff Report post Posted March 21, 2013 Have no fear gentlemen, the younger generation is ready, and willing to take up the baton (as it were)... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dipper 1033 Report post Posted March 21, 2013 It's all about planning ... I hate to admit this but take a cialis in the morning, let it settle, sleep for an hour in the afternoon and book your appointment around 8:00 pm . Sounds like lots of planning but for me this is what i need to do ... I am getting old !!! You must be a golfer..... seems every second ad on the Golf Channel is for this product......... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capital Hunter 18263 Report post Posted March 22, 2013 Well I say this. I am scared to death of getting old and one day not having the good looks and totally unable to attract ladies. It saddens me to look into mirror and compare what I see to pictures taken 10-15 years ago and I am sure will sadden me a lot more in 10-15 years when I will be looking into mirror and compare what I will see then with pictures taken today. Superficial maybe, but I had to be honest about how I feel. I wish I could stop aging. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hot and horny 100 Report post Posted March 22, 2013 @ Old Dog, very well said and I agree 100% with what you said. I'll be 40 soon and I know I'm not old, but I am slowing down and savoring the moments a lot more than I used to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobbob 410 Report post Posted March 22, 2013 one good thing about getting old no hair save on shampoo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob2613 152 Report post Posted March 22, 2013 Long past 40 but still find i can walk into a mp or strip club and get the old evinrude cranking. ladies always like a smile and a laugh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
averne888 110 Report post Posted March 23, 2013 You must be a golfer..... seems every second ad on the Golf Channel is for this product......... Yeah. Golfers must have a lot of ED problems. Maybe people don't have time to golf until they retire... ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frenchbrute 1090 Report post Posted March 24, 2013 Long have I wondered why women always choose older men. In high school, it was the "in thing" for 16 year olds to date 25 year old. In college it was the "mature thing" for 21 year old to date 35 year old. Now in my 30's, most of the women my age are either married or the single ones prefer older guys....what gives? It is veyr difficult to make any headway when assumptions are made about sexual immaturity based on many other factors. Just like making the assumption that the woman who wears short skirts or goes pantyless or braless down the street is more sexually mature than the girl walking out of the library or out of a computer lab. It is difficult to remain humble or level headed when your with a woman and she says stuff like..."wow..I guess I didnt expect that from you! or "You really take your time and pay attention" or "You have surprisingly good stamina" or even..."Not many men know how to do that!" These assumption are unfair and I fear many quality men such as myself have not been afforded the opportunity to pleasure a woman and I suspect many women have been prevented from pleasures purely because the assumption was made that more experience was required. The best way to know what types of experiences you would have would be to chat with the person and not make assumption based on age..."experience" can be quiet subjective. I know I was asked by a woman this past year if i was ever a male escort to which I was very surpised. When I asked why she responded..."because you seem to know exactly what a woman wants!". # weeks later...I noticed my first grey hair!:icon_cool: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cat 262460 Report post Posted March 24, 2013 @frenchbrute... As a female that always dated 10-20 years my senior I can say it has nothing to do with the bedroom techniques. It is the different perceptions, interests and outlook that attracts me. I love the wisdom that comes from someone who has already experience the phase of life I'm going thru, who can discuss with experience what I am living and perhaps offer insight that I would not see. That said, I have had a couple of amazing life experiences with peers and younger than myself as well, it just isn't the norm. For me it's about the connection I feel to someone more than their sexual talent or skill... cat 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baileydog 9367 Report post Posted March 24, 2013 well, as I get within 5 months and 4 days of my 60th birthday, I am certainly glad of two things most of me still works fine ... yes, more things ache more than they used to, but all in all, I have been lucky on the health front and, it is nice that the women who have responded to this thread appreciate (or at least tolerate) us older gentlemen cheers 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kmwq 5477 Report post Posted March 24, 2013 This is an interesting post. I agree with all the comments about being about to slow down and enjoying it more. I am embarrassed to admit that I was in my thirties before I was concern with giving my partner an orgasm and probably into forties before I could do this consistently. Now I'm in my fifties and I am back to it being about me. I see SP because I don't have the energy or desire to work at it. I just want to watch and enjoy. I'm also attracted to the younger SPs in their twenties because well I like the the tight spinner type body but also the fact that there is no confusion about her being a SP and not someone that I could have a relationship with and therefore there is no guilt about reciprocating the service or enjoyment. Sounds like I'm trying to rationalize my actions and it's probably correct, oh well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest a**4* Report post Posted March 24, 2013 Well as for me before i go hobbying i need a long nap and after i have a good night sleep all part of getting old not in my prime anymore I'm just a chunk of coal (But i'm gonna be a diamond some day) cheers to all young and old...:chug:...:chug:we all age to perfection Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
millzy 100 Report post Posted April 8, 2013 I am glad to see that I am not old for hobbying. Had a few visits that I felt was a little older the then the average. But reading this I am feeling I fit right in. Thanks for the humour On feeling my age. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Northman 16522 Report post Posted April 9, 2013 I am glad to see that I am not old for hobbying. Had a few visits that I felt was a little older the then the average. But reading this I am feeling I fit right in. Thanks for the humour On feeling my age. Just be careful to not break a hip. I understand taking you to the hospital is an 'extra' for most SPs so it can get costly. Don't you hate all the nickel and dime-ing for extra services? I really prefer the all-inclusive approach myself. :-D Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites