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There is a gent ( I use the term loosely) that I met many moons ago when I first started visiting Ottawa. This guy let's call him "Fred". Fred was one of my favorite Ottawa friends..almost always visited me when I toured and we had a great time together.....Our sessions had some serious heat as we enjoyed eachother ALOT. As I had been seeing this guy monthly for a while I would get the envelope, but not count it until after he had left...So a while back I count it after he has left and it was short 60-80$ I cannot recall which. I let him know but alas I never saw him for a long while......strange as this was someone who always visited me.... On his next visit a long time later I chose not to bring it up as I really wanted to see if HE would resolve it without my asking....needless to say he did not even mention it. So I sent him a note earlier basically saying that you know don't worry about it it was a long time ago..water under the bridge mostly because I soooo enjoyed our time together ( I'm greedy when it comes to a good tongue) ;)..I mean whats 60-80 when someone see's you on almost every visit...I get a response as if he has no idea what I'm talking about...So I explain.


Here is the answer......


"Really, because I did bring you smokes one time and a few latte's"


OK...So bringing a girl you see on a regular basis a latte 2 or 3 times because you know she loves them makes it ok to knowingly short her ......Seriously!


Ahhhh..I feel better now...Rant DONE! ;)

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Well at least you got the smokes and lattes...he could've said that since you enjoyed him so much, he deserved a discount :oops:


What a douche...some people just have no sense about them, do they?

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I do not understand guys like that. Why spoil a good thing by shorting someone you see regularily? The gifts should be extra not a self emposed discount. Hopefully it does not sour you to the rest of us.

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Guest S**r***e

You would think someone who sees you on a regular basis would know better than to try and pull a stupid stunt like that. The nerve of some people.

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Now Rachelle...let's be reasonable here. Maybe he is just bad at math and miscounted the money, or maybe he is bad at English and could not comprehend your note.:?: Maybe he has early dementia and just forgot the whole thing, or maybe he is just a poor consumer and pays way too much for his lattes and smokes.:?: OR MAYBE HE IS JUST A LOSER.:-P On behalf of potential clients everywhere, let me apologize for the idiot in our midst. We all still love you!!:grin:

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I would ALWAYS bring the expected amount (and more sometimes).

I count it about 3 times to be sure. I want to forget about that part as soon as possible.

The LAST thing I would want is a debate, argument, (doubt of my integrity) over a couple of twenties. I think it would make me physically ill.

Putting someone, that I want to stay on good terms with, in the position (stress, guilt, anger) of having to "ask" me to pay my bill, is something I want to avoid. (Correct me if I am wrong) The ladies in this biz have no Collection agency to turn to. So what are their options, no repeat ?, bad boy list ???

If I miscounted, I would ask, what is the best/fastest way to resolve this.


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I would ALWAYS bring the expected amount (and more sometimes).

I count it about 3 times to be sure. I want to forget about that part as soon as possible.

The LAST thing I would want is a debate, argument, (doubt of my integrity) over a couple of twenties. I think it would make me physically ill.

Putting someone, that I want to stay on good terms with, in the position (stress, guilt, anger) of having to "ask" me to pay my bill, is something I want to avoid. (Correct me if I am wrong) The ladies in this biz have no Collection agency to turn to. So what are their options, no repeat ?, bad boy list ???

If I miscounted, I would ask, what is the best/fastest way to resolve this.



Well put Suzirider! The donation handling aspect of a date is something responsible clients do not linger with because there are other things that require attention.


Personally - I had an episode once with an agency where rates were in the process of being changed and I showed up with less (based on their new fee which I did not know about). My hostess made me aware of this and we discussed how we would proceed - I was ready to take a walk and return with appropriate donation but she insisted we were good to proceed. We proceeded to have a wild, mind blowing session. Immediately after leaving that date, I called the agency, and booked her again for the next night. On the second date, I arrived with proper donation, the difference for the previous night and a nice tip for the young lady.


Sometimes due to circumstances as clients we may mess up - but there is messing up and fixing it, then there is showing little or no class. Mr Latte here demonstrated poor judgment with his actions.


A drink, a takeout meal, be it as simple as a sandwich from Subway or Tim Horton's or wherever - is not something that warrants taking the difference off the 'donation'.


Now for a slightly different angle, if you're seeing someone on a regular basis and you happen to run into a bit of a cash flow problem - perhaps then it may be best to discuss prior to the date with the lady. I'm not talking about haggling, just stating that if you two have a rapport, she may (under the right circumstances) work something out with you for a while. This probably does happen and again - clients should not take advantage. I just wanted to put that out there.


But the ultimate rule to go by is that respect and responsibility applies in and out of the bedroom - if you don't have the cash, then you should not be on the date. Remember, you cannot short change when buying a commodity like a house or a car and sometimes the end result there is you will get screwed. Final thought - don't short change the providers, while you might be looking to get screwed, that's one way to get screwed with zero intimacy. :wink:

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In a different service industry I have noted that sometimes people do make "accounting" mistakes. Usually, they are not deliberate.


Most people do respond positively. though with embarrassment. A very few people do not even know they are in error.


Does one write off the small loss against the larger gain? A marketing question. I know what I have done, I take the opportunity to verify the accounting for that customer from then on.

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Have said donation in an envelope. It's that simple.


My preference is when the provider that you are seeing counts the donation right after the initial greeting.


If she doesn't count it I will suggest that it is counted before the encounter goes any further as I like my provider to be at ease and not to be thinking of it during our time together.


I believe the respectful client giving the donation to a provider has ensured that the proper amount + is in the envelope. (who only counts once really)

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Different SP do things differently. Some count before hand, others don't.


My habit is to triple count just to be very very sure.


Then again mistakes do happen and in that event personally hope it would be brought to my attention as soon as practicable.

Edited by etasman2000
sentence structure

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I think I fucked up once with an agency. Went to the ATM and got the funds which was slightly more than what the donation was supposed to be, then took out the extra cash and didn't count what was left. When she arrived, she counted the money as soon as I gave it to her and gave no indication it was short, we had a great session, she was a total sweetheart as always and all was good.


But I got a call from the agency 20 mins after she left and the guy said I was $50 short. It didn't make sense to me at all...even if I was short, it couldn't have been that number because everything was in $20 bills and the rate was divisible by 20. I apologized and told him that I thought I did give her the correct amount but may have been off $20 because I didn't know about a new driver fee that had been implemented (this was when gas was $1.30/litre). He was OK with it since I was a good customer, but I felt like something was weird. I couldn't imagine this girl being dishonest to him or me because she was such a nice person, and I know it's possible but how often do you get the wrong amount of funds from an ATM? Plus she did count the cash right there in front of me.


Anyhow, the next time I saw her I asked about it and she was fine about the whole thing. Had another great time and at the end before she left, I gave her a tip to make up for the last time. It wasn't even that much really, but she reacted like a kid who just got a puppy, lit up with glee, and gave me a huge hug.


Doesn't take much to be nice, and there's usually a reward, so why be a dick? Enough of them out there though unfortunately...

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But I got a call from the agency 20 mins after she left and the guy said I was $50 short. It didn't make sense to me at all...even if I was short, it couldn't have been that number because everything was in $20 bills and the rate was divisible by 20.


The amount you gave was even. If the driver's fee was odd, the agency would see odd causing an odd shortage.


Doesn't take much to be nice, and there's usually a reward, so why be a dick? Enough of them out there though unfortunately...


Indeed it doesn't. Thank you, have a nice day, please write again :-D

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Wow..i'm really surprised by the huge response to this thread! I agree with many points here.....


As I stated "Whats 60-80$ when this person visits monthly"....from a marketing stand point I was willing to look the other way.


another point is my rates have gone up as my service and figure has improved but this guy was one of the few that I kept at his original rate.


I just think it was all very sneaky and was definitly done purposely, and after seeing that this person ahas absolutly ZERO INTEGRITY, I will never see them again....


Happy Hunting Boys!



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Some people just have no class and definitely little going on between their ears! That's really too bad to hear luv, unfortunately there are some people who feel they can take advantage of SP's that they frequent.

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This is probably the most expensive mistake this idiot will ever make. What he's losing is worth way, way more than his measly, cheap $60-80 bucks: the trust of an LTR who was willing to give him a break on both prices and payment.


Hope you post his info in the Escorts Only section under "bad dates" as well. I'm sure he'll try to pull this stunt on other providers from time to time.


Wow..i'm really surprised by the huge response to this thread! I agree with many points here.....


As I stated "Whats 60-80$ when this person visits monthly"....from a marketing stand point I was willing to look the other way.


another point is my rates have gone up as my service and figure has improved but this guy was one of the few that I kept at his original rate.


I just think it was all very sneaky and was definitly done purposely, and after seeing that this person ahas absolutly ZERO INTEGRITY, I will never see them again....

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I had one client I was seeing every couple of weeks, he shorted me $40 and I left him a message that it was no big deal he could make it up to me on his next visit! I have NEVER seen him since! Some people do this on purpose, not sure why you would even attempt it! It is RUDE and you know going into the meeting that is required that this amount be paid.

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Guest S**r***e

on a side note to this topic, having seen people mention they have their donation in an envelope, is this the way most SP's would like to receive their donation? I did this once and the provider kind of looked at me weird, so I haven't done it since. She actually asked if I wanted the envelope back. Since then I have just carried it in my pocket and give it to them when asked.

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I did this once and the provider kind of looked at me weird, so I haven't done it since. She actually asked if I wanted the envelope back. Since then I have just carried it in my pocket and give it to them when asked.


Never had an issue so far.


Some of the websites actually request this little protocol.


You sure it wasn't the kanga...nah.....never mind.

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I have been VERY, VERY fortunate and have only had something like this happen to me with one client (normally I do not use the term "client" when referring to my gentleman callers, but this guy doesn't deserve to be called a gentleman...as is the case with Rachelle's "Fred" ;)).


I saw him 3 times in total. The first time he came over, he failed to mention that he only wanted a 30 minute rendezvous (incidentally, I no longer offer 30 minute rendezvous'). Well, he ended up staying for 2 hours and only paid me for 30 minutes. I should also mention that at the time I was offering a promotional rate so I did not even receive my usual rate. I blamed myself for not asking how long he wanted to set the rendezvous for, at the time of the booking. I was still fairly new to the business and not 100% confident in myself and how to handle these types of situations, so I considered it a learning experience.


A few weeks later he booked another rendezvous. I begrudgingly agreed to see him...once again, this is where being new to the business plays a role in my poor decision. I felt like I "had" to see whoever wanted to book with me. This time I made sure to ask how long he wanted to see me for. He said 30 minutes. Well, he ended up trying to stay longer but I told him that I had another rendezvous to prepare for and that I was pressed for time. He handed me the donation and went on his way. I counted it after he left and realized that he had paid me the discounted promotional rate which had expired a couple of weeks earlier. So this time, he shorted me by $20. Again, being naive and having little confidence in myself and my rights, I blamed myself for not informing him that the promotion was over and I let it slide.


For the next little while I avoided him. I told him that I was unavailable or already booked when he would try to book a rendezvous. I finally caved and decided to see him again. He had been rather nice in his emails and believe it or not, I actually felt guilty for avoiding him. I was SO naive :(. This time he wanted to see me for an hour. He showed up with 3 bottles of beer which was very nice but I guess he figured that because he brought me a "gift", he was entitled to more of my time. 3 hours later, I'm all but shoving him out the door. I know, I know...I have no one to blame for myself for letting him stay well past the time that was agreed upon to begin with. Once again, he hands me the donation and foolishly I wait until he has left to count it. You can imagine my disgust when I discovered that he had only given me $50!!! But wait...it gets better!!! He then texts me and tells me that he has a confession! He proceeds to tell me, vis text, that he is the person who had been FLAMING me on another review board (turns out he had a crush on me and I guess he thought that flaming me would hurt my business and possibly get me to stop working in the business altogether...who knows...)!!! Now, I'm pissed!!! I texted him back telling him that what he did was horrible AND I point out to him that he owed me a substantial amount of money. That's when he started getting belligerent. He told me that he had been very generous with me (WHAT???) and that he now saw me for who I truly was (his words). He called me greedy and he referred to me as a woman of ill repute (again his exact words). He told me that he had been planning to ask me out but changed his mind because he deserved better than me. I told him that I would have not accepted his invitation in the first place. He then proceeded to tell me that all SPs are greedy and dishonest and he had obviously been "looking for love in all the wrong places" (yes, his exact words once again). He sent me about 50 text messages that night. He went from being apologetic, then to being angry, then to being rude, then to threatening me and then back to being apologetic. I repeatedly told him that he was to never contact me again but the text messages just kept coming. I ignored him and he finally gave up for the night. The next day, a few more texts came in as well as a few emails. I ignored them at first but then finally had to tell him that I would file a complaint against him for harassment. Thankfully, that put an end to it.


I think that's when I began to realize that if I was going to make it in this business I was going to have to stand up for myself and my rights and I've been doing pretty well ever since! In retrospect it was a small price to pay for a very valuable lesson :D.

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I think that's when I began to realize that if I was going to make it in this business I was going to have to stand up for myself and my rights and I've been doing pretty well ever since! In retrospect it was a small price to pay for a very valuable lesson :D.


Hear! hear!


Unfortunately it is clear that this guy has issues.

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Hear! hear!


Unfortunately it is clear that this guy has issues.


You have NO idea. I only gave a brief summary of the type of text messages he sent. He definitely has issues. I am so glad that I moved to a different apartment shortly after that incident. I hated that he knew where I lived :(.


Thanks for the nomination! xoxoxoxo You're my first ;) heehee :D

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Ava nice to hear that you were able to get rid of the A--hole.


A very good idea on your part to tell him that you would have him charged with harassment. Actually a disturbed idiot like that should be charged.


Cheers to your well being.

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