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I'm just figuring out that the thanks button gives rep points like the comment feature, right? So since I think it appropriate to thank all who post to my threads I never have the ability now to leave comments as my rep points are always used up. Does anyone else think that the thanks should be separate and alone from the comments as far as rep points are concerned. I appreciate the fact that mod even created this feature but think it might be nice if there was a difference, just my suggestion, what do you think?

Edited by cr**tyc***es
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Guest jrose

It might take more work to separate them, but it's different to thank a post and leave comments, and perhaps doing one should not prevent doing the other....

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It would be nice if you could both thank and leave a comment yet have it only count as one action, just as if you do one or the other counting as one. Sometimes you want to say thanks and have a short comment versus a full fledged response (I say this just NOW having discovered how the comment feature works).


No idea the complication involved in doing this but it would be nice.

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I think, and don't quote me but if you want to leave a thanks or a nomination plus comments first submit your comments then the thanks/nomination. If you put the thanks/nomination in first you can't then leave comments/rep points but you can the other way around

But don't quote me on this LOL


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I'm just worried that if I thank too many people, the theme from Jaws will start playing and someone in a tuxedo or an evening gown will quietly escort me away from my computer...

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At the risk of sounding like a negative nelly, if you thank every post that posts on your thread, what's the point?

I'm not sure what the original intent of the feature was, if it was meant to thank someone for the content of their post or to reward them for simply posting. If it's the latter then ignore this post :)


Each member here will have their own reasons to give thanks, rep points/comments and or nominate a post. It is a personal decision to give out and unless there are hard and fast rules about giving them which I didn't read they should be taken as positive feedback on a post you made

Just my opinion


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At the risk of sounding like a negative nelly, if you thank every post that posts on your thread, what's the point?

I'm not sure what the original intent of the feature was, if it was meant to thank someone for the content of their post or to reward them for simply posting. If it's the latter then ignore this post :)



My intent/point for thanking EVERY post that replies to my thread is just that-thanks- for responding. No one has to so in appreciation for a response I hit the thanks button, I think it only polite to do so. To leave a comment or to nominate would-for me-be the reason for voting for the content of the post.But thats just me.


Additional Comments:

I'm just worried that if I thank too many people, the theme from Jaws will start playing and someone in a tuxedo or an evening gown will quietly escort me away from my computer...


Lol, where do you come up with this stuff, you should do stand up, I can attest as ms.thanks it hasen't happened yet,lol.

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Her font size looks the same to me in her other posts as in her reply to to you.

And I read nothing rude in her reply just her explaining why she gives thanks after your post about her giving out thanks


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Seriously, arguing about giving thanks ? lol :) I someone wants to give thanks, that's what the button is for and if someone chooses not to give thanks then no one will hold it against them. Let's just be thankful we have options

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