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Why is it..... that some people are just horrible?


Not speaking of Nicki of course, she's great!


Hehe! Why is it that some people are just miserable and horrible? Drivers included.lol.

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Hehe! Why is it that some people are just miserable and horrible? Drivers included.lol.


Probably from pent up excess sexual frustration. That also explains why you're so awesome!


That, and your connection to the rock!

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why do mobile phone companies take roaming as an opportunity to gouge on prices ... while wandering around the USA, my Rogers bill has jumped from about $100 per month to over $400 and that is after buying their roaming packages ... ouch

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Why is it that when looking for a phone number you can find almost everything else but the friggen number itself. Grrr

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Why is it when you tell some people something about an event or act which is the truth, they don't believe you. Then you find out later it is them who are guilty of committing the same act they accused you of doing (or being capable of doing).


Some people are so transparent!

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Why is it that on a board full of exemplary service providers, the only thing you can't make come is spring?

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Why is it that when you wake up in the middle of the night it near impossible to fall back asleep.

Only cure I know requires a partner hehe.

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Why is it that when you have an itch in the middle of your back and you get someone to scratch it for you, the damn itch moves.


"A little to the right, now down, lower, left, up, up higher, right, no my right, lower, lower, argh!!!"

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Why is it that some people gives "gifts" when everything is great, but the minute things don't go their way... Ask for things back!!! When I give I give because I want not expecting any return!

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I wanna see if I can answer these, rhetorically if I can't


I will start..


Why is it that American Nextflix is waaaay better than Canadian Netflix?


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Canadian Law. Remember in US a few years ago people were being sued for thousands, sometimes even hundreds of thousands of dollars for sharing songs and/or movies. How did the studios know it was them? Sure they could get their IP address, but how did they associate that IP address with that user.


American law allows these studios to obtain the information through the internet service provider of that particular person. In Canada, we don't. If an ISP notices piracy of this kind, the maximum it can do is cut of your internet access. But it is illegal for them to share the information to the studio.


This is one of the main differences that makes studios less keen on showing their content in Canada online, and Netflix must work harder to do so.


Why is it that burger king has the good burgers and mcdonalds has the good fries?


It's how the two companies have evolved. Right from the get go, Burger King has focused on the grilled burger angle, while McDonalds is the champion in efficiency in the fast food industry. Simply put, McDonalds figured a way to make fries quickly, which happened to have the resulting taste you so like.


Burger King in US is changing their fries, eventually that'll come here. So maybe you'll like the Burger King fries more in the future.



Why is it that whenever there is a thread trying to have a reasoned conversation regarding bareback vs. covered services, some people get so touchy and complain of being lectured?


It's the internet. Talk about anything that is the polar opposites of one another, people will get touchy feely. It's not the particular topic. On another forum I'm on, people have gotten so obsessed over having a camera grip or not. I mean serious...camera grip.



Why does Tim Horton's coffee taste better in house than when it's made at home?


Because of the way it's brewed. At Tim Hortons, everything relating to coffee is down to an exact science. Those brewing machines are not some industrially sourced machines. They have been designed specifically for Tim Hortons' coffee. Flow rate, temperature, etc. We were also pretty thorough with the maintenance.


Also, instant versus drip makes a difference. And if you're me, being served versus making it myself adds to 10% of the taste :P



Why is it almost all brand name foods taste better in house than when made at home?


Maybe because it's cooked fresh there, but have preservatives for the home option.



Why does Taylor Swift use all her past relationships for writing/song material? Can't stand her!


I think she realized it worked the first time, and then she figured OMG MONIES! Must repeat


Why is it that some people pick up their dog poop in a plastic bag but leave it on the street? why bother?


Because dog owners who don't rid the street of their dog's poop are the scum of the planet. I wish them to listen to Taylor Swift songs for all eternity with no pauses.

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@Piano8:Are you CEO of Tim Horton's or just a stockholder?lol


Seriously though, Is Tim's coffee all roasted in Rochester,NY or just that sold in the States?

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You may want to undo the handcuffs then Nikki ?? ;)


More like why is it that "I" took so long to take the handcuffs off? lol.


And to my next... why is it that I didn't see the light earlier?

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@Piano8:Are you CEO of Tim Horton's or just a stockholder?lol


Seriously though, Is Tim's coffee all roasted in Rochester,NY or just that sold in the States?





I wonder if tomorrow, this is going to be on the newspapers as some sort of scandal. CEO of Tims found on escort website!


But seriously, I worked there for a semester at the head office. After the first week, I figured out why they needed engineers. I did enjoy all the coffee I wanted for 4 months. I don't remember sleeping much that summer.

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Here are two mystical queries: [the first of which, is ageless, while the second is its more modern counterpart.]


Why is it that:


The library book you want is inevitably checked out?




All the good content on YouTube is never available in Canada?


The latter issue really riles the geek in me. And I really have to resist the urge... enough said.



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Guest a**4*

Why is it that kids do not know the difference between exit only and enter I was at Meto a kid is trying to enter the store at the exit only i enter at the enter door he is still there waiting for the door to open dummer than a fence post to much dummy dust i guess

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Why is it the government can with hold payment causing finacial hard ship but can garnish your wages if you owe them?

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Why is it...that I have never met Nicolette or even spoke to her but we had some great "cuddling" in my dream last night and now I'm sure that she's a good kisser?

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Why is it...that I have never met Nicolette or even spoke to her but we had some great "cuddling" in my dream last night and now I'm sure that she's a good kisser?


Why is it that I've never thought that anyone would have a dream about me? However, your dream is very accurate!


Additional Comments:

Why is it when I need to reach someone, they're not answering?

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Why is it that only wicked people get to have cool minions? I, personally, would love to have a garrison of trained and uniformed flying monkeys to do my bidding. Just sayin'.

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