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I have no complaints about living alone. Yes it can get boring at times, but I'd rather live alone than have a room mate! Though rolling over every morning to a beautiful woman in my bed would not be a bad thing either!!!! :D

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Guest a**4*

I don't mine it at all, i make my own decisions i get up and go where ever and when ever i please i make decisions on the fly it is great

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I love it. I have lived with both men and women and now just me and my dogs and wouldn't change that for anything -except for possibly adding more dogs, lol. Solitude can be wonderful, as is not answering to anyone. But whatever your living accommodations are enjoy, as your home should be your sanctuary, your safe place . Where you absolutely can be your ideal and complete self.

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I also live alone, but must confess it would be nice to have a companion at times. I'm not actively pursuing another relationship, but wouldn't mind if it were to happen. It is nice to have someone to snuggle up to at night and have someone to share a meal. This hobby is a help as far as the physical rewards and emotionally as have made some friends in the industry, but also each meeting fleeting.

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I love the single life. A lot of people wrongly assume that living alone equals being lonely. Not so. At home, master of the remote control

I do share apartment space with adopted rescued feral cat, but does that count?

I have family (we've grown closer since dad diagnosed with cancer), friends, including some ladies I have met and gotten to know through this lifestyle, and some co-workers, all I know without the strings or drama of living under the same roof permanently under a committed relationship.

Some of the loneliest people I know are married...nothing worse than being with someone that you have grown out of love with.

The worst times in my life were during or after a breakup, could only imagine what would have happened if I ever got married.

Some ramblings from a happy single guy


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I have never lived alone in my entire life.

I don't know why the hell that happened.

I would like to try it some time, but with good health & marriage vows solitary living seems entirely unlikely. I know, that seems really disrespectful...just taking this subject matter literally.

I like my solitude. I'm a solitary man.

My SO respects privacy. She likes her space too & we don't piss each other off too much. I'm lucky. She's just as crazy as me.

Have offspring still at home.

Maybe I should get myself a separate condo or something?

Cool thread.

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Guest ***nno**n***

I do love living alone. Especially since I get double the closet space!



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Guest Ot**w***og****n

My wife died a couple of months ago so now I live alone. I hate it. I miss my wife and when she died I did as well. I didn't hobby when she was sick and I haven't since she died. I am a mess.

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I have to live alone. No one in their right mind would live with me! lol


Thankfully many of us are left minded people...

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My wife died a couple of months ago so now I live alone. I hate it. I miss my wife and when she died I did as well. I didn't hobby when she was sick and I haven't since she died. I am a mess.


My friend... it's never easy. There is nothing to compare with what you have dealt with and are still dealing with - but you have come to a caring community. Reach out. Lots of good people willing to lend an ear here. Lots of comfort to be had.


We can't replace what you have lost, but we can make the transition a little easier.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

Thanks Cristy, Boomer, RG and Old Dog for your private messages of condolence to me and for your support. I had a very bad day yesterday.

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Wow, I live alone, and don't mind it, realize it gives you the freedom of freedom, but in the end, nothing better than having someone to share your life with, regardless of those challenges.


So, unlike many others it seems, while I enjoy my time alone, I would give it up for the right person.


Additional Comments:

My wife died a couple of months ago so now I live alone. I hate it. I miss my wife and when she died I did as well. I didn't hobby when she was sick and I haven't since she died. I am a mess.



Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult things to deal with. There will be good days and bad days. Always try to remain positive, your life is what you make of it, when possible, always look at the half-full glass, it is the best one. Best of wishes to you, and to many better days ahead.

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My wife died a couple of months ago so now I live alone. I hate it. I miss my wife and when she died I did as well. I didn't hobby when she was sick and I haven't since she died. I am a mess.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I found that animals helped me transition to solitary life. I hate to suggest anti-depressants, but should you find yourself in a deep depression, they may be an option; just do your research beforehand.

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Living alone, it's not so bad. In fact, it's great!

Who loves it?


On a more serious response it is great NOW to live alone and have all the freedoms that goes with it (like having lovely guests over, watching the movies that I like, listening to the songs that I like, the quiet environment after coming back from work to relax,.....) but in the time of need (like becoming sick when I have to cook for myself with high fever) or the future when I am old and lonely (if I decide to keep living alone) it is no fun and that will be the regret time. Oh why I didn't make friends with the lovely lady I saw the other day in 2013... Oh why I didn't ask the lovely girl out in 2010, Oh why I didn't propose to the lovely lady in 2006... That is when living alone will show up nothing but regrettable memories... The regret time, likely my future.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

Thanks everyone who posted and for the kind PMs sent to me. I didn't mean to hijack the thread either and change direction...just wanted to put my perspective on living alone as a recent widower.

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Thanks everyone who posted and for the kind PMs sent to me. I didn't mean to hijack the thread either and change direction...just wanted to put my perspective on living alone as a recent widower.


You certainly did not hijack the thread, we all need to express our feelings especially in tough times. Your opinion is as relevant and appreciated as any and there are many here who are willing to be supportive when it's needed, so never feel bad for expressing yourself in any thread. :icon_biggrin:

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Living alone, it's not so bad. In fact, it's great!

Who loves it?

It allows me to appreciate and savor the distinct aroma of my farts.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

Before I was married and when I was living alone as a single guy I enjoyed it very much as I could come and go as I pleased, could cook what I wanted for meals, and could have people over to my place as and when I felt like it. I never got lonely really as I had a lot of people around me in my life at the time and my work kept me very busy so I wasn't home all that much really to even think about it. I was happy living alone. After I got married my life changed considerably as my wife and I were always together when we weren't working. I was very happy and remained so throughout our years together. One can be happy living alone and one can be happy living with someone be it a spouse or partner. I know people who simply cannot live alone and need to have others around in their home. If they are single or unattached they need a room-mate. I did have a couple of room-mates when I was single and it was okay, but I prefer to live alone when unattached. After having been married for many years and having had my wife pass away I am grieving and will do so until it stops. There is no timeline for this as it is a process one must work their way through. Whether I live alone like I do now or with a room-mate I will feel the same as I do. Anyone who has gone through the death of a spouse will know what I am talking about. Right now my room-mate is our cat who was with me throughout my wife's illness and passing which has helped me considerably even though she can be a pain in the neck sometimes. We are all different and we have to make the best of our situation be it by choice or by having it thrust upon us. I am living one day at a time which is the best I can do given the circumstances. The main thing is that we have the freedom of choice and we are responsible for our own happiness.

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