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Sudbury Prostitution Billboard Sends Message To Johns

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Doesn't it make you wish so much that you could tell them that there is this other whole side to the industry that is consensual, rewarding, fulfilling and fun for all?! I do! But unfortunately, the misconception is so skewed and the stigma so great that I cannot afford the price that I would have to pay in my personal life to do so. It is very unfortunate.


Ps please don't lecture me to say that I should be courageous enough to do so. I am not the only one in my life who would pay the price, and I can't even consider bringing that upon them.


Just my two cents!

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  Summer said:
Doesn't it make you wish so much that you could tell them that there is this other whole side to the industry that is consensual, rewarding, fulfilling and fun for all?! I do! But unfortunately, the misconception is so skewed and the stigma so great that I cannot afford the price that I would have to pay in my personal life to do so. It is very unfortunate.


Ps please don't lecture me to say that I should be courageous enough to do so. I am not the only one in my life who would pay the price, and I can't even consider bringing that upon them.


Just my two cents!


Summer, you make valid points about the collateral damage which can occur and frequently does when someone in the industry "comes out". So I think it behooves the rest of us, client and professional, who can speak in public to continually respond articles, joining groups and continue to put political pressure on those in power.


News articles like these are pure propaganda and a sheen on the advocacy group that works to be assisting the workers. If this was the 1950s they would also be labeling us, using the then current stereotype of "Communist". It also infuriates me that the media is guilty of using children to further their own marketing ends. Child abuse, abuse of anyone in general, and the consensual act of paid sex are entirely different topics.


Sincerely, One fuming client.... who will never shut up until all people in sex work are treated as human beings and fully respected for their power and creativity.




PS: I have been remiss and inconsistent in the last year with my speaking out in this regard, due to health issues both physical and mental however I am slowly getting back on track.

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Lurk in the shadows, anonymity!!!...if these groups knew anything they would know most professional companions use screening/verification.

Most of the ladies I see know my name isn't JohnLOL. But they do know my real name, email, phone, and know where I work. Even a couple of ladies know my home address.

I don't buy women for sex. I do compensate women for their time and whatever happens during that time is between two consenting adults, and ALWAYS within the lady's boundaries. A john wouldn't care about the lady he is seeing, just about his gratification...but in this lifestyle well this gentleman doesn't just pay the donation, he also gives a gift and tip, sometimes a nice dinner out too

If these groups knew the truth about professional companionship they would find a group of CONSENTING ADULTS engaged in a mutually beneficial lifestyle, where both ladies and gentlemen have respect for one another. And this lifestyle allows ladies to have an income, it is their livelihood...do these groups have guaranteed jobs for them should they no longer be sex workers, and if not, what do they expect them to do for a livelihood

A rambling


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Hello RG Ed and all:


Actually these groups do know, for the most part, how things really work. But they have a closed viewpoint on how the world should work and are frequently blinded by anger, and a fundamentalist belief in their own propaganda. To make matters worse once a group gets funding and becomes established for saving the [insert your favorite stereotype here] "victim" they are more likely to maintain the stereotypes. This behavior becomes entrenched in both subtle and explicit ways. From the obvious terminology used, emotionally loaded phrases for example, to never including the customer in discussions, or indeed acknowledging both parties as fully human, not just nameless stereotypes..


As recipients of sex workers talents and services we must work hard to remember that what ever form our appreciation takes it never infers anything aside from appreciation of their talents. This is an important point that these groups, and indeed most of the marketing in the modern world, deliberately confuse. The exchange of money never infers rights over anyone. Therefore, between consenting adults both under no duress, the victim cannot exist. When everyone is treated with respect and all needs are met the stereotypes fall apart.


But when human beings are classified by the adoption of the stereotypes etc. in any way the individual or group becomes marginalized and this is where the harm begins. This obviously goes way beyond the sex industry. It speaks to how we treat each other in our day-to-day lives and how deep these impressions go.


Perhaps the industry which includes some of the sexiest and smartest people I know will ultimately teach the world a thing or two about true decency and humanity. I have had many wonderful times and met truly colorful people on the journey thus far.


So thanks for the service :) - past, and future-here's a few million roses! They are always given in appreciation of the talent and sensitivity showing to the client. Keep it human and keep it inclusive of the differences. I dare the media, large or small to put together nonbiased articles including the provider and customer. I bet there are some wonderful untold stories out there.


Take care, thanks for speaking out RG.


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This is such a complex issue. No doubt there are women around the world and perhaps in our own back yard that are exploited and we all want to ensure that we do what must be done to stop that type of abuse.

What a complicated world we live in.

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I see this as specifically aimed at youth working in the industry. They are the most at risk of being exploited and I agree with these types of tactics to bring it to the forefront. We have a real problem with this in this country and its a shame.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

I am afraid that most of these girls are hooked on oxies and crack and are really in need of counseling and withdrawal programs .A crackdown on their pimps is also required.

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