toklat77 4616 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 If you won the lottery what would you do with your winnings? Keeping in mind that the majority of people who win lotteries blow through their winnings in about 3-5 years. Would you be able to handle the money better than them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IsaMassage 54318 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 I guess It also depends on the ammount... But let's say its a nice ammout, first off would pay all my debts, including my mortgage... And car payments.... I would move down to a caribbean island, maybe start a small business, I need to keep working for my own sake... Keep mind and body busy, travel more.., share with my closest relatives... Specially my mom.. I would not give her any money because I know she woulkd end up giving I to other people that would not deserve it lol so I would just treat her with things that she enjoys or things she has never had the chance to do... I would not go crazy bananas buying useless things just because... Keep a nice comfortable life style .... Unless is clothes and shoes lol And do some charitable donations, but most likely instead of a charity per say.., find someone or families in need.. And help directly... Maybe even a family member that have not had the same posibilitoes as I have... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jolie 3402 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 I would pay off my debts,get my doggie her much needed surgery,buy a house with some land and start a dog rescue home for mutts,strays and the unwanted. Give some to each of my family members making sure my kids will be set up nicely and invest a little. Try to live life comfortably without over indulging myself heh. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shocker1983 120 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 First off, I'd take care of all outstanding debt (obvious). Secondly, I'd take a chunk and invest it in an RRSP. I'd take another chunk and set up an RESP for my best friend's kid (he's like a nephew to me :P), and give my best friend a chunk to set up an RRSP for herself. Only then would I start spending for myself, starting with a nice cruise for my parents, some travel for myself, maybe a few toys. Another good question to ask regarding lottery winnings, would you go lump sum or monthly cheques? I'm not too sure what I'd choose if I won, considering you get the bejeezus taxed out of you either way. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) Head off to the South Pacific with my favourite cerb woman (or two :)) Edited April 14, 2013 by Cato 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A****y E*e 6175 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 I would buy a really nice bottle of scotch and then be on the first plane to Costa Rica! And then I would invest, buy a house, and donate a lot to some non-profits that are dear to me. After that, I think I'd continue on life as usual, although with nicer shoes and a giant closet. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brad 49548 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 If I won a little I'd buy a beer. If I won a moderate amount I'd buy a beer, give to family, and pay the mortgage. If I won a lot I'd buy a beer, give to family & friends, pay the mortgage, put some in the bank, and travel. If I won the big time I'd buy a beer, give to family & friends & charities, pay the mortgage, put some in the bank, travel, and buy the rights to the that cancelled show Firefly and pay to have a few more episodes made (any fellow Browncoats out there understand! :smile:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satai 1933 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 Buy a GREAT bottle of scotch, some top-quailty Cohibas or Montechristos, and share them with my closest friend. Pay off my mortgage, my friends' and family's mortgages. Bring my closest guy friends to London's Saville Row to get them bespoke tailoring, footwear, and haberdashery. Hire a personal trainer to help me get back in shape. Buy a plot of land, design and build a house, and buy a property in St, Lucia. HAVE FUN!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 (edited) First this does depend on how much of a lottery win But I'd set aside enough cash in safe low risk investments or savings accounts so I'm set for life I'd then pay off all my debts. I'd pay off my mom's and brother's mortgage Then I'd buy a new truck and boat, and buy a house on the water Might even buy a muscle car custom plates MIDLFECRSIS lol Definitely my frequency of encountering would increase. And I could see more sleepovers in my future, even a holiday escape down south or somewhere holiday like. And most definitely I see a coast to coast flight stopping at a few Canadian cities to meet some of my favourite CERB ladies that live too far away for me to meet right now RG Edited April 14, 2013 by r__m__g_uy 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 This should be no big surprise -I'd give most of it to animal welfare/rescue groups or start my own sanctuary. I would have to hire someone to manage the money as I am terrible with it. My father always said the quickest way to see money disappear was to put in my hand or my bank account, lol. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RoddyThomas 2746 Report post Posted April 14, 2013 Sadly, I only won $12! If I had won $55 mill, I would buy a island resort in Bora Bora, and fly friends (and lovely ladies) in and out. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
curiousJoe77 130 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 The possibilities seem endless, as do the temptations. If I won the big one I think I would travel this great country of ours taking time to see all of the lovely SP's featured here on CERB. (So many beautiful and enticing women, all so far away from me!) Imagine the freedom! Maybe I'd be one of those who blow all of their winnings in 3-5 years, but I'd have a huge smile on my face. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icebreaker 3938 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 (edited) By "if you won the Lottery" I assume that to mean a multi-million jackpot (which usually result in the most interesting answers). That level of win would be a drastic change of lifestyle, whether you initiate it or your driven to change your lifestyle by others. Keep in mind the downside to a win like that is everyone would come out of the woodwork for their piece of your winnings. If I were to win, the first thing I would do is hire a wealth management company and work backwards by determining how much I need to invest into a nest egg to ensure a reasonable investment income to replace my salary and allow for some fun. Then with the difference I would divide between paying off debts, giving to family and friends then I would decide on charitable agencies to donate to. I'd have this plan in place before picking up the cheque so I would not be tempted or rushed into bad choices immediately on getting the money. Two things I always wished I had more time for were travelling (especially during the winter months) and taking another University degree or building on my BA. So that is what I'd like to do with my time (I would be too restless to just not do anything). After completing my second academic career I would probably join a non-profit agency I believed in for no salary but on a consultancy basis where I could still travel and not be too tied down so I could still have a little fun. Edited April 15, 2013 by Icebreaker 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fresh start 17467 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 If I won the lottery, I think I would just pick up and leave pay all my debt and travel till I find a nice peaceful place to live. I would not tell people where I'm going. Would try to keep my winning a secret for as long as possible. Once I've started a new life it would be a simple life stress free and problem free. If I were to get bored I would start up my own small business to work. Choosing which jobs I would take. Nothing to fancy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sweet Emily J 172062 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 I would leave everything I own behind, take my pets and go live in a small secluded house on my own private beach on the ocean somewhere warm! Swim in the sea, do some fishing, meet some local men and have lots of afternoon sex, followed by a midday nap in the warm sun... Ahh, that would be the life! :D 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bellafan 11341 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 If I were to win the lottery, my brothers and sister, and my nieces and nephews could kiss a big "Goodbye" to their mortgages so they could have even more freedom (I love freedom!) to enjoy their lives even more than they do now. Actually, we are very fortunate, but even more freedom for them would be wonderful! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piano8950 32577 Report post Posted April 15, 2013 - An extra large coffee from Tim Hortons, because I can't ever justify buying that size. Seems like such a waste. But I'd like to know the feeling. - Set up a university fund for family members yet to go to university. Pay of the student loans of family members who already finished university. - And finally the rest to different charities. Not being noble, my dad has religious objections to lotteries (or any sort of gambling), and if by some bizarre sequence of events I end up buying a ticket and actually winning, I couldn't in good conscious keep the money. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FootFetishTess 1261 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 Oh, roughly what everyone else is saying: Build my dream house, see the world, make some wise investments to make sure the money never runs out. ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ferm 100 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 Very nice I love dogs too Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 New most expensive golf cart, new most expensive golf sandals, new most expensive beer cooler for golf cart, stick with Bud Light though, sell my new unused golf clubs and get newer better most expensive golf clubs, and the most expensive bestest & furthest distance titanium mother fucking golf balls to make me look way way better than I am !! :) After that I am not sure. Big assed trust put away for my kids. Work less but still work and travel more in the winter to sunny destinations, especially since I will be a better golfer having the best stuff ! Right ? ;) Hmmm. Work hard, play hard, listen to rock and roll and have sex !! The same simple plan....just richer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eric Northman 16522 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 Two words: gold pants. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted April 16, 2013 I would change my name to Angelia Jolie, turn my house into the united nations, have about 10 children, volunteer and give to charities below. On my spare time I would have my own log cabbin/lenordic/horse ranch. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 I think you'll need a "few" millions for this property, Peachy! lol. I guess you'll also order some "curry" from UK to be flown to US to surprise Brad! :icon_wink: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 Pay the last of my debts. Travel the world (most likely go to Australia and Kiwiland) Buy a house in St-Tropez and a little appartement in Paris buy a nice car. buy good wine and cheese invest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted April 16, 2013 Disapear from the world Posted via Mobile Device 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites