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justified reason to be indy

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So over the last month or so I've been hit with a bad depression that I really couldn't shake. Its apparently been going around real bad. Some of my happiest friends have been hit hard too. The kind of sadness that just sneaks up on you for no reason and has you in bed for days just crying cause that's all you can do.

Unfortunately when you need those mental breaks from the world bills still come in so your savings disappear before you are back to normal.So I decided I had to book on with a service but which one. Out of the choices here one service went under cause the owner drank and gambled their money instead of paying the business bills. So now she posts herself and her girls as 25 year olds on BP.One service is owned by a buddy I went to high school with and his gf. The last one is owned by a dirty old man that makes his girls sleep with him and I don't know bout anyone else but sleeping with the boss doesn't seem like good business edicate whether its an escort agency or burger king ugly or hot.


So anyway I texted my buddy up and told him I didn't want anyone knowing my business but I was strapped at the moment so I'd book on with him for a bit. Nice guy but the drivers apparently aren't worth a poop. Had to go out to Cape Pele 45min out of town normally but buddy's front end is destroyed so we're driving like 40 up the highway while I'm listening to him complain that buddy will probably want his full hour. UM well Yes, Obviously buddy's gonna want his hour. and then driving back at 40km hoping the damn wheels don't fall off. A good 4hrs of driving at least. So last night they tell me they have another driver and call me at 12:30 for a call. come 1:30 I'm still standing in my window waiting. 2:30am I get a call the the driver is outside waiting so I go out and there is no one there. several times they insist they are at mt apt building and I remind them I don't live in an apt building. I couldn't believe it I told him "I don't get it buddy not only can't tell time he can't read count or see either. On the Corner of Blah st and Blahblah street there is a Huge pit with dirt around it (just dug and put the foundation for the new house next door). Beside that Pit is a HUGE white house with a big half moon driveway and in the Middle of that driveway was me pacing back and forth in a white trench coat. yes the street only goes from whatchamacallit lane to blahblah street which is right behind McDonald's so IF he were there he woulda seen me!"


This story isn't really to rant and if I put a little too much of something in there to be edited i will I have no problem with that. Things can be taken only in context of the reader. But it does defiantly remind me that working with there people, there is generally someone along the rungs that just don't care bout anyone else. Some people say that the only one you can rely on is your dog. LMAO my dog's affection can be bought to easily with cookies for her to be reliable.

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Definitely there is a difference between working indy and working agency. Its too bad the choice there sucks. I hate having other drivers, that's why I insist on using my own vehicle. Especially if their vehicle is crap like that one is.


However, there are agencies that model good business practices. They are few and far between , but they do exist.


Good luck sweetie!




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I remember the days of Agency work in Moncton, also here in Freddy. There are some that just make me say" WTF?"


One lady I worked for was a needle user, she didn't even bother to hide it from us, lol...now she was a strange one indeed. Not saying that a big women isn't beautiful, but this was extreme, no teeth, bald spots and was a hoarder! she also worked her own calls and gave us the left overs!! We did in calls in her apartment, but you literally had to walk sideways to the room...ohhh wait she also collected rats, the whole place stank! She would work us around the clock, 24/7 then on top of her earning half the rate, she would borrow money to pay for her cell phone or ads. CRAZY!!


I strive to make sure that anyone who works with me is well cared for. I even go to the extent to be sure there is milk in the fridge for them, lol...I worked hard and thought long and hard about how I wanted to revolutionize the concept that current agencies work under. I vowed to never have a service that treated ladies like cattle. To offer the chance to become successful and healthy. I do not ever want to treat people the way these agencies made me feel:(

Keep in mind this is little NB, not many "upscale" options here...


In my business model, I work for the ladies! They hire me for my experience, reputation and fairness. I will always remain in this model, or quite being an agent. I hope that other's in my area follow my lead on this, cause I feel strongly about exploitation and underpaid and over worked as so many are:(


Gosh I hope I have not said too much here....no grief meant, just my experience and humble opinion:)


No matter what you decide Serena, you are an incredibly bright and beautiful women, and you will be successful in almost any endeavor you seek out! Keep that bright smile on that pretty face of yours!

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I strive to make sure that anyone who works with me is well cared for. I even go to the extent to be sure there is milk in the fridge for them' date=' lol...I worked hard and thought long and hard about how I wanted to revolutionize the concept that current agencies work under. I vowed to never have a service that treated ladies like cattle. To offer the chance to become successful and healthy. I do not ever want to treat people the way these agencies made me feel:(



see that's real sweet. You would think that if a lady had worked before and started an agency themselves this is how they would want to treat their girls. Good for you hun :) I'm glad we have you here to lead by example :)


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Hi Serena:


As a client I have met many creative articulate service providers, who at one time or another have run into or had to deal with horrendous agencies. Here in Vancouver there had been a number of attempts to establish and maintain "micro brothels". Unfortunately the police decided to make an example of one of them last year and they were shut down.


But the idea behind the micro brothel concept rocks! A small business in which everyone is invested and has a voice. We need a micro brothel network to empower and inspire all. Including independent workers.


It drives me crazy when I read about abuse in business owners who treat people like chattel. I know, I am only familiar with the business from the client side, but I really do want to lend you support in what ever way possible. Because I have had many joyous experiences from independent workers and one small agency.


Please do not give up hope or become consumed with permanent anger. The work you do is vital in so many unspoken ways and I for one, would not be as happy in life if it weren't for the sincere people of this industry.


Thank you, and take care.


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