irwin0072003 236 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 I got ripped off or $7 large for a duo that never happened, then my life threatened by 2 different pimps. I was going straight to the cops at one point with one of the girls in my car. I was fucked in many ways and not one of them I was getting off. Fucking CL, we should try and shut them down before someone gets hurt and the whole industry takes a hit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F***s*t 145 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Perhaps be a little more specific? Hard to make a comment on this in an intelligent way. Sorry to hear about this anyway. Especially having your life threatened.:!: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akhenaton 221 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Always sorry to hear abou t someone getting ripped off. CL is a know hazard, and we try to give each other as much info as possible, but there are so many scam artist with more time on there hands then us that it's hard to keep ahead... At least you did not get hurt, at least physically. Be safe. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 I actually moved this as it was posted in another thread (Not really relevant). I meant to comment that it was moved and got a phone call so I was side-tracked. The other thread was discussing a specific person so I did not want anyone to think this was the same person. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Akhenaton 221 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Thanks Mod. I actually moved this as it was posted in another thread (Not really relevant). I meant to comment that it was moved and got a phone call so I was side-tracked. The other thread was discussing a specific person so I did not want anyone to think this was the same person. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted July 24, 2009 IMHO CL and Kijiji are just too risky. Sorrry to hear of your troubles but glad you didn't get hurt. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ekimout 188 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 It's really unfortunate that you got ripped off. You should consider yourself lucky the only thing you lost was money. These situations are just to unpredictable and dangerous to try anything, just get out of there. If you're around long enough you're going to get ripped off at some point, either through poor service or actual cash. It's a risk you take when dealing with the unknown providers, but the thrill of discovery can be quite tempting, it's understandable. That's what makes CERB so great! There are a lot of amazing providers here. Some even advertise on CL. Cowboy Kenny also does an amazing job with his site to help weed out the loser bait and switch posts on CL. Stick to CERB and stay away from CL. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
massagefan 100 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Glad the OP is OK. Came close myself once and swore of the hobby forever. That lasted a month I think. I look on CL (I know I probably shouldn't), and hope to find some roses among the thorns. I like to take what I believe are good prospects, search the boards, and ask members of the board if there is anything on a particular girl in the ad. If I get no positive (or any) responses back, I just let it go. It is interesting though to seek out the hidden gems. You just have to be careful and ask some probing questions of the provider and count on the boards (and Cowboy Kenny) to help steer clear of bad risks and scams. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted July 24, 2009 Irwin - maybe you could point to the CL ad (if it isn't pulled already) or provide details of the SP that scammed you? Sorry this happened dude. :-( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ralfy 100 Report post Posted July 25, 2009 How does one get into that kind of situation? Did you at least get to feel there boobs?:arrow: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mars_Bound 110 Report post Posted July 26, 2009 Well I use CL a lot. It has come down to an art really. I can feel the girl out and stay clear of the troubled ones. I cant say I really had any trouble there. I had more trouble using the SUN... even though I did meet one sweet girl through the sun. Sometimes I am in the mood to try to guess what they look like... I go to the sun. For CL, yes there are some bad apples there. Cant really tell you what to look for other than maybe check cerb and use Cowboy Kenny's site. When I am not too sure then I come here on CERB and start a thread. If I have the need to review , I also review here as well. As for getting ripped off, you might as well accept that it comes with the territory and LE wont help you... trust me. I been down that road before too. I actually had LE laught at me and drive off. Its like if you are a snake handler, you will get bit even once in your life. So when that happens to you, take it in stride and warn others. Try to reflect and see what you can do the next time to better protect yourself. If you go to the LE, they may just haul you in. Girls handled by Pimps tend to be little bit more dangerous (for obvious reasons). Unless you are studying Ninjitsu and can take out the pimp and his 100 cronies, I would recommend not to haggle too much over any problems that may arise. Just pay and leave, cry later or pull some overtime at work to make up for the funds lost. My buddy got stabbed by a pimp because the date went bad. The Pimp is in jail but my buddy could have lost his life. Not worth it at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted July 26, 2009 When I first started, I advertised on CL, but these days it's too much hassle. I'm sorry you got ripped off. I hope it doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth so much so that you quit the hobby. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F***s*t 145 Report post Posted July 27, 2009 IMHO CL and Kijiji are just too risky. Sorrry to hear of your troubles but glad you didn't get hurt. I agree, you don't know what your getting into or what the situation holds. A poster in Wpg went and seen a CL girl in 2007 and she had a guy in the appt. with her. While doing the date, he went and stole his wallet and cell phone. then confronted him with threats after getting ready to leave. I'll take a pass. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coachg 388 Report post Posted July 27, 2009 There are definately risks everywhere, but sticking to the reputable sites certainly makes it safer and more enjoyable. When you find yourself in a senario that does not feel right, then it is usually not have to rely on what your gut tells you. I'm glad everything turned out all right and your only loss was a little cash, because in today's world anything can happen. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowdark 5613 Report post Posted July 28, 2009 I'm fairly new to the site so I was hoping someone could elaborate on what CL is. I'm assuming it's a site along the same lines as CERB? I only ask so that I know to avoid it. Really sorry to hear about your misfortune though. That sucks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted July 28, 2009 I am sure someone will PM you with the URL against my wishes as I would hate for anyone to go to that site in search of escorts due to all the scams. It is not a discussion board (it's a classified ad site - free ads so the scammers and bait and switch advertisers prey on the guys who use the site)... It's very damaging to the industry as a lot of NEW guys who have never had experiences with the ladies would easily find this site and unfortunately a good chance exists that the ad he chooses for his FIRST time experience will leave the guy never wanting to call a provider again! Because of this we do not POST the URL or References to the site on cerb. Knowing that it is a classified ad site represented by CL is pretty easy to figure out. If you do use it in Ottawa be sure to check out cowboy kenny's blog... be find and posts about MANY of the bad ones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowdark 5613 Report post Posted July 28, 2009 I actually managed to piece out what the letters meant shortly after I asked the question (seems they had good reason to throw me out of detective school).:idea: Fortunately no one PM'd me and now it isn't necessary. I have heard a lot of bad thigs about the site in question though, ranging from abuse to both advertisers and customers. Weren't severe charges pressed against them in St. Louis? Thanks for the feedback anyway. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
irwin0072003 236 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 Cowboy has been sent the info, I believe he is posting something I hope. do not want to give too much out as of the threats. Stay away from Brittany or Morgan, these girls change names every couple of days. Be careful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bangminton 145 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 sorry to hear that Irwin and I am looking forward to checking out Cowboy's blogs for more info. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 I find it interesting that a large number of the ads on CL end up on the Cowboy's Diary. I would say if sounds too good to be true, it probably is...also those who don't respond to e-mail, why is that? I get 30% of my business from e-mail enquiries...hmmm. So if they don't accept e-mails, can't spell, sound sketchy on the phone, seem to have come out of nowhere, then I would stay clear. Like I agreed with another SP on another thread, check CERB first. Sorry to hear of your misfortune.:roll: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted July 30, 2009 I think it would be a lot less work for cowboy to just list the good ones. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted July 31, 2009 I think it would be a lot less work for cowboy to just list the good ones. Yes it would! But there's something fun about catching the scammers in a lie. Admitedly I've not done many long winded cowboy style recomendations of late, but that doesn't mean I'm not going out to trot, I've just found me some regular fillies to play with for the last little while. If I wrote about the same gals all the time it would be boring. Fear not I have a feeling some new adventures await, and when they happen I'll be putting pen to paper with my signature countryfied cowboy reviews. :) As for Irwin's situation, I'm working on it there are still some missing details and facts that need to be checked. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites