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Give and be rewarded big time.....

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There are many less fortunate people around the world who are hungry or sick or forced homeless due to war or natural disasters or even closer to home those charities providing shelters to battered women and those help runaway kids or put food on the tables for the poor and carry out many other good deeds. There are many charities which you can find by a simple Google search and choose the one(s) to your liking. I can guarantee that you will be rewarded big time.


Remember if your finances allow hobbying it also should allow you to donate to good causes a bit. Think of the sick and hungry and rest assure that you can't wish it away, but only if you act as the song says tears are not enough anymore. Forgot about political corruptions overseas (in Canada at least it goes to the needy so no excuse for not giving to local charities) as the established charities (i.e World Vision) have ways to ensure it gets to the needy, especially their impressive child sponsorship programs which you receive letters and pictures of your (sponsored) children as they grow up.


If you don't believe in heaven then I promise that you will be rewarded in this world as I was today. Yes today when I was filling my tax return I calculated an impressive sum back as governments (both Federal and provincial) return a big chunk of charity donations (I believe as much as 35% to 40% of my total donation. Now the dilemma is whether I donate what I will receive back to charities or I would instead spend it on myself....hmmmm Oh I think I will act a bit selfish and have a combined strip bar/escort using a good portion of my return one weekend lol :).

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I strongly feel the same hun!!


I give to charities, weekly, monthly and daily:) I do it because I have been blessed with the ability to be able! It doesn't matter how much or how often!

But rest assure, I try to make a difference to at least one person daily!


I foster a child, I also help my beloved family in Cuba, the dogs I work with at my local vet, food banks that I buy a bag of food for, IT ALL COUNTS, FOR SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, SOMEDAY!


thanks for this great post!

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Give and ye shall receive! I always try to give freely and to be honest I just can't turn off the tap of good fortune in my life. The more I give the morw I get. I wish everyone would imbrace it.

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Anything given, monetary or of your time is always meaningful. Not sure if it always brings back good fortune but it can make you feel better, and even better it has help someone else in their day.

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I run a cat rescue. I spay and neuter stray cats, find them homes and go to the next one.....I was always reluctant to give money to charities (except the united way) until I started this venture.


I remember out canvessing donations for money for my venture. I would walk by all the other charities, thinking well, why would I want to part with my hard earned money. Once I started on this path, I realized, just because this charity was on my Wish list, does not make them any less worthy. I started putting money into their pots, and sure enough, donations to my charity started to come in too.


So, I have always believed in Karma. What you put out comes back to you. I have a cat house, but not in the sense you would think. Always give, even if they do not distribute it in the way you think is worthy, it will always bless you ten fold.....


Thank you for this thread. Any way you decide to distribute your money will always be money well spent.




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Thank all for responses and nominations/thanks. How does it feel to make a big difference in someone else's life in a very positive way FOR THE PRICE OF A COFFEE a day. You can effectively change the lives of little girls and boys in third world countries and turn it around from a life of poverty, sickness and desperation into a life of healthiness, education and positiveness for only a dollar a day. World Vision child sponsorship can do just that. If you spend $500+, $1000+ on hobbying every month then a dollar a day is very affordable and indifference to world sufferings is no excuse in my view when you can easily afford it.


While sponsoring a child overseas, remember that there are many children living below or at poverty level at home and do what you can to help out at home too. Contribute to charities who are providing shelters to the most needy of all at home like battered women escaping abusive husbands/boyfriends and runaway kids and help them with their bright future.


I know that cerb is about positivity and helping out (we had a well received thread on helping the natural disaster victims in Haiti a few years ago that even the media talked about it and about cerb very positively as how cerbites reach their pockets to help out victims) and cerbites have good hearts and that is why I decided to post this thread here,


Thank you for reaching out.

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