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Business and rates

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Guest *i*n*a

Hey ladies and gents I can't understand Why business is so slow and why everyone thinks my rates are high like us SP got survive to and many men think everyone's expensive unless its like $160 for hour. Anyone else having this issues

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Sometimes we just need to weed threw the ones who are bargain hunters. If you stick to your rate, then eventually they move on to find the ones they can afford. I find at times it comes in waves, lol...


After they have all contacted you, and you refuse to negotiate, they will simply go elsewhere, no need to waste time with tying to get them in your door, because it can become extremely frustrating and disheartening after awhile:(


This is a luxury that not all can afford.

Best wishes!!

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I have to agree on this one with Sophia.., stick to yoir rates, you know what you are worth.., there is the guys that just shop around to find a "deal" what the dont understand is that they will get what they pay for... Until some one has had the chance to meet you they cant tell.., and is even worse sometimes as an MA because sometimes some guys (normally not CERB members) will think that just because you dont offer fs your services are not worth..., but what they need to understand is than visiting an MA and An SP are different experiences, and we do both in each case are spending time with them...

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I definitely agree that you get what you pay for, however, there are those who also charge exuberantly more than what is actually provided. As I am new here I have browsed through various SP's websites as you all seem to be wonderful, classy ladies who definitely cater to the various clientelle that you would find primarily in Ottawa as that seems to be the most active region on here as some of you I have not seen advertised before and you all seem to have very reasonable rates for what you are offering.


Very few of the girls down here in Toronto dress up as nicely as you do, and if they even make the attempt to, it is most likely because they are charging 400/hr and have porn experience and are very much not worth it. For the work you girls do in terms of advertising, travelling across the country, managing your time and posting, you are worth it.

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You charge what you need to, that's up to you. Pressure from anyone should be ignored, if some guy is telling you your rate is to high tell him he is to cheap, tit for tat. Your rates are no ones business but your own! An sp has to factor in the costs of operating-examples-costs of upkeep on in-call locale, out-call transport fees, upkeep on car, taxes, clothing, lingerie, makeup, shoes, lotions, ect, ect and what she feels her "labour " is worth, then calculate an amount that will gain her a profit. If someone doesn't like that they are free to move on. I have never based my rates on anything other than what I have mentioned above, stick to your guns, :) all the best.

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I think these things go in cycles. Only you can determine what you feel is a reasonable price for your service. I've seen instances where ladies have started to offer specials which I think is really a bad idea, as you get known for it and you drag the price down for everyone. All you can do is work a little harder at getting more calls, maybe a few new photos or adjusting the way you advertise.

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Being in business myself, I know that bad customer, those who always try to get "a deal" and negociate hard are the worse and most of the time they don't come back.


I prefer to offer a high quality of service with the just price and have the customers that want quality. Those will come back and I want to keep them.


In the courtisan/escort business, I think it all depends on the kind of business you want. In my view, it's up to the provider to evaluate herself the level of her donations. If the level of services is up to the level of her donation, then the client will come back; if not, you wont get any repeat business. And the repeat business is the one that makes you pay your bills.

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Once you figured out all your cost and expense minus from your revenue and come up with your profit margin ask yourself is your time worth that amount?

Don't cut your prices cause things are slow stick to them. If you really find you need more clientele maybe change your marketing, example get clients to keep comming back, maybe offer small discount to loyal clientele as long as its in you're comfort profit margin. But don't sell yourself short.


My personal opinion, I shy away from the ones that offer service too low. They may be great but it leaves a doubt in my mind and worry that its to good to be true. I prefer quality then saving a few bucks but that just my opinion.

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I think you should stick to what you feel is right and not let others dictate your life. I know that i do not have a lot of money and some sp are really expensive, but i want to have a loving relationship with any sp that i see, at least on a friendship level as it makes the time together that much more enjoyable. to that end i will never try and bargain a price down and if i did not have the money i would not contact the sp at that point as that are a person to trying to make a living.

again what ever you choose to do as long as it is your choice it will be the right one, so do not let the few people who are ******** make you feel down.

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Hey ladies and gents I can't understand Why business is so slow and why everyone thinks my rates are high like us SP got survive to and many men think everyone's expensive unless its like $160 for hour. Anyone else having this issues


"many men" all also jerks. There. We got that out of the way.


I sympathize with your observation about business slowing down. The industry I work in also has it's busy times and slow times. Comes with the territory of being a discretionary expense. And yes, we get the same guys calling us and trying to bargain down our rates. I've heard our dispatcher hang up on people who were too insistent on lowering the rates.


Let me add my voice to the others who said stick by your prices. Your time is worth what you say it is. Hang in there and only accept clients that you feel good about accepting. Both you and the client will enjoy the ride a whole lot more that way. At least, that's how it works in my industry.

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Guest B**na***oy

I think that to make a decent living off this industry, you need to take a business approach. Of course, the minimum rate you need to charge is the one that will cover all the expanses: In-call place, clothing, advertisement/communication etc.. and take into account preparation time, scheduling and of course, the type of service offered.


The difference between this industry and others is that you are not only providing services, but also an ''experience''. I guess those clients looking strictly for a service will tend to be the bargain hunters and will not tend to be repeat customers. Those gentlemen looking for the experience aspect will tend to be more discerning and have a better appreciation of the context with regards to pricing and will also tend to be repeat costumers.


For my part, I would never go for the ''lowest bidder'' regardless how attractive the offer is. In this industry as in any other, you always get what you pay for.


Ultimately, I think this is a matter of mutual respect. I'm always quite selective when it comes time to setup a meeting and only commit once I have established a satisfying connection with the SP/MA I'm about to meet. As a result, I can say that I have never seen a more dedicate, caring, honest, hard working, professional group of people than those I have encountered in this industry. I expect that the person I'm going to meet will be equally selective and only accept to meet me if she's satisfied with the outcome of our communication.


Although I agree these services are not ''essentials'', I don't think we can always categorize them as a luxury. For many gentlemen, including myself, we find in these encounters a way to bring a necessary balance in our lives that we don't find elsewhere (read between the lines). To me, this is another reason why I need to establish this ''connection'' and also why I will never negotiate the asked price.


So ladies, in my opinion, please set a price that will allow you to at a minimum sustain your business, but more importantly provides fair compensation for the valued experience you're providing. Then stick to your guns and don't ever compromise yourself. As Nicolette mentioned, be prepared to weed some of the bad apples out there.

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When I was searching the first time, after reviews and recommendations, the fee was my next deciding factor. I had a number in mind, and anything below or equal to it was a go, anything above was an absolute no. From repeated threads and posts here, one thing that was very clear was that negotiating is just not done. I wanted a great experience, not to sour the SP if I were to meet her, and starting of with "Hey! Discount?!"


But those who aren't too particular may not see the harm in asking. You say no, they move on, so it's not a big deal for them. The worst that could happen is that someone they couldn't afford to see has confirmed it. But I'm kinda curious now, if people do ask, is it because sometimes it's worked?

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But those who aren't too particular may not see the harm in asking. You say no, they move on, so it's not a big deal for them. The worst that could happen is that someone they couldn't afford to see has confirmed it. But I'm kinda curious now, if people do ask, is it because sometimes it's worked?


I suspect that those asking are the trolls and bottom-feeders who are looking for new girls who they can pressure into offering lower rates or services that they wouldn't otherwise. I'm going to guess that established providers don't see quite as much low-balling as 'inexperienced' girls who are just starting out in the industry. So yes, it probably works sometimes or they wouldn't do it. It does, however, answer the question of whether or not you should bother communicating with these cretins. Ignore them and they'll move on.

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time travelling to various incall locations as in my case


Ooooh, I didn't know you offered this. Can we meet yesterday, if you were free? :)

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Guest D***el B***e

If you allow me the time to post my humble opinion all I can say is there will always be bottom feeders., so you can disregard those from the start. There's always a Joe Cheap out there whose doesn't give a hoot's ass about anything and want everything free.


However from my own personal experiences, I have seen numerous SPs and MAs over the years and have not really found that they price themselves out of range. It's often up to me and what I'm looking for. Each one believes rightfully so what they charge to be the correct rate for the services they offer and they offer those services. I have seen SPs in the extremely high range of the scale (prices unseen in Ottawa) and thought they were worth every penny. I have also experimented at the low end of the scale, and again I got what I paid for and never returned. lol lol ... I can understand that standard rates have been very steady in Ottawa but I think all you lovely women out there should ensure you set your rates to allow you to provide the level of service you want to provide and cover your expenses accordingly. After all, if I feel I'm getting good service, I'll definitely return to see you and that's when the benefits start to come in for you. My 2-cents!!!

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