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What quirky things do you do?

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Guest A** L***

I will start first!!


I name my house hold appliances and things that just make my life easier!! Dishwasher and slow cooker for examples. It's nice to say, 'hey Jo, thanks for doing my dishes, or Pete, what a great supper you made!!' LOL And yes, it's also nice that it's a man doing it!!


P.S the names really came from nowhere!!! :)



Edited by A** L***

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Not sure if this qualifies as quirky but I only have black clothes....


Also I have morning coffee cups and and afternoon coffee cups and never the twain shall meet..




Edited by mrgreen760
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it may be ocd or quirk but in my car my dials have to match for some reason or it bugs me, my TV volume is in increments of 5 and I constantly tap my own ass checking for my wallet lol

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Guest jrose

When driving down the road I try and figure out license plates for what they mean, or could mean. So not just the vanity ones, but what silly phrases you get from a random plate. Same thing with phone numbers - there's a site you can plug in the number and see what they spell

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we i have a lot of little quirks but the one that comes to mind right now is that i check my alarm clock twice to make sure it is on even thou i know it is set. this is really true on days when i cannot sleep in and need to get up for something important.

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In buildings I'm familiar with I've counted the number of stairs for each flight. I close my eyes and see how fast I can go up or down. Up is definitely easier.


I also have a license plate quirk: I like to work out in my head which ones are prime numbers.

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i have another weird quirk that i just thought of because i just did it lol, every time im around my car and have my keys, i lock it (with the remote) even though i know its locked

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OK a joke, and I hope not a thread hijack, but a funny quirky post for a bit of a laugh




How To Shower Like a Woman:

Take off clothing and place it in sectioned laundry hamper according to lights and darks.

Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown.

If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts,etc. Get in the shower.

Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah,wide loofah and pumicestone.

Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.

Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.

Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced.

Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.

Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.

Rinse conditioner off hair.

Shave armpits and legs. Turn off shower.

Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.

Spray mold spots with Tilex.

Get out of shower.

Dry with towel the size of a small country.

Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.

Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.

If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.

How To Shower Like a Man:

Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile.

Walk naked to the bathroom.

If you see wife along the way, shake wiener at her making the 'woo-woo' sound.

Look at your manly physique in the mirror.

Admire the size of your wiener and scratch your butt.

Get in the shower.

Wash your face.

Wash your armpits.

Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off.

Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.

Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.

Wash your butt, leaving those coarse butt hairs stuck on the soap.

Wash your hair. Make a Shampoo Mohawk.


Rinse off and get out of shower.

Partially dry off.

Fail to notice water on floor because curtain was hanging out of tub the whole time.

Admire wiener size in mirror again.

Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on.

Return to bedroom with towel around waist.

If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake wiener at her and make the 'woo-woo' sound again.

Throw wet towel on bed.

If there is anyone among you who did not laugh at the truth behind this, there is something so very wrong with you. Have a great day! And, "woo woo"!!!

And I'm not saying what quirky things in that list I do,LOL


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- I brush my teeth in the shower (always).

- I always wash my hair at the very end of a shower.

- When I eat ice cream I always equalize by eating tiny bites across the surface and I don't like when people take big bites and leave huge dents (although I kind of like it because then I have to work really hard to equalize the ice cream all over again which results in me eating more of it).

- Once the ice cream starts to melt, I eat the melted bits on the side near the edge. I always eat my ice cream in this way.

- I always eat the colourful smarties first.

- I sometimes look at myself in the mirror and talk to myself.

- I clean, compulsively (is that quirky, or just anal?)

- When I cook I always follow a recipe, and never modify it. I don't like 'winging it'.

- I have dance parties in my living room, alone.


Just some quirks,

Nat xox

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I have 20 pairs of reading glasses all over my place and about a third of them are bright orange.


I get freaked out if my DVDs and LPs are not in alphabetical order. Books need to be arranged by size, but authors should remain together.


I will buy an old TV or radio regardless if it works or not. I have no skill in the repair of electronics; the "look" of the radio or TV has to be cool.


I own about a dozen GI Joes from the 1960's. I keep them around to remind me of how happy it can be to dream of being a kid again.


Lots more...

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it may be ocd or quirk but in my car my dials have to match for some reason or it bugs me, my TV volume is in increments of 5 and I constantly tap my own ass checking for my wallet lol



my tv volume has to be at an even #


also when I leave the house I have to double check I have my keys like 6 times to make sure I don't lock myself out (again lol)

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At work my desk is immaculately neat and I put everything away immediately but my house is so disorganized that I can never find anything! Go figure.

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I have a dishwasher but can't stand dirty dishes so I usually wash them in the sink.


I sleep with socks only cause I put cream on my feet every night.


Everything must always be in its place. My son will come over and slightly move things. I notice immediately and feel the compulsion to move them back. I am so anal, I notice the slightest change. It's a great source of amusement to him.


I rarely carry a purse but it is uber organized with everything I could possibly need. I usually just end up grabbing my wallet. My mom laughs at me cause when she asks if I have xyz, I say yes, but its at home in my purse!


Everything needs to line up....you should see me watching tv...personal phone, work phone, tv remote, rogers remote, all line up on the end table, bottoms even.


Finally (but not the end of my quirks) my dentist has told me that I need to quell my tooth brushing and use of mouthwash...twice a day she says...are you kidding me?

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-I rub my feet together when I'm trying to fall asleep

-My shower routine is the exact same every time--doing it out of order confuses me and leads to me out in public complaining that I forgot to Q-Tip my ears.

-when I was a kid, I couldn't turn the light out unless the clock was on an even number (eg. 10:12). If it was something uneven, say 10:13, I'd wait a minute until it was 10:14 and then turn out the light.

-I don't like people touching my things. It makes me unreasonably anxious. This is why I don't lend things out. I have this irrational fear that you'll destroy my beloved DVD's or books.

-I talk to my cat (although I'm pretty sure most of us talk to our pets).

-I talk to myself. I often have imaginary conversations, or rehearsal conversations before I actually have to go talk to someone. Like, if I know I'm fighting with my lover and I have to go to his place to work shit out--I will rehearse what I want to say before going.

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- I clean, compulsively

- When I cook I always follow a recipe, and never modify it. I don't like 'winging it'.


-Yup @ those 2. And the recipe has to be something easy or id try to find one that is easy.


-I like other places other than my room to be in order. The living room, kitchen stuff used occasionally have to be in the same place after using them


-Sleep with slow, folky music on a low volume.

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Have to shampoo my hair first before washing body.


Have to brush teeth before putting on face moisturizer.


I change out of my street clothes before sitting on my bed


Having to take a shower even if I'm clean before getting into bed.


I never leave my purse on a floor in public.


Don't like people sitting on my own personal bed in my bedroom.


I brush my teeth 3 times in a row in the morning and 3 times in a row before bed. I am also a mouthwash freak.


I hate scuff marks on the wall esp in high traffic areas of my house and will incessantly go around looking for them with a damp cloth.

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Another quirk some cerbies have witnessed...my dancing...I dance anywhere and everywhere. Again only when I feel comfortable...so if one day your grocery shopping and see this blonde chick shaking her booty in the aisle...it's probably me...I may be singing too...I'm not crazy,lol, quirky perhaps but happy always!


ps-can't dance either..lol

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-I rub my feet together when I'm trying to fall asleep


Oh my god.... I do the same thing!!!

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I hand wash dishes and hate them piled up.

Once a week I try to do everything that day wrong handed....shaving my head is challenging.

I like to drive around aimlessly....have made some great discoveries though.

I am a meat expert and I'm a little weird about it and talk about its properties the way some talk about wine.

I smile at everyone and everything.....often freaks people out.

I'm not always sure if I'm daydreaming :)




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I have to say goodbye to my dogs on the stairs near the front door and nowhere else.


I always shave the top of my head first, then the right side and then the left side using the mirror above the bathroom sink. The back of my head I shave in the shower, also from right to left.


The volume on my tv, car radio, etc. is always set to an even number.


I have to pay for coffee at the drive thru with exact change if I have it. Sorry if I've kept you waiting while I count $1.77 but I just can't give them a toonie instead!

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One more weird thing i do... when i eat, if i have more then one thing on my plate... i eat one at a time and spin my plate clockwise and eat the following item regardless of what it is... usually for a turkey dinner i set my plate up so i can eat the stuffing, peas, corn, potatoes and finally the turkey. Im weird i know.

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In fear of catching anything. When I use the bathroom I have to toilet paper the seat. (Yep, even in my own house)


Before I get into a car. I knock on my head twice and say "No injuries, no death, no accidents"


If I score a goal or point in a sport. Ill close my fist. Bump my chest twice. Kiss my fist and and throw the peace sign up to God. I think I saw a baseball player do it when I was a kid. I do it every time I win as well.

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I put a cup of water on my bedside table every night but rarely drink more than one or two sips of water.


In my van, I usually turn then engine off before closing the electric windows of my van... this works when I'm by myself, but if the kids are with me, they often open the door before I've finished closing the window and then I have to turn the ignition at least partway to get the windows shut.


I usually come into the living room turn the TV on and then sit at my computer. Though I can see the TV from my computer by turning my head to the left, I rarely pay much attention to whats on TV.


If I am watching TV, I will be switching channels, forget what I'm doing and for perhaps 10 minutes leave the TV on some stupid program or even just ads before remembering to keep channel surfing.


I'll be watching a good TV show or movie, when an Ad comes on I'll start channel surfing, forget what I was watching and perhaps 30 minutes later get back to the original channel thinking, oops, I guess I missed most of the movie.


I commute into work on a train. I've lost about 7 books on the train because I would put the book beside me in the chair and forget it was there.

Edited by nntsci

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