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Childhood & Current Celebrity Crush

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How about a little fun confession time? Everyone growing up has had at least one crush on a celebrity. So fess up!


Bonus points if it's someone embarrassing in hindsight! :wink:


Feel free to add in your current celebrity crush too.


I'll start...


Well, if I go back far enough I guess I'd be naming She-Ra but since cartoons probably don't count, I suppose the first I can recall would be the Wonder Years' Winnie Cooper.


I'll also admit that several of my early teenage years were spent looking forward to the next episode of Xena (though which character I had the biggest crush on is up for debate...someone tell me I wasn't the only Callisto fan out there!).


As for my current celebrity (non-Cerb) crush...Christina Hendricks (and not just because her name fits this unintended C-word alliteration thing I seem to have going).


Your turn!

Edited by Brad

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OK, I'll confess, Marsha Brady (Maureen McCormack) wrestled with my python of love on many a night as a preteen.


Today, Sandra Bullock works for me.

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My childhood celebrity crush was always Audrey Hepburn...she was such an incredibly beautiful woman!!!


My current celebrity crush is Gillian Jacobs from the show Community. She's funny, quirky and so freaking cute!!!!

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Petety, Lassie, Rintintin, Hooch, Eddy. lol, I always noticed the dogs in movies and series first then the actors so my crushes were always the four legged ones. :)

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Petety, Lassie, Rintintin, Hooch, Eddy. lol, I always noticed the dogs in movies and series first then the actors so my crushes were always the four legged ones. :)


So if I show up at your pLace on all fours you'll want me more? Done!


Child hood/teenage Pheobe Cates. Adult now Rachel McAdams I'm a lover of girl next door!

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Guest **ng***1

my crush growing up was Michelle Pfeiffer.


Today, I have many, but everytime I see Haly Berry I am breathless. She is so beautiful.

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My childhood celebrity crush was Valerie Bertinelli on One Day at a Time. Just googled her and she still looks hot.


Current would be Sandra Bullock. Love her in any movie I see her in.

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Growing up, it was Cheryl Tiegs. Even now she looks pretty darn good


It's a four way tie between Daniella Ruah (NCIS Los Angeles), Mariska Hargitay (Law and Order SVU), Catherine Bell (JAG) and Shania Twain.



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As a little little girl in the 80s, I had mad crushes on two very different musicians...


Donnie Wahlberg -




And Sebastian Bach:




In the 90s, bring on Beverly Hills, 90210 (still one of my favourite shows), and my bad-boy of the moment became Luke Perry...




For the last decade or so, my biggest celebrity crush has been this hilarious and charming man with a smile that makes my face go red: PAUL RUDD


Just look at that smirk!




Additional Comments:

And of course, I could never forget the woman I've loved right from Who's the Boss, Charmed, and right up until now...Alyssa Milano







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I was a little less mainstream. My buddy's dad had a stash of Playboys and there were a few that struck my fancy...


Barbi Benton was one of the first:



and Kristine Winder was the second. Kristine was a Canadian and rocked leg warmers....



and now??


I can't get enough of Underworld's leather clad Kate Beckinsale:



And Leslie Mann... cuz she is funny, cute and occasionally shows us her boobies:


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There were so many was I was younger. (Hey when I was 16, pretty much any female got me going!) A definite favourite was Valerie Bertinelli. And the red head that played her mom on One Day at a Time was pretty hot too.

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Ok, if we go way back, the first crushes I remember were Daisy Duke, and Wilma from Buck Rogers. (Not even sure if I was old enough to understand why I liked to look at them so much ;) )


Later on, I became a bit of a metal head; Lee Aaron (Metal Queen!) and Lita Ford.


Now, I guess I'll always be a sucker for Angelina Jolie. I've also got a thing for Halle Berry, although sadly neither have been returning my calls as of late.

Fun to imagine though.


The young metal head in me is intrigued with Orianthi. Here she is shredding it out with Steve Vai:


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First crush as a small boy- Loni Anderson (WKRP re-runs everyday after school)

Preteen crush- Tiffany Amber Thieson (Saved by the Bell and even hotter on 90210)

Teenage crush- Salma Hayek ( Desperado changed my life!)

Current crush(es)- Kat Dennings, Beyonce, and Christina Hendricks (REAL women with REAL curves!)

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As a child--Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp


Currently: Alexander Skarsgaard, the dude from Vikings.


Also, Jon Snow is kind of growing on me.

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Bringing this old thread back with my childhood celebrity crush.

First one was Linda Carter...Wonder Woman with a sexy body and she was a super hero.

Second was Lindsey  Wagner...The bionic woman, Maybe not a super hero but very good looking...BTW she is now 75 years old.


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