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Not to long ago I had the best sex of my life, its like we connected on a different level. I swear she could read my mind before I even though of it.


Anyways you know when you have an intense orgasm and your toes curl, your spine bends slightly and your whole body quivers and shake from the intensity of the orgasm. Well the next morning lying in bed I closed my eyes and imagined in my head the events of the night before and all of a sudden my body reacted the same way without the orgasm but it was intense. I felt tired and relaxed just like after an awesome orgasm.


So I'm wondering anyone else experience something similar?

Anyone know what that was all about?

I never believed in tantric sex but could this be something like that?

Woman is this something similar happen to you?

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Guest S****r

Indeed I have, my friend! And I felt compelled to write about it on here, too. I posted the following:


icon1.gif OMG Best sex ever!

Wow! Sometimes one is just blown away!

Last night the sex was sooooo good that I first said it was almost like an out of body experience! and then I said, no....it was more like.....I became just a living, breathing vagina!!!! and he said, yeah, he had become just a living, breathing cock! Wow!

Anyone else ever have such an experience??

Awesome fails to describe it!!

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What a fantastic experience for you!!


What you're describing can be part of tantric sex but to me this is more about connection and energy. There are people in this world that we naturally connect with on many different levels. When we connect with someone sexually or romantically the energy levels in both parties and indeed the energy they create is amped up. When you take this energy and meld it together, then add in the sexual and sensual acts, it is further ramped up.


We are always exchanging energy with people, positive and negative which is why you sometimes feel different ways depending on the people you're around. I'm sure in this instance you were exchanging the most amazing energy and that stayed with you after the fact. When you were quietly recalling it, that energy reacted the same way it did when you were together. It's not just energy, it's also the mind: the greatest sex organ ever. If you engage it, you can do amazing things. I've known people who can 'think" an orgasm!


The same concept can be felt to a lesser degree when you think about a certain touch you like and get shivers or remember a kiss and feel lips on yours.


This happens to everyone...men and women. Embrace it, love it and enjoy the hell out of it!!

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Thankfully I've experienced that unreal feeling of Out of this World Amazing sex. So powerful, so moving and so explosive. God I miss it and miss her.

Many times myself and my ex fiancée made magic happen it was just.. Unreal.


Too bad I messed it all up by leaving for Afghanistan. :(


She will be forever in my heart. Missed.

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I kinda fall into the school of thought that thinks that the best sex ever will be the Next sex I have.


That said..... I have had some amazing sex in the last seven months.

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Guest c**io**m7

It wasn't all that long ago...in fact, within the last two months. No details are needed but, wow...

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I have had a few great sex moments that will be with vivid in my memories for as long as I live...

One in my late 20's and then in my late 40's..

What was it that made these moments??

Just the way these ladies were into ME..!! " Ive been waiting for you.." The responsiveness, the energy, the desire.

The hunger for intimacy, the look in there eyes thats says 'More..!'

When my definition of wet, keeps being redefined... ;-)

I'll stop here...


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Although I haven't quite had this experience yet, I believe I fall into the category of 'the best is yet to come' and will forever enjoy and be grateful for the amazing time I've shared with the wonderful ladies of cerb! Thank-you!


(and I'll post when it happens!)

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Guest realnicehat

The greatest sex ever is an interesting concept. I can honestly say that this past year I have had my greatest sex ever with a few different partners. I have experienced orgasms with an intensity that I never imagined possible.


I don't necessarily subscribe to the "next sex will be the best sex" school of thought but I am fairly confident that my experiences will continue to improve.

As I become more open or free sexually, more trusting of my partners and in my ability to choose them, more confident and skilled in both my touch and reaction to touch, I know that the best sex is still yet to come.


That being said, its pretty friggin' amazing right now.

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There is only one "greatest sex ever" experience. And by the time we exit this place, we have experienced it and we have probably forgotten it. I am someone who loves to flirt and tease and, on occasion, this does end up leading to sex. I've had many sexual partners since my 18th birthday and I've been in and out of many relationships. My ex-wife was a great sexual partner until we had our first child and then the desire just withered away for the both of us. How did we manage to have a second child? Before that though, the sex was really intense. It probably helped that I met her a few months after a really emotional period in my life where I had to end an engagement. But it's always been important for me to have sexual chemistry with the person I am with, so ultimately all of my long-term lovers have produced at one time or another sex that I would have considered the greatest sex of my life.


I don't like the complications of relationships anymore. Having to report to someone has never been something I have been good at. I left home at the age of 14 and never had to answer to anyone for the longest time so I've never been great at being tied down. Damn itchy feet. But I'm still a shameless flirt and I still love sex. Having sex in this "hobby" means having many partners and few "regular" partners. You can have mind blowing sex with a new partner but I need a certain familiarity before I can really let go of my inhibitions. That being said I have managed to find "greatest sex ever" type experiences in this lifestyle. Especially recently.

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