rockstar1 204 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 After much deliberation, I would have to say that CL is a hazard site to use. Too many horror stories have been reported especially by men who are looking for a deal, you want quality and safe experience it is better to stick to established websites like EC. If you do still use CL, approach with caution because odds are you are going to run into scams and be put in situation where your personal safety be jeopardized. The SPs on the credible sites are not only reputable but follow city health guidelines by being tested regularly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 I need to mention that this statement "The SPs on the credible sites are not only reputable but follow city health guidelines by being tested regularly." is not necessarily true. I am sure many of the ladies do get tested regularly but that has nothing to due with where they advertise. That is just foolish to think that! By avoiding CL you will avoid more bait and switch ads, avoid credit card scam ads, avoid more dangerous encounters like being robbed as the websites remove these bad advertisers when they are reported (as it damages their reputation) unlike CL where you can FLAG the post but those same people just make a new account and post another free ad. The scammers generally stay away from sites like escorts-canada as escorts-canada does not offer free photo ads in Winnipeg (It does have free text ads in Winnipeg and they can contain scams but they are also removed when reported) ... scammers don't like to pay for ads and they generally like to post fake photos to lure you in. Winnipeg in general has a horrible problem with Bait and Switch (This is even a ongoing issue with escorts-canada as Winnipeg has agencies who will verify photos for one girl and a number of ladies will work off the same ad - this is still bait and switch but escorts-canada is not able to screen these without a larger number of complaints and when they are found out they usually change phone numbers and IP address's and it starts all over again a few months later). Nothing is 100% for sure. So check with on any lady you are interested in, ask around and do your homework. If you are concreaned with heath risks be sure to use a condom always and be sure to get yourself tested regularly if you are having sex (especially with multiple partners - not just sp's) NO LAW EXISTS that says escorts in Canada must be tested regularly for STD/STI's so don't ASSUME anything like that! Many do get tested as no one wants to pass a std around!! It would be very bad for the ladies business so the really good sp's who depend on their reputation are usually very good about being tested regularly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strokes 103 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 I stay as far away from cl as possible. Not to many good things to say about that site. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Weiser1 120 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 Is there a quick and or discreet method to get tested for STD's and STI's? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 Yes, most cities have a walk in clinic. The one in Winnipeg is here and since we have a lot of Ottawa members on the site I will post it as well... The one in Ottawa is here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rockstar1 204 Report post Posted August 7, 2009 just play safe and wear a condom, it is not hard to do, I always wear a condom and see only 2 women who have very good reputations to reduce the risk. It gives you a piece of mind. And Mod I think you are not 100% correct to say otherwise. Also I did not say all SPs get tested regularly, majority of them do though. Most men would not have unprotected sex with an SP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Domino 282 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 Well i don't think theres a "quick" way in Winnipeg, haha... most offices you wait an hr or more to get in.. but as for discreet,,,, everywhere you go you have to give them your health card if you want to get in.. theres no walk in's where you can give a fake name... But four rivers (theres I believe 3 in the city)... are pretty quick and they specialize in sti/std testing, meaning no judging going on there no matter whom you are... but all of them you wait a week to two(depending on how busy).. for results.. HIV/aids test usually a week wait(no less).. Ive never seen anywhere as of yet with the 2 min HIV test, as i believe i was told Vancouver and Montreal have.. i could be wrong down quote me.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
weeder 193 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 Ive never seen anywhere as of yet with the 2 min HIV test, as i believe i was told Vancouver and Montreal have. It's called 'Rapid POC' (Point Of Care) testing and Nine Circles at 705 Broadway does indeed offer it. You get the results immediately. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C**** C***l 155 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 Mount Carmel Clinic on Main Street also offers it... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
F***s*t 145 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 CL is a waste no doubt. I've also read of too many B&S stories there too. But yet the guys keep going back for more. I've also had 2 B&S encounters on EC-Canada in Winnipeg. I just walk away and don't say anything. Great info on the clinics Mod. Nice work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
S**b*****3 115 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 Thanks for the infor Mod....BTW, great new Avatar Yes, most cities have a walk in clinic. The one in Winnipeg is here and since we have a lot of Ottawa members on the site I will post it as well... The one in Ottawa is here Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rockstar1 204 Report post Posted August 8, 2009 I do have to commend Mod and others for the information, in this time of disease and infections we all have to play our parts to ensure our SPs remain safe, afterall they are the ones who take the risk, but this is one of the oldest professions and it will always be around, and we can all have fun while we are here, just safe fun...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites