TFZL1 229 Report post Posted May 14, 2015 I always clean up and use lotion and antiperspirant before an encounter, just as I would for a date with a civilian. I use deodorant or antiperspirant that's not a strong scent, usually Fresh or something like that. Then I shower when I get there anyway, just so the lady knows I'm clean. Lately, I've taken to having my nails manicured, and those lady's that notice seem to like that I take care of myself. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blacklabdog 3049 Report post Posted July 4, 2015 sad that there has to be a thread for something so obvious. I treat it just like any other date - just that probability of getting lucky is just a bit different (which actually makes it even more important to be groomed & sparkly clean) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MistressIsobel 110 Report post Posted December 31, 2015 I will always wear a natural deodorant. I have a lot of clients with a scent fetish, so I will make sure to go without for a day to make the smell sharper. I never wear antiperspirant because licking an armpit coated in aluminium is a major mouth-dryer. My armpit should taste like an armpit, not a tin can. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ryan sawler 130 Report post Posted January 4, 2016 Wow. Glad I know all that now. I've been wondering if armpits are suppose to taste like that...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DonDanieloPhoto 150 Report post Posted January 19, 2016 I think smelling good is important. Just because you're paying your darling doesn't give you any excuse to be less presentable than if you were not paying! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
judo 894 Report post Posted February 9, 2016 I always wear deodorant but actually prefer to shower prior to my appointment, I show up clean and fresh but typically will ask to have a shower as I like the provider to know that I've taken the extra effort. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vicotr 100 Report post Posted March 22, 2016 Hello Gabby, I agree, as a man, I believe that personal hygiene is extremely important, not only the deodorant, but your breath, nails, shaving, ...etc. this is not for the sake of having memorable encounter, but for self esteem also. When I see a hairy armpit girl, it is the most disgusting view, it is a complete shutdown of any kind of sensual feeling, and I believe that the girls would have the same perception. I think that a lack of hygiene knowledge is one of the reason of not being able to grasp the high impact of not only nice smell, but memorable one that would stick in the memory for long time. So, men, what kind of memory you would like to leave, your armpit? I don't think so..... so find a way to sharpen your hygiene knowledge. The other concern I have, is about you Gabyy and other girls. I think it is very important that you tell the other part that your smell is good or not good, or you like or dislike the smell of his breath. You have the responsibility to let them know. Maybe his nose is completely stuffed with his bad smell that he can not recognize the good, the bad and the ugly smell anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest M***s Report post Posted April 6, 2016 Hello Gabby, I agree, as a man, I believe that personal hygiene is extremely important, not only the deodorant, but your breath, nails, shaving, ...etc. this is not for the sake of having memorable encounter, but for self esteem also. When I see a hairy armpit girl, it is the most disgusting view, it is a complete shutdown of any kind of sensual feeling, and I believe that the girls would have the same perception. I think that a lack of hygiene knowledge is one of the reason of not being able to grasp the high impact of not only nice smell, but memorable one that would stick in the memory for long time. So, men, what kind of memory you would like to leave, your armpit? I don't think so..... so find a way to sharpen your hygiene knowledge. The other concern I have, is about you Gabyy and other girls. I think it is very important that you tell the other part that your smell is good or not good, or you like or dislike the smell of his breath. You have the responsibility to let them know. Maybe his nose is completely stuffed with his bad smell that he can not recognize the good, the bad and the ugly smell anymore. Honestly cleanliness is key for me, shower deodorant and what not. I think we can mostly agree that BO isn't sexy. When you start talking about hair though, it all comes down to preference. If the girl has a bit of hair in her armpits or elsewhere, it's not a turn off at all for me. The only thing I don't like is a mouthful of untrimmed hair. I'm not one to go sucking on armpits though so to each their own. I would never go full shaved myself. Trimmed certainly but I am a man after all, men are hairy, deal with it ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lyagami 100 Report post Posted June 26, 2016 I think hygiene is definitely important, and although I do wax except the balls I think hairy/not hairy is not a problem to me with women. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ll99 150 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 If there's a special fetish I can understand but in every other case how could anyone not wear deodorant? Although it seems some people in the workplace must go without I swear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PantlessKing 1050 Report post Posted August 5, 2016 Wearing too much of a scent could be as unpleasant to some as wearing no scent at all. Personally I try to go with a deodorant that is light on scent because it agitates my allergies, especially if it's not a natural product that I would regularly go with. But when it comes to guys that go without deodorant, I can't blame ladies that are put off by body odour. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 5, 2016 On a day to day basis, I honestly preferrrr not using deodorant... mind you, again, proper hygiene and care do come into play, of course... but the taste....<shudder!> so, I would have to say, at least for me.. it depends on the scenario... if a massage, sure, go ahead.. if an all out & out 'play session... I would prefer either very little.. or none. (just as an FYI, a sensitive armpit can be a lovely.. and sadly little-known place to kiss and enjoy) ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MBarrett1987 1040 Report post Posted October 18, 2016 I can't believe some people would just not wear deodorant for an encounter. ew 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ATasteOfEve Report post Posted November 19, 2016 I can't believe there would be 18 pages on a thread about underarm deodorant. You guys should be doing less chatter and just get at er! Lol! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Natalia Jolie 980 Report post Posted February 10, 2017 Thank you for this post and the replies :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Veroniquemtl 1554 Report post Posted February 20, 2017 As a travelling SP I like to always travel with a big bottle of mouth wash with disposable cups, man soap or regular soap AND a spray can of man deodorant to make sure every one smells good everywhere! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kadie Lux 1860 Report post Posted April 14, 2017 YESSSSS PEOPLE! DEODORANT IS A MUST AND A NEED!!!!! ESPECIALLY DURING INTIMATE ENCOUNTERS!.... I've had experiences where men haven't seemed to use ANY deodorant AT ALL... I mean to the point of where I couldn't even be standing within 3 feet of them... I then ask them to shower and they sometimes decline. It's like, "Must I smell this foul odor?!?! Please shower, Ill even wash you at this point!!!!" I do not understand it. Not even one bit.... Wear natural deodorant, WEAR SOMETHING!. Do something about that nasty smell under those arm pits or wherever its comin' from! It's 2017, there are SO many ways of smelling good and arriving fresh. NO excuses people! Hygiene is part of my routine and should be for everyone... Unfortunately I guess this isn't the case.:icon_neutral: And then, there's those men who show up with WAAAAAY too much AXE deodorant/Cologne sprayed on and it's like BAM! Instant headache! YUCK! Everything in moderation folks! Not too little and not too much! It really is a simple concept.... If you expect us to be clean and fresh, you better bet we expect the same from you... Thank you - had to let that out! Kadie Lux :icon_mrgreen: Additional Comments: Amen!!!! But it happens more often then you'd think lol. Totally just EW. Agreed! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MelanieBunny 13390 Report post Posted April 24, 2017 You would think that personal hygiene is a must, in areas. But I've had clients who do not wash. The smell from their genitals has been so gross that I have actually turned them away. Why isn't this something that isn't common? Why is hygiene something that NEEDS to be requested :icon_cry: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tutas2k 110 Report post Posted April 27, 2017 I can't believe some people would just not wear deodorant at all and I can't believe there would be 18 pages on a thread about this hahahahahahahahahahaha Personal hygiene is a MUST !!! shave yourself. take a bath, and use deodorant Mando 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TongueTwister 1010 Report post Posted May 8, 2017 I always wear deodorant...... totally agree, hygine is of utmost importance. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 1***otd** Report post Posted May 28, 2017 Totally agree.... Don't men know that part of the sensual and erotic experience is being with someone who smells amazing ..... You don't need to bathe in deodorant and/ or cologne, but you do need to smell fresh. I personally enjoy the mix of nice smelling deodorant and pheromones on a woman.... So I can only assume that a woman would appreciate the same on a man. On that note.... What I do find bizarre is a man who has no idea that he smells bad.... When body odour is so bad that mimics a science project (toxic bio weapon).... It's time to get your sense of smell checked by your ear nose and throat specialist... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest 1***otd** Report post Posted May 28, 2017 Totally agree.... Don't men know that part of the sensual and erotic experience is being with someone who smells amazing ..... You don't need to bathe in deodorant and/ or cologne, but you do need to smell fresh. I personally enjoy the mix of nice smelling deodorant and pheromones on a woman.... So I can only assume that a woman would appreciate the same on a man. On that note.... What I do find bizarre is a man who has no idea that he smells bad.... When body odour is so bad that mimics a science project (toxic bio weapon).... It's time to get your sense of smell checked by your ear nose and throat specialist... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted June 22, 2017 Okay, I was pushed here by another thread and want to chime in. My case is certainly not true for everyone. My sweat doesn't stink. No, seriously. I smell kind of sweet in that regard. I'm not talking about after a hard day of landscaping, but my mild perspiration is not offputting for most people. In truth, I had 2 repeat patrons who asked me to NOT wear deodorant after a shower before meeting them. In other cases, just a quick wipe with a deodorant bar. I'm still working on the same bar I had in high school. I just never wear the stuff. I mentioned that to a dancer a couple of weeks ago and she didn't believe me. We went out so she could have a smoke in the lovely sunshine, and after we came back in, she snuggled up on my lap and just breathed me in. She agreed that it is a bit weird and not unpleasant. Anomalous, certainly. Just another example of me not being normal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted June 22, 2017 Pheromones work in mysterious ways. You may not smell to lady A but lady B may feel differently! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted June 22, 2017 Pheromones work in mysterious ways. You may not smell to lady A but lady B may feel differently! This is also true. I've had to get off of an elevator because a woman's favourite cologne smelled like acid in my nose. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites