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You+me= sexy time. Let's play! xo

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

Good morning you bunch of glowy starfish pineapples!!


I hope you all had an awesome hump day yesterday!! I know that I did despite wicked bad allergies..booo...Oh well the leaves on the trees and flowers that are in bloom are worth the discomfort. I got treated out to dinner by a friend last night and also got a Surprise on top of it...That was one of the biggest highlights of my day! ^_^...not so much for them, I had a cheeseburger and well I'm not a graceful cheese burger eater...I mowdown and get dirty and messy and eeennnnjoy it!!...Let's face it there really isn't a graceful way to eat messy foods, the best thing to do is just enjoy yourself when you do and maybe moan a little. lol


Well as you all know I have a new space and there have been some questions so I will address some of them here.

Yes I am still Indy, No I don't work for a spa, yes it's private, yes there is parking available. I am in the Carling area. (contact if you would like to know closest major intersection.) yes it has a nice shower, no it's not as far to get to. yes I like it there ^_^


Well I hope that helps. now on to the good stuff.


I'm all yours today and Friday 8:30am-2pm to book please text/call 613-240-0917..I don't bring my laptop with me. So I am not able to access cerb. Also first am calls must be per-booked other wise I wont rush to get in at 8:30am. I'm a turtle and like to take my time in the morning. hehe ^_^




30 minutes 130


45 minutes 150


1 hour 180


1.5 hours 260


2 hours 350



Can't wait to caress you all over!!

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