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When you are grocery shopping, at the gas station, in your kitchen... ALL of us have guilty pleasures. What are yours?


For me....


1. CANDY! All kinds. Licorice, gummy bears, fuzzy peaches, skittles, you name it, I love it.


2. Chocolate :) I can't get enough! I'm a huge fan of fine chocolates, but I am also a sucker for things like Snickers, Kit Kat and Reece's Peanut butter cups!


3. Caption Cruch cereal (what's with the c's? I'm sensing a theme here lol). Captain Crunch cereal is so damn nasty, but I love it. Definite guilty pleasure :)


So... What are yours?? :)


(I have more I will share as we go lol)


Xoxo, Savannah

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Before my grandmother passed I couldn't get enough of here baking omg it didn't matter what she made I loved it especially her fresh out of the oven apple pie or her lemon cake I swear I can eat the whole damn things.


Since I don't eat much sweets anymore I still like the occasional chocolate, plain milk chocolate. M&m are good to.

Freshly baked chewy cookies

I can't resist a nice fresh BBQ steak if I'm a restaurant and can smell it mmm I'll order that.


Does woman count lol!

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When it's available, I drink an unconscionable amount of egg nog. I know it's a hit or miss drink for most people, but every year when I see it back in the stores for the first time I do a happy little gig right in the isle.



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Sweets will be my demise one day :( lol chewy candies, chocolate, and anything baked with coconut.. Sigh..

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Peanut Butter! I just love it! I can (and often do) eat it with a spoon right out of the jar! Add some of my mom's home made jam (strawberry) or jelly (grape) and put it between two pieces of white bread and its like I'm 6 years old all over again!

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I am a junk food worshipper, but I don't feel guilty about it:)

My indulgences usually include all types of candy, cakes, fried and greasy foods, I'm surprised I don't get sick, this morning I had 3 ohenry bars and a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich:) sugar is my friend and enemy.

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The occasional chocolate bar and bag of M&Ms tend to land in my cart.


However my big downfall is cheese, French fries and pizza. If it weren't for those. I'd probably have my six pack back. Lol. Oh an Soda!!

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Ohhhhh... there are a few....


PC Chocolate and Peanut Butter Chunk Ice cream

PC Pumpkin Pie Ice Cream (with pieces of crust!!!)

Egg Nog - whoever invented that stuff needs to be sainted, knighted, and have statues erected

Samosas - oh good lord... yummy pockets of spiced heaven

Count Chocula

Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Semi Sweet Dark Chocolate - yup. I am the one responsible for you not having them for holiday baking when you go looking - I'll eat those little buggers right out the Baker's package...

Pringles... bring em on.....

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Dad's cookies,

New York cheese cake,

mom's apple pie and ice cream and/or cheese

Kentucky fried chicken

Apple Crisp


My pants just popped a button thinking of these, thanks for the thread.

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  Gentleman11 said:

Dad's cookies,

New York cheese cake,

mom's apple pie and ice cream and/or cheese

Kentucky fried chicken

Apple Crisp


My pants just popped a button thinking of these, thanks for the thread.

Oh another apple crisp fan, the crust is especially good and good to see another appreciate the greasy goodness of KFC, love that stuff, feel bad though the chickens are treated like crap apparently.

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I NEVER feel guilty about pleasure!!!!!!!

As for things I enjoy that get me excited:

Candy Cane Hot Chocolate from Second Cup. I would do many things for one of those

A Curley Whirley - looks like a DNA strand of caramel covered in chocolate. From the UK, available at bulk barn...OMG YUM!

Laffy Taffy

Grape Slushies or sno cones

Moon Mist Ice Cream


Alright, who started this damn thread? Now I'm craving stuff!! No, wait a minute...does cock count?????

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women, women, and more women.


Within that context there are a bunch of other guilty pleasures, but those shall remain private (at least for the moment).


Beyond that, I do enjoy a bowl of Rice Krispies with brown sugar before bed.



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  cristycurves said:
I am a junk food worshipper, but I don't feel guilty about it:)

My indulgences usually include all types of candy, cakes, fried and greasy foods, I'm surprised I don't get sick, this morning I had 3 ohenry bars and a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich:) sugar is my friend and enemy.


Oh my God! How do you keep in such spectacular shape!?!


As for guilty pleasures: red wine and dark chocolate. Almost every day. You never know when you're going to check out of this life, so enjoy a little bit every day!

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Mr Big Chocolate bars and Ruffles BBQ chips almost like crack to me

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Oh ffs! Even though I love this thread, I recently gave up sugar completely so now after reading this I have bad craving!


My favs were and still are:


Oreo ice cream


Baskin Robins Maui Brownie Madness


Coca cola


Pumpkin pie with whipped cream


Reese Pieces peanut butter cups


Doritos Sweet Chili Heat


Chocolate almonds

Ruffles BBQ chips

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I really don't feel guilty about very much but I do have many pleasures.


A fine cuban cigar with a glass of fine cognac while sitting in front of a campfire


Pretty much all candy especially ones that take me back to being a kid (bottle caps, fizz, even a fun dip). To sit there and eat like a kid with kids is fun.


Baileys in my coffee


Pulling a small carrot right out of the ground, washing it off and eating it.


Fishing completely by myself (the serenity is great for the soul)


Skinny dipping on a nice summer day in a lake.

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  nlwoodchuck said:
Pulling a small carrot right out of the ground, washing it off and eating it.


This reminds me of my Dad. He had a huge garden in the yard and carrots were always among the things he grew. Him and I loved sitting out there, pulling up the carrots, wiping the majority of the dirt off and eating them. Delicious. Thank you for this wonderful memory!!

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Guilty Pleasures, came in a shapes and sizes, but I do love them all.... Oh oh, we are talking about food, sorry.


In that case, I go in cycles, right now #1:


Nachos, covered with lots of cheese, tasty.


Tomorrow, might be a different story. Hey, variety in food too, I am seeing pattern. Maybe I could cover a few ladies with some tasty cheese.

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Guest realnicehat

Oh, there are so many:


Chocolate covered almonds

M&M Peanuts

Chocolate or Strawberry milk




Oh, and cake....chocolate cake



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These are my favorite sinful treats:

I love eating peanut butter right out of the jar with a table spoon, Reeces peanut butter cups, lemon meringue pie. apples crisp/ or pie with ice cream topping of course to just name a few. I have to stop, I am getting a craving just talking about it.

Presently, my personal trainer has taken those away from me with the exception of the peanut butter. I will cheat from time to time though............ssshhhh!

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