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The world is not perfect, society isn't perfect, rules and regulation aren't perfect. We as human beings are far from perfect. If you could change anything in the world may it be big, small, personal or in general what would it be?


For starters I would change a regular work week mon-thur I hate working Fridays.

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Tricky question! Let's see, I'm going to try each of your categories...


Something personal:

Spend more time reading.


Something general:

Blinkers on cars. They would be used. Before turning.


Something small: (or at least, it should be...)

"Abbreviation" wouldn't be such a long word. It's just not right people!


Something big:

How great if people could only live and let live? A simple aphorism, but one not commonly enough practiced.

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Something: That rape doesn't exist.



If we're talking only something personal: To get a girlfriend.

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The world is not perfect, society isn't perfect, rules and regulation aren't perfect. We as human beings are far from perfect. If you could change anything in the world may it be big, small, personal or in general what would it be?


For starters I would change a regular work week mon-thur I hate working Fridays.

If I could change anything it would be how humans treat other species, I would also want to change animal cruelty laws, make them harsher so people could be prosecuted for committing such offences much easier.

and I would like to change my intelligence level, I wish I were smart enough to cure cancer so I could wipe out that bastard!

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hmmmm such a huge question with so many answers....


I would have tolerance and being non judgmental as "normal" behavior and would throw political correctness somewhere non flammable and burn it to the ground.


I would love to see the view where cell phones are additions to life not life itself. More personal conversations with REAL words!


I would have transporter technology. The earth should really be a small place and able to be sampled by everyone. Plus we should be able to see anyone we want at anytime we feel like.


I would take politics and greed out of so many arenas. One example, hunger. For the amount of food we have, throw away, and use as a bargaining chip, there really should be no need. If $30/month can feed a village then why is there even hunger if they are raising millions of dollars? Solve the problems, get rid of the BS in the middle. Cancer is another. If there really IS a cure, the people should be more important than pharmaceutical companies.


And since this was all so serious....I think that whenever anyone is feeling down, KC & the Sunshine band should be put on so everyone can "Do a Little Dance, Make a Little Love" :bddog:

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Just one change: rewire the human brain to remove the common, petty human instinct for tribalism. "Us vs. them."


"My stuff is better than your stuff."

"Our sports team is better than their sports team."

"Our city is better than their city."

"Our country is better than their country."

"Our religion is better than your religion."


If you step back and consider the planet as a whole, these things all look so trivial and ridiculous. We could accomplish so much more if we started working on shared goals, and treated all human beings as part our own very extended family.

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I would remove currency and its related concepts from the world's memory. Money in itself is isn't evil, but the ideas which have grown up around it are fundamentally corrupt. So out the cosmic door these concepts would go.


Talk about "Power to the People". Imagine, a world where these ideas never existed. It it would be such a fundamental shift that it is hard to conceive of. Yet, I believe we are slowly headed in this direction.


Totaling an agreement with Midnite-Massage to in that,

And since this was all so serious....I think that whenever anyone is feeling down, KC & the Sunshine band should be put on so everyone can "Do a Little Dance, Make a Little Love" :bddog:


So, I pulled out my Disco collection. (OK, just dated myself :)) Here is Get Down Tonight by KC & The Sunshine Band. Indulge iif you wish!


Note: This music mp3 file coming from my own system and is a much higher quality then You Tube audio. It should take about five minutes to get the entire file. At which point it will play, and the disco party will begin!


All the best, and take care.



PS: Transporters would be a good idea too!! Midnight. I'm already signed up to be the first test transportee when they get anything close to working. :) :)

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I would like to change how people drive. Geez so many bad driver out there, make me wonder how on earth did the pass their drivers licence.

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Curing life threatening illnesses. Pharmaceutical companies making billions off those who have cancer. It wouldn't surprise me if there was a cure at this moment but instead, greed takes priority over another person's life.

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As stated by PatrickGC, I would do away with money in its entirety because it has done nothing but cause problems since its inception. Maybe we should take a more maternal and human approach and help one another. Even though it would never happen, just think, what would this world be like if everything was free? Rent, mortgage, food, medicine, entertainment, etc?

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On a serious note, be able to eradicate all diseases, right now especially cancer.

On a fun note, to be able to time travel, go ahead in time and find out the winning numbers of a lottery (649), go back in time, buy a lottery ticket picking winning numbers and then with the winnings, pay off debts, buy a new fully loaded truck and a bass boat, and have a few longer encounters with some of my favourite ladies


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Guest Lu***ou***en

Agree with Live and Let Live (as long as its consensual and doesn't hurt anyone-unless agreed upon...).

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Guest webothscore

To never lose a loved one, family member or friend. Eternal life for all! Oh oh, I guess we would have to monitor our resources. Still, nice to imagine.

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It's a tough call.... but I wouldn't change a thing. Without all the crap in the world, you wouldn't be able to appreciate how truly blessed most of us are.


Death makes you appreciate and embrace life.

Poverty makes you appreciate comfort.

War makes you strive for peace.

Disease makes you strive for health and well being.



Without obstacles we would all lead very very meaningless lives... so embrace what you have, love what you should, and take care of what you can... life is wonderful.

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I want world peace.


I also want to be rich (I know, money can't buy happiness, but fast cars make me happy, and money can buy fast cars)


So, instead of choosing one, I'd try this: Leader of the new industry that takes over the military industrial complex due to world peace, thereby making tons of money.


And then fast cars for everyone!

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I'm gonna take Brad's format, since I love lists!


Something personal:

To stop procrastinating so much, study more, and spend more time outside with my dog. Also, I wish I could gain more weight, since I have lost a lot due to stress and my ass has disappeared :(


Something general:

I would change the fact that it is socially acceptable and encouraged to rip other people apart for petty and mundane reasons.


Something small:

Every big-box store should deliver, and for free (or a nominal $5 fee). Also, duckface must die.


Something big:

Political corruption and unfairness.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

The only person I can change is me and I do so daily in positive fashion. If this spins off into something good for another person, being or our surroundings that's fine.

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Something Personal:

To finally further my education. As well, I would want to be a bigger risk taker and really go for things that I desire or would make me happy instead of being afraid of failing


Something that affects everyone:

People would actually follow the damn golden rule and not just pay lip service to it!

Or as Abe Lincoln once said in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure: "Be excellent to each other"

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