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School Holidays ..& Working

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Ladies do you find that the school holiday in particular the summer one in Canada ( which seem really long by uk standards ) affect your business in any way


In the uk it can sometime affect business in certain parts of the country no so much the long summer holidays because people cant take 6 weeks off but definatly the short 1 weeks holidays affect business


Guys do you find less time to make appointments during the summer school holidays or is it because they are so long its not really a problem


Im asking because I'm just about to book my hotels /flights and just wondering what the effect of school holiday can have because i plan to be her in part of june and part of july



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I don't think ones business is reflective of holidays but more to popularity, if an sp is well liked men will go out of their way to see her, no mater the time of year. During vacation times and holiday times business still has to be conducted and business men still travel. I would book your times around your comfort and abilities to provide. Advertise well and I'm sure you'll do well no matter the time of year:)

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School holidays in Canada run roughly from June 20th to August 25th (take or leave a few days)


I personally did not found that much a drop in business during the summer itself, but keep in mind I am low-volume. But the two last weeks of August are a little bit slower as the gents are putting their kids back in school, buying supplies, paying fees, taking their last vacations etc.


As for the high price of hotel and flight...well it's because summer is the most desirable time of the year to travel in Canada so it's normal that companies raise their prices


I personally use http://www.momondo.com for travelling, it show you the different prices/lenght of flights and also a diagram of price of you leave a day before/after


Good luck!

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Ok thanks for that - Its going to be part holiday /part work so looking forward to visiting Ive priced up both July and June and its pretty much the same for flight and hotels it only in august that it shoots up but thats pretty much the same everywhere i find


Thanks Again

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