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What is your typical date/session length?

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Just curious about people's preference out here, how long do you normally like to book your date/session for?


Personally, I've never gone for anything shorter than 1.5 hours, I usually go for 2 or 3 hours. I like taking my time and I love foreplay. I've considered going for a much shorter session (30 minutes or 45 minutes) for a singular purpose, seems dirtier and a bit taboo for me, but always end up changing my mind at the last moment.


So to all you people out there, how long do you normally book for? Any particular reason?

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My personal preference is for longer dates. A short date for me is two hours. Usually I have three hour encounters. With some ladies I repeat with, or develop a connection with through pm/posts/email, I'd have a four hour encounter

The reason for longer encounters. It allows time to get to know one another over drinks and conversation. I find sex more enjoyable with a lady you have spent time getting to know and vice versa than having an anonymous quick sexual encounter and nothing else.


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Guest B**na***oy

Minimum 1 hour, sometimes 1.5 to 2 hours. As good as it is, sex occupies a relatively small portion of that time. The mutual caressing, hugging, kissing and resulting pillow talk are equally rewarding and contribute much more to the establishment of the so precious human connection.


I'm definitely not a fan of the 15 mins BJ. I can get an ejaculation at home without spending a dime. However I can not reproduce the mutual expression of tenderness that a respectful sensual encounter can provide. This takes time. ;-)

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What would be my ideal session length? Three hours to overnight sounds like a dream.


What is my typical session length? An hour.


I definitely agree that an encounter is better when there's time to get to know each other, flirt a bit, and built some rapport. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to indulge in longer sessions at the moment. Just another reason to appreciate Cerb, I suppose. Since there's usually a fair bit of time between encounters for me, getting to chat with a lady here and read her thoughts lets me feel like I already have some sense of her (and often gets the blood pumping!) in anticipation of an actual meeting.


It's hard to join in dozens of thread conversations and still feel like a person is a total stranger, after all.

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Two hours. That's enough time to talk for a while first (honestly, not just a brief, polite prelude to getting naked), then play, laugh, talk some more, play some more, and then ease gently into that sweet sorrow of parting.


Cramming that into an hour doesn't work. I've had three-hour sessions with a few SPs after we've already met and clicked well, and it's always been a delight well worth the expense.

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Like previous posts...I like a little longer.

It's great to get to know someone and I'm usually a repeat customer which means we've likely met before and just have things to chat about.

I really enjoy the company of a great lady and I'm often intrigued by their smarts, wit, knowledge and charm as well as their beauty.

So my 'typical' time is 2 hours.



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My shortest time I've ever had had an hour with that I found I was a little rushed. Not by the lady I just am aware of the time and I feel rushed. I enjoy talking a bit first especially on first time encounter then foreplay then sex and after I enjoy cuddling and talking a bit more perhaps even a shower together to conclude. Then got to figure out where my clothes and make sure I don't leave wearing the wrong underwear haha lol. Then there is the hugs and kiss and farewell until next time. That too much to fit in an hour let alone less, so ideally 2 hours it what I book would be more if I could but got to stay in budget and respect my time schedule since its hard sometimes to find the time.

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