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Any Alternatives to Viagra and Cialis?

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Guest S***e

Viagra and Cialis can and do cause side effects for some of us. Viagra does give me a headache for an couple of hours that is manageable with a few asprins. Cialis, on the other hand, gives me a huge headache almost bordering on a migraine for upwards of 12-16 hours and over the counter pain relievers do not help. I don't always find I need the medical support (no pun intended) but at my age it's more of an insurance issue. I'm very tempted to try to go without to test the waters but I'm afraid that I will embarass myself with the lady I'm seeing this coming week. Popping a Cialis will definitely guarantee performance, but the headache will develop no doubt.


Are there any other alternatives (pharmaceutical or natural) that actually work consisently and have minimal or no side effects in general?


Thanks in advance.


Old Spike

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Had you discussed your adverse reaction to these drugs with your doctor? Might be a good idea if you haven't already done that. She or he might be able to suggest an alternative. Also, having drugs that basically work by changing the contraction rates of blood vessels causing you headaches might be something to have medical advice about with regard to the safety of continued use of those drugs.


You ask for something without side effects. Not sure there is such a thing. Drug side effects vary from individual to individual so even other remedies that work fine for others could cause you problems.


I know there are some herbal preparations some people say they find useful for the same purposes as Viagra or Cialis but personally haven't tried them. Perhaps those who have could provide some suggestions and links to background information.

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Have you tried Macca? I have not heard of any side effects from this except arousement and a nice hard boner!!


It is not a prescribed pill and works...It does not always work for everyone( not that I have done a poll on it) but it does for me. I would recommend if you attempt to try it that you start taking it 3 days before your planned event as you have not tried it.


PM me if you would like to know more.



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There is also Levitra, which I believe is a variation of Cialis and Viagra. You may want to try it and the side effects could be different. But the three all share the same working ingredient.


However, I agree that the best thing to do is to review the side effects you have experienced to this point with your M.D. to ensure you should continue with this line of medication.


Good luck



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Guest S***e

Thanks kindly. I will be dealing with this as suggested at my next medical appointment. Meanwhile I'm sidelined with a mild/moderate concussion and a partial shoulder dislocation from a cycling accident on Sunday morning. I have to be very quiet for the next few weeks and unfortunately I had to cancel my scheduled playtime session for Tuesday with the lovely Miss Maria so neither Cilais or Viagra will be on the radar for me.


Appreciate the suggestions and advice very much.


Old Spike

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I have been very happy with Horney Goat weed and have a great all natrual supplement that has no side effects.

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Maybe you would expand on that info Dummpy?

Specifically the source for the Goat weed, and similar details on the all natural?


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  Spike said:
I don't always find I need the medical support (no pun intended) but at my age it's more of an insurance issue. I'm very tempted to try to go without to test the waters but I'm afraid that I will embarass myself with the lady I'm seeing this coming week.


Will Willie work, or, will Willie wilt...that is the question.

Somedays Willie is ready and waiting for action, and the next day AWOL.

Haven't figured out what combination of diet, sleep, time of day, (phase of the moon) that affects when Willie will cooperate the most.

The days of just thinking hard, and it happens, are long gone.

So I get the support/insurance need when you plan something several days ahead. Maybe you need insurance, but less (smaller dose) is sometimes better (maybe no headache).


If you find yourself a regular (short term, long term) you could then try, with and without. The pressure is off (or should be). I think most of the ladies here are willing to help you find out what works best for you.

I used to get wound up about Willie on my way to a session (with or without) support. Now I dont care if Willie is going to join in, I go to have a good time with someone I like. Then he feels left out and joins in (go figure) !


Google - New Roots Herbal

Edited by Suzirider
added last line
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Guest S***e

Exactly! Once I get over my concussion (still have a headache today) and get further evaluation and medical advice I'm going to pursue this issue further taking into account any and all variables including my state and even whether or not support is needed. Yes, simply let the good times roll and what happens, happens. Still the question lingers in my mind whether it will or not. I guess I'll have to get over it and see what all transpires in the long run.


Thanks again everyone for your input (again, no pun intended...man I have got a filthy mind..LOL)


Old Spike


  Suzirider said:
Will Willie work, or, will Willie wilt...that is the question.

Somedays Willie is ready and waiting for action, and the next day AWOL.

Haven't figured out what combination of diet, sleep, time of day, (phase of the moon) that affects when Willie will cooperate the most.

The days of just thinking hard, and it happens, are long gone.

So I get the support/insurance need when you plan something several days ahead. Maybe you need insurance, but less (smaller dose) is sometimes better (maybe no headache).


If you find yourself a regular (short term, long term) you could then try, with and without. The pressure is off (or should be). I think most of the ladies here are willing to help you find out what works best for you.

I used to get wound up about Willie on my way to a session (with or without) support. Now I dont care if Willie is going to join in, I go to have a good time with someone I like. Then he feels left out and joins in (go figure) !


Google - New Roots Herbal

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Guest S***e

Dumpmeister...where did you find a horny goat doing weed??? Just kidding...feeble morning attempt at humour ;-)


Old Spike


  dummpy said:
I have been very happy with Horney Goat weed and have a great all natrual supplement that has no side effects.

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Guest S***e

As a result of the information from this thread and some research, I bought some Horny Goat Weed and Maca today so I will see what happens or what doesn't happen. LOL Needless to say with the miserable headaches as side effects from both Viagra and Cialis I won't be using them again. The Cialis was a physician's two pack sample so I didn't spend any money on it and the Viagra ran out quite some time ago.


There are some other herbal alternatives as well. Clinical research seems to be lacking, yet anecdotal evidence is quite positive as are the observations mentioned here previously.


Many thanks again to those who were kind enough to respond to my enquiry. I will post a follow up on this eventually.

Interestingly, the cute Asian lady at the counter gave me a nod and a smile as I paid for the supplements. This may workout okay.


Old Spike

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  Spike said:
Interestingly, the cute Asian lady at the counter gave me a nod and a smile as I paid for the supplements. This may workout okay.


Old Spike



Where'd ya buy the stuff? Looking forward to your findings, would be nice to find a natural (and hopefully cheaper) alternative to V. It works for me without the troubles you have but it does get expensive if you're pretty active.

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Wow, have you read about the possible side effects not including the fact that you are poking a hole in your penis increasing your chances of HIV infection....


Can it be harmful?


Alprostadil injections can have some side effects.


  • Pain in your penis: In studies, up to one-half of men had pain in their penis after injecting alprostadil.[1] But only about 1 in 10 injections caused pain.[1] The pain usually isn't bad. Only about 1 in 20 men stop using the injections because of pain.
  • Erections that last too long: About 1 in 20 men find that their erections last too long. And about 1 in 100 men get erections that last for more than six hours. This is a serious condition called priapism. If this happens to you, you need to see a doctor as an emergency.[1]
  • Thickening around your penis: About 1 in 50 men get a thickened area or lump in their penis. This is called fibrosis. It can make your penis curve more than usual.[1]
  • Bruising: About 1 in 13 men get a bruise where the injection goes in.
  • Swelling, numbness and soreness: About 1 in 50 men get swelling in their penis. And about 1 in 25 men find that their penis goes numb or sore.

No thank you. Regular sex and exercise is my secret.




  Loki318 said:
Try this




The porn stars drug of choise



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:bddog:Sorry this came out like a rant I didn't mean it as any kind of attack or any thing just good info......



As I said when all else fails...... There are some of us through circumstances that we have no control over are left with out the ability to get an erection any other way...... and yes you can have "sex" with out an erection ..... and yes you can have an O with out an erection ... yes the Warden, and the GF, and the SP will all tell you "it is ok" & "it don't matter to them" etc etc ..... But after about 3 to 6 months of trying find a position to get a softy in or to get a CBJ on a softy u would try just about anything to get a hard on ..... I was about ready to sell my soul to the devil when the DR mentioned the needle.


I remember that first erection after 6 months of frustration I was in the city with out a possible anointment and no place to go LOL I played with it my self for 4 hours just like the Teenager I felt like.... had a shit eating grin a mile wide. It is hard to believe that was 2 years ago ... I cant remember every erection I have had sence then but I do remember every frustrating night of that 6 months!


As far as HIV goes there is no more risk of that than a Diabetic taking Insulin in fact it is the same needle that is used ... you use your own new needle for each injection take the same safety precautions as any other needle ...


I wonder how many men have just given up sex because they couldn't get it up for one or two of many reasons .... this option isn't for every one but as for me at 58 I am way way to young to just give it up.... If any one is in perfect health and doesn't need any help from modern meds than my friend you are truly blessed enjoy it as long as you can.


I don't know how long I will be able to use this stuff but so far the minor side effects have been well worth it :)


If one is faced with just giving up talk to a Urologist! there are options





  AttilaTheHun said:
Wow, have you read about the possible side effects not including the fact that you are poking a hole in your penis increasing your chances of HIV infection....


Can it be harmful?


Alprostadil injections can have some side effects.


  • Pain in your penis: In studies, up to one-half of men had pain in their penis after injecting alprostadil.[1] But only about 1 in 10 injections caused pain.[1] The pain usually isn't bad. Only about 1 in 20 men stop using the injections because of pain.
  • Erections that last too long: About 1 in 20 men find that their erections last too long. And about 1 in 100 men get erections that last for more than six hours. This is a serious condition called priapism. If this happens to you, you need to see a doctor as an emergency.[1]
  • Thickening around your penis: About 1 in 50 men get a thickened area or lump in their penis. This is called fibrosis. It can make your penis curve more than usual.[1]
  • Bruising: About 1 in 13 men get a bruise where the injection goes in.
  • Swelling, numbness and soreness: About 1 in 50 men get swelling in their penis. And about 1 in 25 men find that their penis goes numb or sore.

No thank you. Regular sex and exercise is my secret.




Edited by Loki318
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Loki, I apologize if I came off as being insensitive. In fact I was not thinking about men who have ED. As you say, I am blessed that I can get an erection and keep it up. I realize that if I was in the position of never being able to get "hard", I think I would seek out all available methods to get one as you did and if injection were the only method, then prick me.


My comments were not directed to those with medical problems resulting in ED, but in fact it was directed to the Porn Stars who consistently use them to enhance their performance on screen.





  Loki318 said:
:bddog:Sorry this came out like a rant I didn't mean it as any kind of attack or any thing just good info......



As I said when all else fails...... There are some of us through circumstances that we have no control over are left with out the ability to get an erection any other way...... and yes you can have "sex" with out an erection ..... and yes you can have an O with out an erection ... yes the Warden, and the GF, and the SP will all tell you "it is ok" & "it dont matter to them" etc etc ..... But after about 3 to 6 months of trying find a position to get a softy in or to get a CBJ on a softy u would try just about anything to get a hard on ..... I was about ready to sell my soul to the devil when the DR mentioned the needle.


I remember that first erection after 6 months of frustration I was in the city with out a possible apointment and no place to go LOL I played with it my self for 4 hours just like the Teenager I felt like.... had a shit eating grin a mile wide. It is hard to beleive that was 2 years ago ... I cant remember every erection I have had sence then but I do remember every frustrateing night of that 6 months!


As far as HIV goes there is no more risk of that than a Diabetic takeing Insulsin in fact it is the same needle that is used ... you use your own new needle for each injection take the same saftey prcautions as any other needle ...


I wonder how many men have just given up sex because they couldnt get it up for one or two of many reasons .... this option isnt for every one but as for me at 58 I am way way to young to just give it up.... If any one is in pefict health and dosent need any help from modern meds than my friend you are truely blessed enjoy it as long as you can.


I dont know how long I will be able to use this stuff but so far the minor side effects have been well worth it :)


If one is faced with just giveing up talk to a Urologist! there are options



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Guest S***e

Just a quick update on this. I've been on the recommended daily intake of both Horny Goat Weed and Maca now for three weeks. It works for me! You can buy it online at most health food stores around Ottawa for $20 each. No side effects from either have been experienced and it works just as well as Viagra or Cialis IMOP. I really started to notice the results after about a week or so. Everybody is different. It does also increase one's libido, not that the lack of libido was an issue with me. It was more of a matter of inconsistency in performance. So that I do not build up a tolerance to either, I will use it three weeks and then go off it for a week. Next week I'm off.


That's about it. Thanks kindly for the suggestions everyone.

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Guest s******ecan****

Excellent information gents. What about MSOG? Does this stuff work for that, I've been noticing my ability to produce MSOG's is degrading with age.

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Guest S***e

Two shots on goal for me is a luxury...but, yes it did happen so it is possible. I can't speak for the others however.


  scottthecanuck said:
Excellent information gents. What about MSOG? Does this stuff work for that, I've been noticing my ability to produce MSOG's is degrading with age.

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hi all ;) Another board member recently brought this thread to my attention and thought some my appreciate and up date.


Its four years later I'm still using, pun intended ;). As to the listed problems:


Pain, very minimal and the reward way worth it IMHO


4 hour Erection ..... it has happened with no ill effects, Ice pack and extra strength antihistamine will bring it down easily; you very quickly learn the proper dosage for your self. (4 hrs = MSOG!!)


Thickening around the base yes some thus far, all of my partners to date rather like this; plus yes that little curve UP really dose "hit the spot"


Bruising; has only happened when the needle is moved or twisted during the injection like looking for a vein when they take blood, and so far only when i have been slightly inebriated and should NOT have been playing with it any way LOL ...


Swelling (other than the good kind), Lasting pain or Soreness NOPE not yet.


I have helped a few guys locally with info and my experiences and advice

and I have referred some to my Urologist. .... If you want any further info LOL Pm me.



Edited by Loki318
spelling ..I still cant ..... spell

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In my experience Claire Heavens works really well as a Viagra substitute. :)

No need of anything like that when you're around her.....

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Guest M*****le*****c-H***s (Reti

Sorry for those of you who have this problem. Just a reminder: there is no need for an erection to enjoy massage. :)

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I guess you just have to stay normal, act normal and that should be good enough to offer you all the help you need on the bed.

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A few friends of mine that train in body building have used a testosterone builder. there are 2 types that have been around for a while one is a Tribulus Terrestis

Tribulus works by stimulating the anterior pituitary to produce Leutinizing Hormone. Tribulus is a first choice addition to many testosterone boosting formulas because it could keep natural levels testosterone not having any negative effects on its long term production. It is a well-documented risk to introduce exogenous hormonal substances (like steroids) that shut down the endogenous production of testosterone. As the use of these products tapers down, it is essential that the endogenous production kicks back in as soon as possible because normal levels of these hormones are needed to maintain much of the gains made while taking them., therefore tribulus becomes a valuable addition to any hormone boosting stackplant.

Increase energy levels--

Promote healthier testosterone levels--

Encourage muscle tone--

Support speed and agility



D-AA And You






D-AA is formed when the enzyme aspartate racemase converts an L-Aspartic Acid into D-AA in the testes and glands. It is one of 20 proteinogenic amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. It was discovered in 1827 by Plisson, a French pharmacist, by boiling asparagus and treating it with hydrochloric acid. (Crazy, right?)

One human study testing D-Aspartic Acid suggested that the amino acid boosted testosterone and luteinizing hormone release when taken over a 12-day period.--

D-Aspartic Acid is found naturally in the testes, pituitary gland and hypothalamus, all of which are involved in hormone production. The study found that D-AA has a role in the regulation of the release and synthesis of LH and testosterone in humans


Aspartic acid comes in two forms, L and D. The l-aminos build tissue. But when l-aspartic acid combines with enzymes in the testes, it becomes a d-aspartic acid, which supports testosterone levels in the blood and prompts production of more.--

A study discovered that D-Aspartic acid has specific effects on testosterone levels.-- The patients in the study took 3 grams of D-AA per day for 6 days, then for 12 days. Researchers surmised that testosterone levels increased in all individuals who the compound being researched


Many men over the age of 30 experience diminished testosterone levels. This could lead to increased body fat levels, decreased recovery ability, and problems with sleep. For some men, D-AA may help boost testosterone levels to promote hormone balance.--

D-AA may support your fitness goals, but should be paired with proper diet and exercise.-- Read and follow supplement directions carefully



seems to work great for raising your testosterone levels after about 12 days ,my friends said it did exactly that and they are in there early forties and said there sexual appetite increased and so did there erection like when they were in there 20s . As most men start to loose testosterone after 30 . this is not a steroid .


This one sems to have less side effects and cost is in the the 35$ to55 for a few month supply at your health food or body building store.

hope this helps with some info ,do your reasearch before you try enything butfor the price and the benefit seems to be worth a try.

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